you can find me at All Things Healing. com or Living Your Intentions on fb- #JournalChat
THANK YOU SO MUCH for having me! What a wonderful time! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 1/24, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 1/24, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
@dredrelew It was great to have you, Andrea! Glad you enjoyed. :) #JournalChat
@victorsachar Thanks, Victor! Glad you enjoyed. :) It was great to see you again! #JournalChat
Special Thanks to Sherri Carter @LiveUrIntention, Supervising Editor of, & for her post on Taking Action! #JournalChat To learn more about me, your host, check out Dawn's Dimensions. :) #JournalChat#Journaling To learn more about me, your host, check out Dawn's Dimensions. :) #JournalChat#Journaling
@DawnHerring this was an excellent #JournalChatDawn. Thanks! Have a good evening! For more info about #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling with me your host! For more info about #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling with me your host! For transcripts of #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling plus more! For transcripts of #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling plus more! #RefreshJournal can give you a fresh perspective when saying Yes or No. #JournalChat#Journaling #RefreshJournal can give you a fresh perspective when saying Yes or No. #JournalChat#Journaling Sometimes a #Journaling #Prompt can help us figure out what to say Yes or No to as we take #Action in life #JournalChat Sometimes a #Journaling #Prompt can help us figure out what to say Yes or No to as we take #Action in life #JournalChat
@vmusgrave Glad you could join us, Victoria! Glad you benefited. #JournalChat
When we keep self-care, nurture, and the idea of Deserving what we desire, #Journaling is perfect to help us say Yes or No. #JournalChat
When we keep self-care, nurture, and the idea of Deserving what we desire, #Journaling is perfect to help us say Yes or No. #JournalChat
Sherri has shared some awesome steps of #Actionfor our Life and for our #Journaling practice.#JournalChat
Sherri has shared some awesome steps of #Actionfor our Life and for our #Journaling practice.#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: healthy boundaries creates a safe place for YOU- and u decide what comes into that space #JournalChat
thank you for having me- it was a joy to join all of you!#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: healthy boundaries creates a safe place for YOU- and u decide what comes into that space #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: healthy boundaries creates a safe place for YOU- and u decide what comes into that space #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention Thanks so much for taking the time to join us on #JournalChat Live, today, Sherri; it has been insightful/delightful.
@LiveUrIntention Thanks so much for taking the time to join us on #JournalChat Live, today, Sherri; it has been insightful/delightful.
healthy boundaries creates a safe place for YOU- and u decide what comes into that space#JournalChat
saying YES and NO should be nurturing to your Spirit, your Soul- remembering that self care should help with conviction #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention What would you suggest to keep our conviction to saying Yes and No in our journals and take #Action? #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention What would you suggest to keep our conviction to saying Yes and No in our journals and take #Action? #JournalChat
yes, healthy boundaries- I often think why is it so hard to say no, when someone else doesn't have a problem overstepping #JournalChat
#journalchat Great chat but I have to run. Thanks everyone. Happy journaling!
I live on a little homestead and the chickens need to be put up, or they will be in the trees, lol- little glimpse into my life #JournalChat
@dredrelew And that goes with the territory of Saying Yes or No. #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: @LiveUrIntention this is something I am challenged with periodically--setting healthy boundaries #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: @LiveUrIntention this is something I am challenged with periodically--setting healthy boundaries #JournalChat
I've had so much fun, but I'm going to need to go in a few minutes... any last questions/thoughts?#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: I don't have to hold onto what diminishes me!! #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: I don't have to hold onto what diminishes me!! #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention this is something I am challenged with periodically--setting healthy boundaries#JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention That's powerful, Sherri; awesome example. I go with what supports my well-being. If not, say NO. #JournalChat
Now, Sherri, Writing down WHAT YOU DID to support your goals. That's a fabulous idea! Keep track of what yr doing right. #JournalChat
Now, Sherri, Writing down WHAT YOU DID to support your goals. That's a fabulous idea! Keep track of what yr doing right. #JournalChat
@JournalChat @LiveUrIntention Thanks Dawn and Sherri and everyone. Time to say goodbye. This was a great #journalchat. I'll see you soon.
say no, I don't have to do this, or deal with this. In past, I would hold onto the hurt/anger/etc, but now with releasing... #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Indeed, Kathy. And when we're paying attn in our journals, we get one step closer to where we want to be! #JournalChat
I recently had to deal with a very difficult person- I took a moment to remember my Truth, set healthy boundaries and... #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @LiveUrIntention Emotional attachment; now there's something to grapple with. But we CAN do it. Determine WHY. #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Sometimes its the smallest ideas/awareness that lead to the biggest changes- Intention #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Sometimes its the smallest ideas/awareness that lead to the biggest changes- Intention #journalchat
@madeline40 Glad to hear you already have some ideas! :) #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention Emotional attachment; now there's something to grapple with. But we CAN do it. Determine WHY. #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention Emotional attachment; now there's something to grapple with. But we CAN do it. Determine WHY. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Sometimes its the smallest ideas/awareness that lead to the biggest changes- Intention #journalchat
RT @LiveUrIntention: ah, yes, releasing- release emotional attachment to what doesn't serve you and your dreams #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: ah, yes, releasing- release emotional attachment to what doesn't serve you and your dreams #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes. I'm mulling over how I'm going to let go of a couple commitments. I need to journal about it. #journalchat
@LiveUrIntention That's a great example, Sherri. And how you feel afterwards! #JournalChat
u may not be able to release a physical location/person/place/job/etc, but work on releasing emotional attachment #JournalChat
ah, yes, releasing- release emotional attachment to what doesn't serve you and your dreams#JournalChat
@Madeline- if it's a to-do for goals, and remember to be open to new possibilities! Let the to-do list change as needed! #JournalChat
There are some things that are easy to let go of; but some stuff takes a little doing, especially with other's expectations. #JournalChat
There are some things that are easy to let go of; but some stuff takes a little doing, especially with other's expectations. #JournalChat
Sherri, you also mention writing down what isn't supportive of your goals; create a plan to release.#JournalChat #Journaling
Sherri, you also mention writing down what isn't supportive of your goals; create a plan to release.#JournalChat #Journaling
4 example- want to be healthy- said no to piece of cake, or at least didn't take seconds ;) small actions DO add up! #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Our thoughts and feelings are the map, not the territory. And we can shape them. I love this!
@LiveUrIntention I put to do lists in my journals. Is that the same? #journalchat
@madeline40 I like having a place to go to pour out those feelings eating me. Putting them on paper helps to de-mystify #journalchat
@LiveUrIntention Then we can choose to celebrate those smaller actions in our journals! #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention Then we can choose to celebrate those smaller actions in our journals! #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention That is so true, Sherri. Small actions--baby steps--are often what gets us going to help build momentum. #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention That is so true, Sherri. Small actions--baby steps--are often what gets us going to help build momentum. #JournalChat
#JournalChat Action can be writing things down and considering what you have written.
@kpequignot Welcome to #JournalChat Live, Kathleen. :) It is sometimes hard to know until you take a good look with #Journaling.
action doesn't have to be huge action, even just taking small actions add up! Don't discount the small things u do everyday! #JournalChat
@vmusgrave I so agree with that, Victoria; you can't get far without honesty. #JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: The journal has to be a safe place where you can be completely honest with yourself.#journalchat
RT @vmusgrave: The journal has to be a safe place where you can be completely honest with yourself.#journalchat
RT @vmusgrave: The journal has to be a safe place where you can be completely honest with yourself.#journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Our thoughts and feelings are the map, not the territory. And we can shape them.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Our thoughts and feelings are the map, not the territory. And we can shape them.
RT @LiveUrIntention: no to old limitations & YES to Possibilities! #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: no to old limitations & YES to Possibilities! #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: once root issues r identified, then a new YES can be established, as well as no-#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: once root issues r identified, then a new YES can be established, as well as no-#JournalChat
#JournalChat I'm enjoying this exchange. I oftentimes don't even know what I really want to take action on. Fickle mind
@OutOTWhirlwind Like, where did That come from? It came from you! Now run with it, gently of course.#JournalChat
The journal has to be a safe place where you can be completely honest with yourself. #journalchat
#JournalChat Our thoughts and feelings are the map, not the territory. And we can shape them.
@LiveUrIntention Many times, we have to work with those root issue before we see what it is we really want. #JournalChat
once root issues r identified, then a new YES can be established, as well as no- no to old limitations & YES to Possibilities! #JournalChat
#JournalChat We need to stop being intimidated by our thoughts and use them as guidance tools.
pouring feelings out can help to get to what I call root issues- see old tapes/patterns running over and over again #JournalChat
#JournalChat The challenge is taken your life back from your mind and using your words as grist for creation--work with them.
@LiveUrIntention INDEED! When you say NO for all the right reasons, such as loving yourself, that's change you can LIVE from! #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: and sometimes saying NO can be very liberating!! #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: and sometimes saying NO can be very liberating!! #JournalChat
RT @madeline40: @KathyPooler So many times it really is like pouring feelings out- very important to be gentle with urself #JournalChat
@madeline40 I've been doing that too, Madeline. It seems the New Year can promote that kind of change! #JournalChat
@JournalChat We couldn't do any of this without that privacy. We should discuss that sometime.#journalchat
@LiveUrIntention I know exactly what you mean, Sherri. Taking action can sometimes be a bit intimidating. #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention I know exactly what you mean, Sherri. Taking action can sometimes be a bit intimidating. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @LiveUrIntention I love the word, Uplift. And the word Diminish is very insightful, like a light being put out #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: now, sometimes yes can be scary- moving you out of ur comfort zone, but towards what you really desire #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: now, sometimes yes can be scary- moving you out of ur comfort zone, but towards what you really desire #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: and sometimes saying NO can be very liberating!! #JournalChat
@madeline40 Indeed, Madeline. I love the privacy of my journal. :) #JournalChat
@KathyPooler So many times it really is like pouring feelings out. #journalchat
@LiveUrIntention I love the word, Uplift. And the word Diminish is very insightful, like a light being put out.#JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring: When you see what you are already doing, that can be a great place to build from with your #action. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @LiveUrIntention: yes should uplift you, not diminish you- ever said yes with a pit in ur stomach ;)#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: yes should uplift you, not diminish you- ever said yes with a pit in ur stomach ;)#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: and sometimes saying NO can be very liberating!! #JournalChat
When you see what you are already doing, that can be a great place to build from with your #action.#JournalChat #Journaling
When you see what you are already doing, that can be a great place to build from with your #action.#JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring @LiveUrIntention I right there. I need to revisit some things on my list and decide about deleting some things. #journalchat
So true! RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: sometimes we confuse yes with no- saying yes when we really want/should say no #journalchat
now, sometimes yes can be scary- moving you out of ur comfort zone, but towards what you really desire#JournalChat
Sherri, I love how you share: See where you are already living your intentions. #JournalChat#journaling
Sherri, I love how you share: See where you are already living your intentions. #JournalChat#journaling
@madeline40 Hi Madeline.! I agree we need to pour out our feelings in a safe place so we can begin to trust our own voice #journalchat
yes should uplift you, not diminish you- ever said yes with a pit in ur stomach ;) #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: sometimes we confuse yes with no- saying yes when we really want/should say no #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: sometimes we confuse yes with no- saying yes when we really want/should say no #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention Yes, when you see the list growing & the items on that list may not be the best, time for change! #JournalChat #Journaling
@LiveUrIntention Yes, when you see the list growing & the items on that list may not be the best, time for change! #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @LiveUrIntention: sometimes we confuse yes with no- saying yes when we really want/should say no #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: just journaling about what u say yes to throughout ur day can be quite insightful#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: just journaling about what u say yes to throughout ur day can be quite insightful#JournalChat
Just a friendly reminder...use #JournalChat as a whole word. If you separate it, you won't show up in the feed.
Just a friendly reminder...use #JournalChat as a whole word. If you separate it, you won't show up in the feed.
sometimes we confuse yes with no- saying yes when we really want/should say no #JournalChat
@DawnHerring And a journal is the best place to put down our goals and how we'll support them or not. Privacy is the key. #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @JournalChat Thanks Dawn. Nice to be here. #journalchat. Love the focus on action.journaling plants the seeds for change
just journaling about what u say yes to throughout ur day can be quite insightful #JournalChat
When I journal each day, I reckon with what works and what doesn't; what am I saying yes I should be saying NO to? #JournalChat #Journaling
When I journal each day, I reckon with what works and what doesn't; what am I saying yes I should be saying NO to? #JournalChat #Journaling
We can Say Yes to what is Supportive of our goals;#Journaling helps us figure that out! as Sherri shares. #JournalChat
We can Say Yes to what is Supportive of our goals;#Journaling helps us figure that out! as Sherri shares. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat yes, seeing it on paper anchors it and allows us to re-frame our desires--essential action is writing it...
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat yes, seeing it on paper anchors it and allows us to re-frame our desires--essential action is writing it...
@KathyPooler Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Kathy! Good to see you. :)
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat yes, seeing it on paper anchors it and allows us to re-frame our desires--essential action is writing it down.
@LiveUrIntention I was about to get to the Yes and No part, Sherri. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @dredrelew: @LiveUrIntention but also treat yourself lovingly not some of the time but all of the time #JournalChat
YES- RT @JournalChat: @LiveUrIntention That is such a core, root issue to grapple with; but once you do, The Sky is the Limit. #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: when they see those limiting thoughts/patterns on paper, then they can make changes #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: saying YES to what is possible, and NO to limitations #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: saying YES to what is possible, and NO to limitations #JournalChat
#JournalChat yes, seeing it on paper anchors it and allows us to re-frame our desires--essential action is writing it down.
RT @JournalChat: It's really all about intention with focus on our feelings and what we really want.#JournalChat #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: not just attract, but it's U MOVING towards what you desire#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention:#LawofAction is adding congruent ACTION to#LawofAttraction #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @OutOTWhirlwind:#JournalChat Being clear about what is desired naturally leads to intuitive action...
RT @LiveUrIntention: when they see those limiting thoughts/patterns on paper, then they can make changes #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: when they see those limiting thoughts/patterns on paper, then they can make changes #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: if you don't know what you want, then answer HOW do you want to feel #JournalChat
@LiveUrIntention That is such a core, root issue to grapple with; but once you do, The Sky is the Limit.#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LifeWriterCoach:#JournalChat As a journal coach, I ask people to identify an #insight + #action flowing from their...
RT @LiveUrIntention: saying YES to what is possible, and NO to limitations #JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: everytime, they see a pattern, usually related to feeling unworthy, not enough.#JournalChat
RT @LiveUrIntention: everytime, they see a pattern, usually related to feeling unworthy, not enough.#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: ...knowing u need to write something @ end of day #JournalChat
#journalchat Hi everyone. Jumping in late. Great topic. Journaling helps one to see patterns in thinking/behavior--> inc self-awareness
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: I also think and #action journal helps to hold u accountable for what u do, ...#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @LiveUrIntention: take ur power back- don't just think and wait, but LIVE#JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat exactly @victorsachar. Seeing our thoughts in writing allows for the soul's edit--our intuition guides our truth.
RT @JournalChat: Being able to take a pro-active approach can really get our imaginations and inspiration moving! #JournalChat #Journaling
saying YES to what is possible, and NO to limitations#JournalChat
@victorsachar yes! I caught myself focusing on negativity and it kept me stuck for a while until I changed my perspective #JournalChat
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