Enjoy your #Journaling to stay connected to yourself and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling to stay connected to yourself and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 3/7, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 3/7, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to @jillwinski for joining us today and for her post, Taking Action on What You Know, our #Journaling resource. #JournalChat
Special Thanks to @jillwinski for joining us today and for her post, Taking Action on What You Know, our #Journaling resource. #JournalChat
@dredrelew You too, Andrea. Thanks for joining us today! #JournalChat
ow.ly/i9qIf #RefreshJournal helps you Stay Connected through #Journaling and a fresh perspective! #JournalChat
ow.ly/i9qFq #RefreshJournal helps you Stay Connected through #Journaling and a fresh perspective! #JournalChat
I love any opportunity to talk about #journaling and writing! So thank you. :) #JournalChat
@jillwinski I'm delighted. We appreciate your taking the time to join us and share your perspective and expertise. #JournalChat
@jillwinski And the deeper we know ourselves, the truer we are to our authentic selves. #JournalChat
Dawn, thank you so much! This has been so rewarding. And thanks to everyone who contributed such terrific insights! #JournalChat
@jillwinski Jill, I want to thank you so much for joining us today; it has been a fabulous time of insight and discovery. #JournalChat
Yes, I truly believe that journaling creates confidence AND meaning, because we know ourselves that much more deeply. #JournalChat
@jillwinski Oh, it is, Jill. It makes all the difference in our daily life experience. #Journaling Does Work!#JournalChat
When we use our #Journaling practice to Stay Connected, our confidence will grow and our lives will be meaningful. #JournalChat
When we use our #Journaling practice to Stay Connected, our confidence will grow and our lives will be meaningful. #JournalChat
It's so worth it to get to that deeper knowing. And journaling works! #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @jillwinski: Yes, and#journaling really is an amazing way to stay connected to ourselves. #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: if you feel something big coming up in your journaling,go for it,go with it! Try to stay with it,hang in there. #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: if you feel something big coming up in your journaling,go for it,go with it! Try to stay with it,hang in there. #JournalChat
@dredrelew Oh, indeed, Andrea. It makes ALL the difference in the quality of our lives and our mindset, Andrea. #JournalChat
I would say, if you feel something big coming up in your journaling, go for it, go with it! Try to stay with it, hang in there. #JournalChat
@JournalChat and that's an accomplishment, appreciating ourselves instead of looking to others for appreciation #JournalChat #journaling
RT @jillwinski: Yes, and #journaling really is an amazing way to stay connected to ourselves.#JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: Yes, and #journaling really is an amazing way to stay connected to ourselves.#JournalChat
@jillwinski Jill, is there any summarizing words you'd like to share to summarize Staying Connected with our #journaling? #JournalChat
@jillwinski Jill, is there any summarizing words you'd like to share to summarize Staying Connected with our #journaling? #JournalChat
Yes, and #journaling really is an amazing way to stay connected to ourselves. #JournalChat
Over time, we will find great value in What We Know as we Stay Connected; thus appreciating ourselves.#JournalChat #journaling
Over time, we will find great value in What We Know as we Stay Connected; thus appreciating ourselves.#JournalChat #journaling
RT @JournalChat: When you emphasize what you Know all the time, it can help increase your confidence and well being. #JournalChat...
RT @JournalChat: I think writing down what you Know from Today every day in your journal is a great practice! #Journaling #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: It does, Dawn. And the better we know ourselves, the better we can take care of ourselves, too. #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: It does, Dawn. And the better we know ourselves, the better we can take care of ourselves, too. #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: Dawn, yes, it's a good idea to make a list because we tend to forget unless we know something very deeply. #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: Dawn, yes, it's a good idea to make a list because we tend to forget unless we know something very deeply. #JournalChat
It does, Dawn. And the better we know ourselves, the better we can take care of ourselves, too.#JournalChat
@jillwinski And we can't rely on someone else to remind us! And the more we Know it, the deeper it becomes. #JournalChat
When you emphasize what you Know all the time, it can help increase your confidence and well being.#JournalChat #Journaling
When you emphasize what you Know all the time, it can help increase your confidence and well being.#JournalChat #Journaling
Yes! RT @JournalChat: I think writing down what you Know from Today every day in your journal is a great practice! #Journaling #JournalChat
I think writing down what you Know from Today every day in your journal is a great practice! #Journaling#JournalChat
I think writing down what you Know from Today every day in your journal is a great practice! #Journaling#JournalChat
@madeline40 Bye Madeline! Have a good evening. I always love your insights. #journalchat
Dawn, yes, it's a good idea to make a list because we tend to forget unless we know something very deeply. #JournalChat
@jillwinski Jill, you suggest making a list of what you Absolutely Know. I love that idea. #JournalChat#Journaling
@jillwinski Jill, you suggest making a list of what you Absolutely Know. I love that idea. #JournalChat#Journaling
@madeline40 It was indeed exquisite chatting with you, Madeline! #JournalChat
@KathyPooler @JournalChat @jillwinski Bye Kathy and everyone. I need to leave too. Great chatting with you all. Exquisite! #journalchat
RT @JournalChat: @KathyPooler That reminds me of combining #Journaling with meditation.#JournalChat Yes, Dawn! Now I'm really leaving :-)
@JournalChat @jillwinski Sorry I have to run. Thank you all . It's been a great conversation. Happy Journaling to you all! #journalchat
Yes! Getting it down on paper and out of our heads can make it more real to us. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler @vmusgrave @JournalChat Love it. My journals are never edited unless I pull out ideas for other written pieces. #journalchat
@jillwinski Sometimes I surprise myself with evidence. #Journaling helps me keep track of it: What I Know. :) #JournalChat
@jillwinski Yes, it really does. And then when you talk about them, those successes, it really adds to your energy! #JournalChat
@KathyPooler @madeline40 @vmusgrave@JournalChat I have done the same thing#journalchat it really increases my confidence
@vmusgrave @JournalChat How about this one: "life is the art of drawing w/o an eraser"-journaling helps us visualize + outcomes #journalchat
@KathyPooler That's like doing dialogue; wow. That's a great idea, Kathy! #JournalChat
Good point, Dawn. We build evidence over time that we CAN trust ourselves to take risks. #JournalChat
@dredrelew That's a mantra that often sounds trite until it gains real meaning through life. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Yes, it's a bit like scripting my life - with lots of rough drafts that stay in my journal.#journalchat
It's a powerful one! RT @dredrelew: @jillwinski glad to know that I'm not alone ;-) #JournalChat my mantra these days is Let Go and Let God
Sometimes looking at our risk taking track record, if we've been successful, can build confidence in our decisions. #JournalChat #Journaling
Sometimes looking at our risk taking track record, if we've been successful, can build confidence in our decisions. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: RT @jillwinski: And trusting ourselves takes practice. And commitment. To trusting ourselves! #JournalChat
@madeline40 @vmusgrave @JournalChat Yes, I have even" roleplayed" anticipated conversations with difficult people via dialogue #journalchat
@jillwinski glad to know that I'm not alone ;-)#JournalChat my mantra these days is Let Go and Let God
RT @JournalChat: RT @vmusgrave: Showing up on the page challenges us to be truthful to ourselves.#journalchat
@vmusgrave Ooh, I love that, Victoria. Almost like writing a script without the parts. #JournalChat
@vmusgrave @JournalChat Yes, because we're the only ones who know. I also run scenarios and make lists. #journalchat
RT @jillwinski: And trusting ourselves takes practice. And commitment. To trusting ourselves!#JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: And trusting ourselves takes practice. And commitment. To trusting ourselves!#JournalChat
Say more about that! :) RT @dredrelew: @jillwinskitrusting myself I still struggle with and sometimes the Universe steps in #JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave Yes, but easier to take risks on the page than in real life. I can "run scenarios" in my journal. #journalchat
@jillwinski trusting myself I still struggle with and sometimes the Universe steps in #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks for the tip, Michael. Welcome back to #JournalChat Live. :)
@JournalChat Yes, but easier to take risks on the page than in real life. I can "run scenarios" in my journal. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Confidentiality is very important--readily available TrueCrypt is good security product for computer files.
Totally. :) RT @JournalChat: @jillwinski Yes, and when we feel that way, we need to Journal to get to the bottom of it! #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: if you're feeling crappy, you know you've got some stressful thoughts going on that are NOT your deepest truth #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: if you're feeling crappy, you know you've got some stressful thoughts going on that are NOT your deepest truth #JournalChat
@jillwinski Yes, and when we feel that way, we need to Journal to get to the bottom of it! #JournalChat
@vmusgrave And being truthful is risky too but in a good way. It's really the only way. To Stay Connected.#JournalChat
Yes! RT @KathyPooler: @jillwinski @JournalChatYes, and the more we know, the more we trust --in ourselves. #journalchat
RT @vmusgrave: Showing up on the page challenges us to be truthful to ourselves.#journalchat
RT @vmusgrave: Showing up on the page challenges us to be truthful to ourselves.#journalchat
@vmusgrave Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Victoria! Great to see you. :)
And trusting ourselves takes practice. And commitment. To trusting ourselves! #JournalChat
@vmusgrave That's another key - showing up. I'm showing up more lately thanks to #journalchat.
@robynmcintyre I don't think there's been a#JournalChat Pick of the Week that has specifically addressed Risk.
Trusting ourselves is so key! RT @JournalChat: I think that trusting what we Know is a big part of acting on it. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I'm not sure, Robyn. We've had a lot of chats! But this one certainly qualifies!#JournalChat
RT @vmusgrave: Showing up on the page challenges us to be truthful to ourselves.#journalchat Yes, showing up & trusting in the process!
#JournalChat Confidentiality is very important--readily available TrueCrypt is good product for security for computer files.
RT @JournalChat: I think that trusting what we Know is a big part of acting on it. #Journaling helps us activate that trust. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler @robynmcintyre It's easier to type my thoughts. My fingers on keyboard can keep up better. I don't stop to edit. #journalchat
I think that trusting what we Know is a big part of acting on it. #Journaling helps us activate that trust.#JournalChat
I think that trusting what we Know is a big part of acting on it. #Journaling helps us activate that trust.#JournalChat
Dawn, yes, if you're feeling crappy, you know you've got some stressful thoughts going on that are NOT your deepest truth #JournalChat
Showing up on the page challenges us to be truthful to ourselves. #journalchat
@madeline40 Do you think our 'Risk" perspective changes as we journal? Reduces the fear? I think it does. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Has there ever been a chat about how you can take more risks when journaling?#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring @madeline40 Journaling takes commitment & courage as well as practice#journalchat
@KathyPooler @DawnHerring @madeline40 Yes indeed it does! If I don't journal for a few days, I'm lost. #JournalChat
I agree! RT @madeline40: @JournalChat @jillwinskiIt's also a good way to dissolve the risks or work around them. #journalchat
@jillwinski Jill, I also appreciate: you can often tell when you’re not putting it into action, by the way you feel. #JournalChat
@jillwinski Jill, I also appreciate: you can often tell when you’re not putting it into action, by the way you feel. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler It really does take commitment. I always suggest people try it for at least a week before giving up on it! #JournalChat
@JournalChat @jillwinski It's also a good way to dissolve the risks or work around them. #journalchat
@KathyPooler Yes, it does, Kathy. We face the "Music" in our journals when we recognize what we need to change. #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring @madeline40Journaling takes commitment & courage as well as practice #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring @madeline40Journaling takes commitment & courage as well as practice #journalchat
@jillwinski You know, Jill, that's is a really good point; #journaling does help us see that value of our risk steps. #JournalChat
I agree, Dawn! #Journaling helps me understand which risks are worth taking. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I have a password protected computer file. I've been journaling by computer afterI left my notebook on a plane.#journalchat
@robynmcintyre Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Robyn; great to see you!
@madeline40 Oh yes. My #journaling helps me see what needs doing and what steps need taking; I stay connected! #JournalChat
@madeline40 Oh yes. My #journaling helps me see what needs doing and what steps need taking; I stay connected! #JournalChat
@jillwinskiand It's so true! Life wouldn't move forward without our taking risks. #Journaling helps us figure it out. #JournalChat
@madeline40 How do you keep your journal safe from others? #journalchat
RT @jillwinski: I call it "the paradox of safety." The more deeply safe we feel within ourselves, the more risks we can take! #JournalChat
RT @jillwinski: I call it "the paradox of safety." The more deeply safe we feel within ourselves, the more risks we can take! #JournalChat
@dredrelew I don't think I make any decisions without my journal--accept to do laundry when needed. ;) #JournalChat
@dredrelew @DawnHerring Absolutely. I think I work out decisions daily in my #journaling. And in getting things done. #journalchat
RT @jillwinski: I call it "the paradox of safety." The more deeply safe we feel within ourselves, the more risks we can take! #JournalChat
"Paradox of safety." The more deeply safe we feel within ourselves, the more risks we can take! v/ @jillwinski #JournalChat <3
@jillwinski I so agree with that, Jill. Safety is very important to well being. #Journaling helps us create that safe oasis. #JournalChat
@dredrelew I agree Andrea Journaling offers a plce to find clarity and focus..The Pros/Cons #journalchat
@madeline40 I call it "the paradox of safety." The more deeply safe we feel within ourselves, the more risks we can take! #JournalChat
@KathyPooler That's why the self-empowerment aspect of #Journaling is so vital; it then helps us meet others' needs. #JournalChat
@jillwinski I think safety is the key. Otherwise, why journal? #journalchat