RT @DawnHerring: Don't forget our first 2013#JournalChat Live is Tomorrow, 1/3/13, 5 EST/2 PST, for all things journaling on... fb.me/26QQqdgZS
RT @RachelThomasian: #JournalChat Live! Excited to join @JournalChat tomorrow 1/3, 5EST/2PST; Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed!latherapy.blogspot.com/2012/12/journa…
It's happening tomorrow! #JournalChat Live: let's chat! latherapy.blogspot.com/2012/12/lets-c…
#JournalChat Live! Excited to join @JournalChattomorrow 1/3, 5EST/2PST; Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed!latherapy.blogspot.com/2012/12/journa…
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/guRA8 #JournalChat Live is Thursday, 1/3, 5 EST/2 PST; Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed! @RachelThomasian joins...
Don't forget our first 2013 #JournalChat Live is Tomorrow, 1/3/13, 5 EST/2 PST, for all things journaling on... fb.me/26QQqdgZS
ow.ly/guRA8 #JournalChat Live is Thursday, 1/3, 5 EST/2 PST; Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed! @RachelThomasian joins...
ow.ly/guRuj #JournalChat Live is Thursday, 1/3, 5 EST/2 PST; Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed! @RachelThomasian joins...
#JournalChat Pick of the Day on 1/2/13 for all things journaling on Twitter: Awakened Consciousness by Dr. Micheal... fb.me/CGrQY45h
ow.ly/guR3i #JournalChat Pick of the Day (1/2) Awakened Consciousness by Dr. Michael Pearlman @OutOTWhirlwind #Journaling
ow.ly/guR0P #JournalChat Pick of the Day (1/2) Awakened Consciousness by Dr. Michael Pearlman @OutOTWhirlwind #Journaling
ow.ly/guQnY Daily iPad App: Q & A Diary -Roller Journal uses questions to keep your journal entries lively #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/guP0x My #newblogpost: A Rewind of 2012: My Life Dimensions #journaling#JournalChat #art #family #writechat
ow.ly/guP0x My #newblogpost: A Rewind of 2012: My Life Dimensions #journaling #JournalChat #art#family #writechat
ow.ly/guOXE My #newblogpost: A Rewind of 2012: My Life Dimensions #journaling #JournalChat #art#family #writechat
The 12/30 Carnival of #Creativity is postedwp.me/p1DkEX-11N #writingtips #amwriting#amblogging #journalchat
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