Enjoy #Journaling to re-purpose your thoughts for a positive point of view, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy #Journaling to re-purpose your thoughts for a positive point of view, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 1/10, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 1/10, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks goes to @RachelThomasian for joining us today on #JournalChat Live and for her post, #Journaling, our resource.
Special Thanks goes to @RachelThomasian for joining us today on #JournalChat Live and for her post, #Journaling, our resource.
ow.ly/gwGvB #RefreshJournal can help give your a positive point of view to your day. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/gwGsL #RefreshJournal can help give your a positive point of view to your day. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/gwGr9 Sometimes looking at what we accomplish can help us gain a positive life outlook.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/gwGpA Sometimes looking at what we accomplish can help us gain a positive life outlook.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/gwGoq Sometimes a prompt can help us re-purpose our thoughts for the positive! #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/gwGmx Sometimes a prompt can help us re-purpose our thoughts for the positive! #Journaling#JournalChat
RT @RachelThomasian: @JournalChat absolutely, looking forward to the next one! #journalchat // Indeed!! :)
@JournalChat absolutely, looking forward to the next one! #journalchat
@RachelThomasian So glad you enjoyed it; it has been awesome having you as our guest, Rachel. Thanks for taking the time. :) #JournalChat
Thank you so much for inviting me Dawn and everyone who joined, this was an amazing conversation, I'm so inspired to write now!#journalchat
@RachelThomasian Thanks for your insights and suggestions! I'm excited about the new ways my journaling can inspire me #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Rachel, I want to thank you so much for joining us today; it has been insightful and relevant!! #JournalChat
a final thought: #journaling is your time, there is not right or wrong, allow it to be whatever works for you!#journalchat
@RachelThomasian When you know you're growing in empowering ways, that can help boost your confidence for a more positive life. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian When you know you're growing in empowering ways, that can help boost your confidence for a more positive life. #JournalChat
Reminder for your Journal: Stay positive for a balanced point of view and re-purpose your thoughts for personal empowerment! #JournalChat
Reminder for your Journal: Stay positive for a balanced point of view and re-purpose your thoughts for personal empowerment! #JournalChat
It's good to search topics that help with self growth as well! I always blog about this because it's important for self-esteem #journalchat
because it's sometimes difficult to remember to stay positive, it helps to leave yourself a memo on the cover of your journal! #journalchat
Rachel, do you have any final comments you'd like to share about the #Journaling process for a positive point of view? #JournalChat
Rachel, do you have any final comments you'd like to share about the #Journaling process for a positive point of view? #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz That's the way I keep my journals-I love looking through past entries and, when I do, I'm inspired to write more. #journalchat
RT @JulietPlatt: Hi Karen sounds like a great resource. PTSD is not as well recognised here in the UK. What's the book title? #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Oh, I love that idea. Really gives a personal inside listen to an author's experience.#JournalChat
@RachelThomasian That's a great idea, Rachel. Especially folks who listen to music when they journal. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I know a fiction writer who provides his playlist when he publishes#JournalChat
I think it might be cool to write down the song that was playing as you journaled! #journalchat
@robynmcintyre Oh, I know what you mean. Music helps us connect on a heart/soul level, where our authentic self resides. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Yes! I'm also going to start tagging my electronic entries to find posts on similar things easier like #dreams #JournalChat
Whether with music, image, typing, hand written, or prompts, #Journaling is a great way to transform our thinking for wellbeing #JournalChat
Whether with music, image, typing, hand written, or prompts, #Journaling is a great way to transform our thinking for wellbeing #JournalChat
It's amazing to me how many different approaches we can take when re-purposing our thoughts with#Journaling. #JournalChat
It's amazing to me how many different approaches we can take when re-purposing our thoughts with#Journaling. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes; some songs never leave me - my emotional response stays high. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Using music and lyrics to transform negativity is a great idea #JournalChat
I especially take note of music when it stays with me for a long time; it often carries important messages for me. #JournalChat #Journaling
I especially take note of music when it stays with me for a long time; it often carries important messages for me. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: @RachelThomasian I do too. Take a lyric to a song and journal your way through each line, personalizing it. #JournalChat
Music can even be a catalyst toward helping us re-purpose negative thoughts into insightful ones.#JournalChat #Journaling
Music can even be a catalyst toward helping us re-purpose negative thoughts into insightful ones.#JournalChat #Journaling
Different types of music resonate differently in my body. I'm curious to know how this affects my journaling. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I do too. Take a lyric to a song and journal your way through each line, personalizing it. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Yes, I find music inspiring and insightful; I ask, why is that song in my head? #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I love that, Robyn! You can listen to music relevant to what you write! #JournalChat
I've used lyrics in my art journal recently, taking a line from a song that has great meaning to me.#JournalChat #Journaling
I've used lyrics in my art journal recently, taking a line from a song that has great meaning to me.#JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Great idea. I'm going to include MP3s in my electronic journal. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I love using music to inspire my journaling #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I can imagine that, with insights and A-ha! moments that you experience. #JournalChat
We might even choose to enhance that special moment with music lyrics or an image that resonates. #JournalChat #Journaling
We might even choose to enhance that special moment with music lyrics or an image that resonates. #JournalChat #Journaling
@RachelThomasian I find that life-changing moments happen while I'm writing my journal!#JournalChat
RT @RachelThomasian: Sometimes it may even be a rather insignificant event (right place right time) that can be that moment! #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: Sometimes it may even be a rather insignificant event (right place right time) that can be that moment! #journalchat
@RachelThomasian I agree, Rachel. It doesn't have to be huge; just meaningful, something you want to remember. #JournalChat
I love keeping a visual creative journal; it's like a diary of the heart/emotions, very intuitive process.#JournalChat #Journaling
I love keeping a visual creative journal; it's like a diary of the heart/emotions, very intuitive process.#JournalChat #Journaling
Sometimes it may even be a rather insignificant event (right place right time) that can be that moment!#journalchat
We might even want to feature Rachel's final prompt: A Moment that changed your life. #JournalChat#Journaling
We might even want to feature Rachel's final prompt: A Moment that changed your life. #JournalChat#Journaling
@vmusgrave Yes, having that visual component makes it even more memorable and meaningful.#JournalChat
There is so much we can feature in a journal/scrapbook approach; we can paint, glue in memorabilia, journal. #JournalChat #Journaling
There is so much we can feature in a journal/scrapbook approach; we can paint, glue in memorabilia, journal. #JournalChat #Journaling
Sometimes I add photos and other momentos to my#journal. Nice to look back on later. #Journalchat
@RachelThomasian *wistful * I've never bn like tht. Not repressing - just... always considering. Unless I'm angry LOL #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Indeed! Mistakes are a necessary part of life; so much we can learn from, especially in our journals! #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz Sounds like a mixed media/ art journal, Karen! I have one of those too. Lots of fun and mess is allowed! ;) #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz I like that idea - like a journal/scrapbook. I smetimes include films I've seen and what they made me think about#JournalChat
Sometimes however it comes out is exactly how it needs to come out. Sometimes mistakes have led me to the truth! #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre With that approach, you can really get the best of both worlds. :) #JournalChat
I've been wanting to start a journal like the kind I kept when I was a kid with scribble, and pasted leaves, and ticket stubs. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre gotcha! for me,it's a relief to just go- spill it all out without worrying about it being right or anyone seeing #journalchat
I may go back to keeping two journals - one handwritten and the other typed. I did that for years.#JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I love the fact that #journaling is a great place to make mistakes, freedom to record however it comes out. #JournalChat
My #journal is definitely not perfect. It's full of mess and goo - but sometimes turns up some real pearls#JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Not a perfectionist, exactly - sometimes takes me a while to narrow my way down - messy but not ambiguous #JournalChat
@vmusgrave That's a good point, Victoria. I type my blog posts and Refresh Journal each week. I enjoy my handwritten entries. #JournalChat
Writing via computer is also ideal for many with low vision. So it's a great alternative. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I'm also a perfectionist, but use my#journaling as a time I'm allowed not to be perfect, sometimes need a break #journalchat
Research shows that using a pen is important for our brain function - it seems we're hard-wired to write#JournalChat
I write for a living (on a computer) so #journaling on paper is a good way to separate personal and professional. #Journalchat
@robynmcintyre So it would make sense for you to prefer typing your entries with precision, vs hand written. #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz I like the idea of a visual change in font. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I don't mind rewriting because my personality demands I find the most correct description #JournalChat
I think there is a mind body connection when you#journal with pen and paper. #Journalchat
@vmusgrave That make sense. When I write a blog post, I tend to delete and revise, of course. Since it's public. #JournalChat
that's so insightful! RT @vmusgrave: I find when I#journal on a computer Im more like to correct or rewrite as I go. #journalchat
@vmusgrave More honest me too - but also sometimes more drama queen so have to be careful#JournalChat
#journalchat What if you turned off spellcheck and changed the font to cursive, or something more like handwriting?
@vmusgrave I do, but don't find that bothersome because I was a technical editor. #JournalChat
I find when I #journal on a computer I'm more like to correct or rewrite as I go. #Journalchat
@karenlalaniz I find it easier to write long entries and not lose my train of thought; also I like to include pics. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave That's interesting, Victoria. What do you think that is, more honest with hand written?#JournalChat
@robynmcintyre #journalchat What has your experience with electronic journaling been? Do you like it?
I think with hand written entries, I find myself more easily in the zone with my #Journaling. #JournalChat
I think with hand written entries, I find myself more easily in the zone with my #Journaling. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Did you ever get curious that there maybe a link between too much objectivity and electronic journaling? #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I wholly agree, Juliet. I've always hand written mine. #JournalChat
I also prefer hand written. For me it's a completely different experience. #journalchat
RT @JulietPlatt: @robynmcintyre I prefer hand-written journaling - I think it's something to do with integrating mind and body #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: @robynmcintyre I prefer hand-written journaling - I think it's something to do with integrating mind and body #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I think if I typed my entries, I would drive myself crazy with back spacing due to typing errors! Argh. ;) #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I prefer hand-written journaling - I think it's something to do with integrating mind and body #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian There you go! Instead of a prompt, try changing point of view. Hmmm.#JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Yes, I am, Robyn! It is cool; and I can actually read it most of the time. ;) #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I've been keeping my journal electronically the last few years. Do you find that handwritten has an advantage? #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I recently started asking questions, as if to figure out what I might expect from another.#JournalChat
anything to force you to think a little bit differently than you're used to! #journalchat
@JulietPlatt Sounds like an intriguing approach, Juliet. It sounds well worth trying, especially for tough subject matter. #JournalChat
Hi Robyn No arguments - for me 3rd person tends to be when I need to treat myself gently. But I do write from others' pov a lot #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian That's is truly interesting, that 3rd person can tap into the subconscious.#JournalChat
@JournalChat Wow - you must be ambidextrous by now. Cool. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Yes! I also journal with both hands alternately; been doing that for about a year. Insightful! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Do you argue the other point of view with yourself too? LOL #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I know what you mean, Robyn. I often get to where the rubber meets the road quickly.#JournalChat
I used third person once to get me through a very difficult and distracting patch - completely shifted my pov and cured me #JournalChat
Dawn it's sometimes used to tap into the subconscious! also interesting to use the hand you don't normally write with #journalchat
#journalchat I've never tried third person journaling either. Interesting!
@JournalChat I never have either - but I think I'm already too objective in my journal. #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz Thanks so much for sharing, Karen! Love the title. #JournalChat
#journalchat It's a memoir, so it's from my perspective - but includes his letters written during WWII.
I've never tried third person to approach a difficult subject; that would be interesting to experiment with.#JournalChat #Journaling
I've never tried third person to approach a difficult subject; that would be interesting to experiment with.#JournalChat #Journaling
Breaking the Code: a Father's Secret, a Daughter's Journey, and the Question That Changed Everything#journalchat amzn.to/131XWsW
@JulietPlatt I think that's a great idea, Juliet. Gives space-distance-for a new perspective. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I say, whatever makes you more comfortable in confronting an issue. #JournalChat
RT @RachelThomasian: these can include what you like about yourself, what others like, things you enjoy doing #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: these can include what you like about yourself, what others like, things you enjoy doing #journalchat
RT @karenlalaniz: My 91-year old father shared his story and its helping other vets. Were amazed!#journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: re: journaling post trauma, always good to focus on positivity as well as self-confidence building prompts #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: re: journaling post trauma, always good to focus on positivity as well as self-confidence building prompts #journalchat
What do you all think about using the third person to journal about more troubling issues? #JournalChat
RT @RachelThomasian: re: journaling post trauma, always good to focus on positivity as well as self-confidence building prompts #journalchat
My 91-year old father shared his story and it's helping other vets. We're amazed! #journalchat
these can include what you like about yourself, what others like, things you enjoy doing #journalchat
re: journaling post trauma, always good to focus on positivity as well as self-confidence building prompts#journalchat
@karenlalaniz It must be an amazing experience to have folks benefit from your book that way, Karen. :)#JournalChat
Hi Karen sounds like a great resource. PTSD is not as well recognised here in the UK. What's the book title? #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz often people are triggered by things that remind them of the trauma. Glad they're getting help! #journalchat
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