Enjoy starting/restarting your #Journaling habit worth keeping, and don't forget to refresh yourself!#JournalChat
Enjoy starting/restarting your #Journaling habit worth keeping, and don't forget to refresh yourself!#JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/7, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/7, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to Nathan Ohren @Write4LifeCoachfor joining us today as special guest with his post on Restarting #journaling. #JournalChat
Special Thanks to Nathan Ohren @Write4LifeCoachfor joining us today as special guest with his post on Restarting #journaling. #JournalChat
ow.ly/hjvow You can learn more about me, your host, with Dawn's Dimensions! #JournalChat
ow.ly/hjvdC #RefreshJournal can give you a fresh perspective and #Journaling resources to get you started! #JournalChat
I just noticed that #JournalChat is trending...Thanks to all of you!
@vmusgrave So glad you enjoyed, Victoria; thanks for joining us! #JournalChat
ow.ly/hjuQ1 #Journaling #Prompts can help get us started/restarted with a Journaling practice! Pick one & run with it! #JournalChat
RT @RefreshwithDawn: If you're looking to start or restart a #journaling practice, keep it relevant, simple, and doable. #JournalChat
If you're looking to start or restart a #journalingpractice, keep it relevant, simple, and doable.#JournalChat
If you're looking to start or restart a #journalingpractice, keep it relevant, simple, and doable.#JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I'll have to look at what's on my schedule; my weekends are offline. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I appreciate your kindness, your encouragement, and your #journaling enthusiasm, Nathan. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I appreciate your kindness, your encouragement, and your #journaling enthusiasm, Nathan. #JournalChat
Dawn, have you ever thought of taking #JournalChatinto the audio realm? I'm starting a #Journalingpodcast in April; would love to team up!
@Write4LifeCoach #JournalChat Live wouldn't be what it is today without all of our contributors!ow.ly/hjumX
@Write4LifeCoach I don't think it is either; however, someone else might, so I appreciate the point, Nathan. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Thanks so much for being our special guest today, Nathan. You have truly been an inspiration. :) #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Thanks so much for being our special guest today, Nathan. You have truly been an inspiration. :) #JournalChat
I remind people of this quote only to help push through the initial resistance. In reality, I don't think#Journaling is hard! #JournalChat
Nathan, thanks so much for all of your encouragement in our #journaling community! We appreciate your wisdom! #JournalChat
Nathan, thanks so much for all of your encouragement in our #journaling community! We appreciate your wisdom! #JournalChat
Feel it's difficult to start? "I'm not saying it's going to be easy--I'm saying it's going to be worth it."-Art Williams #JournalChat
RT @Write4LifeCoach: Also, like meditation, it takes practice before realizing the deep impact. Don't give up, and be gentle. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: My three from Rosie are What surprised you, what challenged you and what do you really need right now? #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @Write4LifeCoach: To those who feel discouraged: Give yourself permission to make#journaling FUN. #JournalChat
RT @Write4LifeCoach: To those who feel discouraged: Give yourself permission to make#journaling FUN. #JournalChat
@RefreshwithDawn Also, like meditation, it takes practice before realizing the deep impact. Don't give up, and be gentle. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave Oh, that's so funny, Victoria. What a great way to summarize! #JournalChat
To those who feel discouraged: Give yourself permission to make #journaling FUN. #JournalChat
We could have a whole other session on the shorthand we all use. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Nathan, do you have any summarizing words of encouragement to those who have tried #journaling but dropped it? #JournalChat
@JournalChat Ooooh! I love those 3 prompts. I will definitely use those. Thanks Dawn! It's been a pleasure being with you. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: My three from Rosie are What surprised you, what challenged you and what do you really need right now? #JournalChat #Journaling
When I was a teenager I used to grade my days - A+, C, F etc. #Journalchat
My three from Rosie are What surprised you, what challenged you and what do you really need right now? #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @DawnHerring: I say keep it Fun and Relevant and easy to please; you can't go wrong with that kind of #Journaling approach. #JournalChat
My three from Rosie are What surprised you, what challenged you and what do you really need right now? #JournalChat #Journaling
@Write4LifeCoach Oh wow. I've been writing a summary word for my day too, for the past few weeks! #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes, Like meditation, it takes a little practice before realizing the deep impact. Don't give up, and be gentle. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach That one touches on relationships; love that one too. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Love that one! Favorite part. I would Star that as my most positive or best.#JournalChat
Default #Journaling Prompt #3: In one word or phrase, how would I summarize my feeling about (or, who I was being) today? #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach That's funny. I have several I found through @rosiemolinary a while back.#JournalChat
Default #Journaling Prompt #2: What was the most interesting (or meaningful) conversation I had with someone today? #JournalChat
@TheMonsterBlogs Enjoy and thanks for joining us, Sarah. :) #JournalChat
Default #Journaling Prompt #1: What was my favorite (or most unique) part about today? #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Nathan, do you have any summarizing words of encouragement to those who have tried #journaling but dropped it? #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes, I have three favorite "fallback"#journaling prompts if I don't have enough time to write a full entry. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I say keep it Fun and Relevant and easy to please; you can't go wrong with that kind of #Journaling approach. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I say keep it Fun and Relevant and easy to please; you can't go wrong with that kind of #Journaling approach. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I always encourage folks to Journal what matters most to them and what they celebrate from their day. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I always encourage folks to Journal what matters most to them and what they celebrate from their day. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @Write4LifeCoach I like your suggestion of just writing a few sentences, Nathan, if a page is too much. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: There is no need to feel "pressured" to perform with a #journalng practice; just do what works for you. #JournalChat
I say keep it Fun and Relevant and easy to please; you can't go wrong with that kind of #Journalingapproach. #JournalChat
I say keep it Fun and Relevant and easy to please; you can't go wrong with that kind of #Journalingapproach. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave - I can appreciate no rules! I like to coach & guide, help people get the most from their#Journaling efforts. #JournalChat
There is no need to feel "pressured" to perform with a #journalng practice; just do what works for you.#JournalChat
There is no need to feel "pressured" to perform with a #journalng practice; just do what works for you.#JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: Positive reinforcement works better to maintain a journaling habit than harsh judgement.#Journalchat
RT @victorsachar: @JournalChat definitely, I agree! That's what keeps us all of us coming back so often.#JournalChat
@JournalChat @Write4LifeCoach @vmusgravethat's why I also consider it a healthy addiction#JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I like your suggestion of just writing a few sentences, Nathan, if a page is too much. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I like your suggestion of just writing a few sentences, Nathan, if a page is too much. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Isn't that amazing, Nathan? Clarity, Insight, and a new perspective. That's#journaling for ya! #JournalChat
@JournalChat @dredrelew Yes, in just a few pages, I find my whole life outlook could be altered!#JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Obviously your class works well if they come back; kudos to you, Nathan! #JournalChat
I don't like #journaling rules, but I do find prompts helpful. #Journalchat
@dredrelew I am sometimes surprised with how much I gain just from one entry. #JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: Positive reinforcement works better to maintain a journaling habit than harsh judgement.#Journalchat
But I am open to trying new things; sometimes I find something that really works for me in my #journaling.#JournalChat
But I am open to trying new things; sometimes I find something that really works for me in my #journaling.#JournalChat
I find if I try to follow another's #Journaling "rule" and it doesn't work for me, I do what I am comfortable with. #JournalChat
I find if I try to follow another's #Journaling "rule" and it doesn't work for me, I do what I am comfortable with. #JournalChat
Dawn, have you ever thought of taking this#JournalChat into the audio realm? I'm starting a#Journaling podcast, and would love to team up!
My #journaling courses usually attract 12-20 people every 12 weeks, it seems like more each time. Some take the course again. #JournalChat
Nathan, I love your suggestion to adjust your#journaling goals as necessary. #JournalChat
Nathan, I love your suggestion to adjust your#journaling goals as necessary. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat "My object in living is to unite my avocation & my vocation as my two eyes make one in sight." Robert Frost
@JournalChat @Write4LifeCoach same here Dawn! I love it when I just let go and spontaneously write. I gain A LOT of insight #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: @Write4LifeCoach this is where one needs to find compassion. I view #journaling as a conversation with SELF #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: @Write4LifeCoach this is where one needs to find compassion. I view #journaling as a conversation with SELF #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I didn't see it as an obligation or something I have to do like a rule or something. I just journal happily. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach You know, I've never had an issue with feeling bad about not #journaling; I just did it when I wanted to. #JournalChat
I lead an online course, similar to the style of Julia Cameron's Artist's Way, to help people build & deepen their #journaling. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach There you go, Nathan! Love that reversal. #JournalChat
My next 12-week #Journaling Course begins in April. Spring is another time to re-start & re-birth our practice! #JournalChat
RT @Write4LifeCoach: One way to ensure that you don't enjoy your #journaling is to scold yourself constantly for not doing it. #JournalChat
RT @Write4LifeCoach: One way to ensure that you don't enjoy your #journaling is to scold yourself constantly for not doing it. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Bye Michael! Thanks much for your probing questions and suggestions!#JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Thank you, Nathan. I've been inspired by many who have gone before me; we all start somewhere! #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach this is where one needs to find compassion. I view #journaling as a conversation with SELF #JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: Positive reinforcement works better to maintain a journaling habit than harsh judgement.#Journalchat
RT @JournalChat: @Write4LifeCoach I would be too tempted to write about that GREAT day; wouldn't want to miss recording it. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Thanks so much for joining us today, Madeline. #JournalChat
Positive reinforcement works better to maintain a journaling habit than harsh judgement. #Journalchat
@Write4LifeCoach I would be too tempted to write about that GREAT day; wouldn't want to miss recording it. #JournalChat
Blame, shame, and guilt are spirit-crushers! Instead, a #journaling habit is revived by focusing on what you love about it. #JournalChat
@victorsachar I think when we begin to really feel the steady balancing #Journaling provides, we don't want to stop. #JournalChat
#JournalChat Thank you Dawn and Nathan and all chatters. Good chat. Bye for now.
One way to ensure that you don't enjoy your#journaling is to scold yourself constantly for not doing it. #JournalChat
Amen! RT @Write4LifeCoach: @JournalChat Like I said, Dawn: You're amazing, and an inspiration to us all. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Oh, that's a good point, Nathan. We need to respect ourselves; and #Journalinghelps us do that. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave Oh, I would definitely consider it a healthy addiction, at the least, Victoria! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Like I said, Dawn: You're amazing, and an inspiration to us all. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach @JournalChat Thanks Nathan and Dawn for all your wise words. Time to leave. Hope to see you here next week. xo #journalchat
@Write4LifeCoach Skip a day? No. Honestly, I don't. I look forward to putting pen to paper first thing each morning. #JournalChat
RT @victorsachar If I miss a day I can deal with it, but not any more. Things start being lost. // I TOTALLY AGREE #JournalChat
@victorsachar Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Victor! Great to see you. :)
@JournalChat I don't pause long, often start up again the next day. But it could be different reasons, including a great day! #JournalChat
@dredrelew Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Andrea; great to see you! :)
If I miss a day I can deal with it, but not any more. Things start being lost. How many days back can you remember? #JournalChat
#JournalChat "My object in living is to unite my avocation & my vocation as my two eyes make one in sight." Robert Frost
@delisacarnegie Interesting your #Journaling path, Delisa. I'm glad it helps you feel better. I feel settled when I'm finished. #JournalChat
@madeline40 I know what you mean, Madeline. I always have something to "say" on the page.#JournalChat
I've met many people who are on-time and reliable for everyone but themselves. We deserve the same respect we give others! #JournalChat
When I don't journal for a couple of days I feel out of sorts and know I need to journal. Perhaps a healthy addiction? #Journalchat
@Write4LifeCoach That's awesome, Nathan. What initiated taking a break? #JournalChat
I'm impressed, Dawn!! Never tempted to skip a day? For me, I average about 7-10 before a blip.#JournalChat
@madeline40 same here. But having them all in a journal helps to corral all those things & give me guidance. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Hi Dawn, I'm signing in late. I journal every day as part of my morning ritual. It helps me remain centered #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat and to see the insubstantiality of my thoughts and restore being in the 'now'.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat I journal to take my life back from my mind
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat I journal to take my life back from my mind
Sometimes I won't journal for days & then journal & wonder why I didn't do it for so long. I feel better when I do #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach So there's fun accountability. Does anyone get ruffled or feel guilty about breaking the chain? #JournalChat
@DawnHerring If i'm not journaling, I writing something. I can't let a day go by without writing something. #journalchat
RT @JournalChat: I don't let a day go by without#Journaling; it would be very odd and out of kilter if I didn't. #JournalChat
My record for consecutive-days #journaling is 421. I wrote each day in 1990, and well into 1991 before taking a break. #JournalChat
@madeline40 I would call it a poetry journal; there you go! #JournalChat
RT @Write4LifeCoach: Jerry Seinfeld plays a#journaling game called DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN.#JournalChat
#JournalChat I journal to take my life back from my mind and to see the insubstantiality of my thoughts and restore being in the 'now'.
@JournalChat Most people enjoy it! We start our sessions each week finding out who has the longest unbroken streak. #JournalChat
I don't let a day go by without #Journaling; it would be very odd and out of kilter if I didn't. #JournalChat
I don't let a day go by without #Journaling; it would be very odd and out of kilter if I didn't. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Like when I take a poem a day challenge while we're traveling. Does a poem count as a journal? #journalchat
I've stuck to Julia Cameron's morning pages for many years. When I don't journal for a couple of days I feel unbalanced. #Journalchat
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