Welcome to Refresh with Dawn Herring!

Welcome to Refresh with Dawn Herring blog. I'm so glad you stopped by to peruse the transcripts from #JournalChat Live and Links Edition.

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Have a fab day and don't forget to refresh yourself!

Be refreshed,

Dawn Herring

Refresh with Dawn Herrng

Host of #JournalChat Live on social media

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

#JournalChat Live Facebook Discussion with Special Guests, Madeline Sharples, Debra DiPietro and Kelly Epperson; Your Journaling: Mind Magic Part II

Madeline shares: "I sometimes rant, I sometimes just report or make lists or declarations. There are so many ways to journal."
I love the fact that there are different ways we can express ourselves and relieve whatever stress we may be feeling. Lists are an easy way to get it down in an organized fashion. Declarations can be affirming and validating.
I personally love MIND MAPS and Dialogue with alternating hands. Helps me see assocations of trouble spots and ask relevant questions about stuff that is challenging me and get answers!
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Madeline shares: "The main thing to remember is that it is our page, no one else's so we're free to write anything down on it. Plus we can write without that little critic on our shoulder."
I love how we can Own Our Journals just like we own our stress; we can use it however we like to help us reckon with our challenges and gain our power back in stressful times.

Stress can come in many forms, whether bodily with illness or disease, financially related with job loss or catastrophe, or relational stress, whether dealing with a family member or friend that challenges us or such as in the death of someone we love dearly, as Madeline gives us example of.
Our journals can be one of the most empowering tools to help us work through any stressful issue and the content never gets old. We can write whatever we need to for as long as we need to to help us get back to center and to personal empowerment.
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