Hi Julet! I think journaling's great to process emotions but always recommend this in conjunction with some kind of pro therapy #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I've seen #Journaling stories on#JournalChat Links Edition where war vets have used #Journaling.
I've been amazed at people who write me and say they are getting help for PTSD after years of suffering.after reading the book. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz the memoir sounds very interesting and sounds like you did your research! #journalchat
Hi Rachel do you know of a journaling apporach to recommend for use post-trauma? #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Thanks for that recommendation, Rachel. We appreciate your professional point of view. #JournalChat
Thank you. My memoir is about my father's PTSD from WWII and so I often have veterans ask me about things like journaling. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz For PTSD the past is all too alive so it's important to attract and enhance the language of joy & fun. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave completely agree. With something as serious as ptsd, I would always recommend professional help. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz always depends -even therapy can sometimes be hurtful when it brings up unbearable emotions. Generally would help #journalchat
#journaling could bring up painful memories that could be difficult to process without pro help, like trauma #Journalchat
@JulietPlatt Of course, it isn't, Juliet! Welcome back to #JournalChat Live. :) Great to see you.
@RachelThomasian Yes, that makes perfect sense. People are a vitally important dimension in life. :)#JournalChat
And the second part would be, do you think journaling could actually hurt someone with PTSD (from war)? #journalchat
I also wanted to emphasize that you don't need to have something to say before you start, just start writing and it will flow! #journalchat
I have a question. I've lead a pretty boring life, so don't have much wisdom. Do you think journaling helps people with PTSD? #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Yes, when you see it in black and white on the page, you 'see' anew! #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Having a purpose is key. Journaling is a tool to capture the great conversations in life, e.g.why am I...
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Having a purpose is key. Journaling is a tool to capture the great conversations in life, e.g.why am I...
Thanks Dawn! I think it comes with the territory of being a therapist :) #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I love that, Michael; our lives are a great conversation, really like a story. Worth telling.#JournalChat
#JournalChat For me, whatever is written is a way to clarify what's really going on in our lives.
I love how you introduce people, Rachel, in your prompt list; I appreciate folks who are validating and nurturing. #JournalChat #Journaling
I love how you introduce people, Rachel, in your prompt list; I appreciate folks who are validating and nurturing. #JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat Having a purpose is key. Journaling is a tool to capture the great conversations in life, e.g. why am I here?
It helps to recognize what we can let go of as we re-purpose our thoughts toward the positive and make room for the new. #JournalChat
It helps to recognize what we can let go of as we re-purpose our thoughts toward the positive and make room for the new. #JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: I just finished writing a memoir and my #journal was a ver valuable resource.#Journalchat
@vmusgrave #Journaling is a very popular approach and resource for memoir. It's fabulous. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave that's amazing! I bet your journal was very helpful! #journalchat
I just finished writing a memoir and my #journal was a ver valuable resource. #Journalchat
@karenlalaniz Wow. Love the date. #Journaling is great even to work on marketing ideas, keeping track of successes. #JournalChat
This year, for goals, I am taking one thing away for everything I add. It's been an interesting process. I like it. #journalchat
@RachelThomasian Exactly! That's what I really loved about your post, Rachel. It has such a positive energy, encouraging! #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz Life is, no doubt, a learning experience, Karen. :) #JournalChat
congrats @karenlalaniz ! sometimes you need to dream even bigger! #journalchat
Breaking the Code, came out on 11/1/11. Most of marketing in 2012. So now on to new books and continued marketing. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre Like learning what Not to do; hindsight is 20/20. ;) #JournalChat
Often people give negative events/emotions more power than the positive ones, my prompts were geared to increase positive ones #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: Re-reading your journal can also help you see how you've dealt with and learned from failures. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: Re-reading your journal can also help you see how you've dealt with and learned from failures. #JournalChat
My challenge was then to come up with new goals...and fast. Hard to set goals when you barely know what you're doing...LOL. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Now that is one goal seriously worth celebrating!!! Wonderful, Karen! :) #JournalChat
Re-reading your journal can also help you see how you've dealt with and learned from failures.#JournalChat
I find when I journal something that I am struggling with, I gain a fresh perspective and see what positive change I can make. #JournalChat
I find when I journal something that I am struggling with, I gain a fresh perspective and see what positive change I can make. #JournalChat
That's what happened to me with the publication of my memoir. I met goals like crazy - so cool!#journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: It's funny when you look back on previous goals you'd set, and to see how greatly you've surpassed them! #journalchat
@RachelThomasian It's often that we don't take the time to recognize a job well done, a goal met and then some. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @RachelThomasian: It's funny when you look back on previous goals you'd set, and to see how greatly you've surpassed them! #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: It's funny when you look back on previous goals you'd set, and to see how greatly you've surpassed them! #journalchat
@vmusgrave I agree, Victoria. You can determine if the pattern is positive or negative and what you want to see more of. #JournalChat
I love how Rachel shares the idea of recording two goals in our journals; it's important to re-purpose for a terrific premise! #JournalChat
I love how Rachel shares the idea of recording two goals in our journals; it's important to re-purpose for a terrific premise! #JournalChat
It's funny when you look back on previous goals you'd set, and to see how greatly you've surpassed them!#journalchat
I never used to read my #journal after I wrote it but think that reading and find my patterns will be good for growth #Journalchat
@RachelThomasian Our journals are the perfect place to emphasize and detail our dreams so we can create them in reality! #JournalChat
@vmusgrave Oh, yes, those patterns; I notice some pattern just from writing from day to day.#JournalChat
@vmusgrave it's always great to recognize those patterns that you otherwise might not have seen!#journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael; good to see you. :)
I've just started rereading my #journals from the last year. Interesting to see what i've achieved and my patterns. #Journalchat
Thanks Dawn, I'm a huge big of the power of positive thoughts and believing in your dreams, and#journaling is a powerful tool #journalchat
Gratitude in our journal can help us turn those troubling thoughts around toward something that makes us smile. #JournalChat #Journaling
Gratitude in our journal can help us turn those troubling thoughts around toward something that makes us smile. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @RachelThomasian: it's also amazing when you write down goals and then revisit to see how far you've come! #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: it's also amazing when you write down goals and then revisit to see how far you've come! #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: it's also amazing when you write down goals and then revisit to see how far you've come! #journalchat
I love the ideas, Rachel, you provide that carry a positive vibe for us to use as we re-purpose our thoughts. #JournalChat #Journaling
I love the ideas, Rachel, you provide that carry a positive vibe for us to use as we re-purpose our thoughts. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: @karenlalaniz I like that idea, Karen. At least you get it out where it belongs!#journalchat
it's also amazing when you write down goals and then revisit to see how far you've come! #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I like that idea, Karen. At least you get it out where it belongs! #JournalChat
I always like revisiting posts and adding to them and seeing how my perspective has changed over time#journalchat
@vmusgrave Welcome to #JournalChat Live, Victoria! Great to see you. :)
RT @vmusgrave: I find #journaling a useful place to explore different solutions to problems. #Journalchat
RT @vmusgrave: I find #journaling a useful place to explore different solutions to problems. #Journalchat
I used to #journal in the morning but now find in more useful in the evening. #Journalchat
Rachel, you call #Journaling a great reflection tool; it is a wonderful way to get a fresh perspective, re-purpose our thoughts #JournalChat
Rachel, you call #Journaling a great reflection tool; it is a wonderful way to get a fresh perspective, re-purpose our thoughts #JournalChat
I keep a notebook by my bed. If a thought keeps me up, I jot it down in teh dark. I may or may not be able to read it in the am.#journalchat
also re: nighttime journaling when there's worry, if you can write down a plan for how to approach the plan, eases anxiety #journalchat
I find #journaling a useful place to explore different solutions to problems. #Journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: I, too like journaling before bed to sum up the day and calm my mind#journalchat
I, too like journaling before bed to sum up the day and calm my mind #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: one reason worry keeps us up at night is the fear that we'll forget that we need to deal with the problem. #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: one reason worry keeps us up at night is the fear that we'll forget that we need to deal with the problem. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre absolutely! especially difficult ones like guilt or jealousy that we don't feel comfortable with! #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @RachelThomasian I sometimes have trouble identifying my emotions - journaling helps me identify them #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @RachelThomasian I sometimes have trouble identifying my emotions - journaling helps me identify them #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I'm a huge advocate of evening#Journaling; it helps me relax before bed, unload what's on my mind. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Do you recommend journaling as part of a pre-bedtime routine? #JournalChat
one reason worry keeps us up at night is the fear that we'll forget that we need to deal with the problem.#journalchat
@RachelThomasian I sometimes have trouble identifying my emotions - journaling helps me identify them #JournalChat
yes!especially at night worry keeps us up, if you#journal, the journal then becomes the keeper of that worry producing thought #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Karen! Great to see you. :)
RT @DawnHerring: Rachel, you share how once you put a thought down on the page, you're less likely to dwell on it. #JournalChat #Journaling
Rachel, you share how once you put a thought down on the page, you're less likely to dwell on it.#JournalChat #Journaling
Rachel, you share how once you put a thought down on the page, you're less likely to dwell on it.#JournalChat #Journaling
another tip is to #journal when they're upset, when finished they're likely to be less upset, provides time to cool down #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: racing thoughts can be a problem, especially with anxiety! #journalchat
RT @RachelThomasian: racing thoughts can be a problem, especially with anxiety! #journalchat
@RachelThomasian It can help to know we have a place to put them, where we can feel safe and comforted. #JournalChat
racing thoughts can be a problem, especially with anxiety! #journalchat
#journaling is helpful for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, anger. Journals provide a place for these feelings #journalchat
@RachelThomasian I think that slowing down our thoughts & putting them on the page is an empowering practice;we're in control. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian I think that slowing down our thoughts & putting them on the page is an empowering practice;we're in control. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Racing thoughts are often a problem, right? #JournalChat
It's also similar to talking to a friend or therapist, it's so good just to get emotions out so you're not holding them in #journalchat
@robynmcintyre We have many life dimensions that make up the beautiful whole of our lives.#JournalChat
I've found that #journaling helps slow down racing thoughts because we write slower than we think,forces ur mind to slow down #journalchat
@RachelThomasian My journal is a bit of everything, since I like to see how everything fits with everything else. #JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Rachel, can you share one of best benefits to #journaling our thoughts?#JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Rachel, can you share one of best benefits to #journaling our thoughts?#JournalChat
I'm happy to be here both as a journal writer as well as a therapist that encourages people to use#journaling as a tool #journalchat
Rachel shares in her post how we can take our racing or cycling thoughts, slow them down on the page. #JournalChat #Journaling
Rachel shares in her post how we can take our racing or cycling thoughts, slow them down on the page. #JournalChat #Journaling
Thanks @robynmcintyre! Dream journals can be so interesting! #journalchat
@RachelThomasian Welcome, Rachel - thanks for sharing your insights #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I'm an avid dream journal writer myself, so I totally understand the value of dissecting them for meaning. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I'm an avid dream journal writer myself, so I totally understand the value of dissecting them for meaning. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I think so, Robyn. You're taking a metaphor of sorts and giving it meaning for you right now. #JournalChat
Rachel joins us today for our discussion Your Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed!#JournalChat
Rachel joins us today for our discussion Your Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed!#JournalChat
@RachelThomasian Thanks so much for joining us today on our first 2013 session of #JournalChat Live, Rachel! It's great to have you. :)
@JournalChat Does it count as repurposing if you journal your dreams to find out what you're telling yourself? #JournalChat
Happy New Year Dawn and everyone of the#JournalChat community, I'm so happy to join!#journalchat
@robynmcintyre Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Robyn; great to see you!
Our topic is Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed taking our whirling thoughts and create positive purpose for our day! #JournalChat
Our topic is Your #Journaling: Your Thoughts Re-Purposed taking our whirling thoughts and create positive purpose for our day! #JournalChat
Before we get started on our discussion, I'd like to wish you all a refreshing New Year of 2013!#JournalChat #Journaling
Before we get started on our discussion, I'd like to wish you all a refreshing New Year of 2013!#JournalChat #Journaling
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this very first 2013 edition of#JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling!
Welcome to this very first 2013 edition of#JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling!
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