Enjoy your #Journaling as you heal and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling as you heal and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/21, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/21, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to @drlaurie Nadel for Keeping a#Cancer Journal: Your Private #Healing Journey, our#Journaling resource. #JournalChat
Special Thanks to @drlaurie Nadel for Keeping a#Cancer Journal: Your Private #Healing Journey, our#Journaling resource. #JournalChat
ow.ly/hJkvL #RefreshJournal can give you a fresh perspective, no matter what circumstance you are facing. #Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/hJksk #RefreshJournal can give you a fresh perspective, no matter what circumstance you are facing. #Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/hJkqH We all need Nourishment when dealing with illness or simply to just nurture and love ourselves #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/hJknO We all need Nourishment when dealing with illness or simply to just nurture and love ourselves #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/hJklD A #Journaling #Prompt can help jump start the #Healing process when dealing with illness. #JournalChat
ow.ly/hJkho A #Journaling #Prompt can help jump start the #Healing process when dealing with illness. #JournalChat
No matter what approach we take to #Journalingthrough illness, this #Healing process is one we can greatly benefit from. #JournalChat
No matter what approach we take to #Journalingthrough illness, this #Healing process is one we can greatly benefit from. #JournalChat
Have you ever noticed that children's laughter is a delight to listen to? My grandboy's laughter always makes me feel good. #JournalChat
Have you ever noticed that children's laughter is a delight to listen to? My grandboy's laughter always makes me feel good. #JournalChat
I love recording things that make me laugh; it gives the day buoyancy that it otherwise would not have. Laughter heals. :) #JournalChat
I love recording things that make me laugh; it gives the day buoyancy that it otherwise would not have. Laughter heals. :) #JournalChat
#JournalChat Must go. Another great chat. Thank you and chat next week.
The last suggestion on Dr. Nadel's list is Humor; laughter is perfect medicine. #JournalChat#Journaling
The last suggestion on Dr. Nadel's list is Humor; laughter is perfect medicine. #JournalChat#Journaling
@JournalChat I'm also signing out Dawn. Have a great evening everyone and Happy Valentine's Day!#JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge.
I find the collage process to be insightful, revealing, and #Healing. Anything goes. #JournalChat#Journaling
I find the collage process to be insightful, revealing, and #Healing. Anything goes. #JournalChat#Journaling
Dr. Nadel shares that it may look simplistic but it engages both sides of the brain. #Journaling#JournalChat
Dr. Nadel shares that it may look simplistic but it engages both sides of the brain. #Journaling#JournalChat
Whether it's images, text, or a receipt, collage#journaling can reveal the importance of your daily life in #Healing. #JournalChat
Whether it's images, text, or a receipt, collage#journaling can reveal the importance of your daily life in #Healing. #JournalChat
This collage journal can contain anything from your daily experience as you work through the challenges of your illness. #JournalChat
This collage journal can contain anything from your daily experience as you work through the challenges of your illness. #JournalChat
It's time for me to sign off for today. Thanks Dawn and everyone for the great chat. Happy Journaling.#journalchat
The 2/10 Carnival of #Creativity is postedwp.me/p1DkEX-1eh #writingtips #amwriting#amblogging #journalchat #amcrafting #recipes
The dream #journaling and #health processes take time; listening for those messages can be truly clarifying. #JournalChat
The dream #journaling and #health processes take time; listening for those messages can be truly clarifying. #JournalChat
I keep a dream journal daily; it does help to understand your health issues as they arise in imagery in your dreams #JournalChat #journaling
I keep a dream journal daily; it does help to understand your health issues as they arise in imagery in your dreams #JournalChat #journaling
Dr. Nadel also recommends #Dream #Journaling. I love her three word approach; I tried it and it works!#JournalChat
Dr. Nadel also recommends #Dream #Journaling. I love her three word approach; I tried it and it works!#JournalChat
#JournalChat OOTW balances the glass half empty with the language of the soul--what our hearts desire.
RT #JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Aah, I see what you mean, Michael. That gives it a whole new meaning and experience. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge.
@madeline40 I think it's insightful to use these kinds of centering health approaches in tandem. They are great complements. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I do love writing down one good thing every day; I love emphasizing what went right; its good for your health! #journalchat
#JournalChat Dawn, It's not so much that we need stillness & clarity, it's knowing that we are stillness & clarity.
@JournalChat Yes, I find working out like journaling for my body. It centers and calms me as well. I think about writing then. #journalchat
I do love writing down at least one good thing every day; I love emphasizing what went right; it's good for your health! #JournalChat
I do love writing down at least one good thing every day; I love emphasizing what went right; it's good for your health! #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot Thanks for stopping in, Julie. Good day to you. :) #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I so agree, Michael! And we need that stillness and clarity. #JournalChat
@madeline40 @JournalChat I agree Madeline! I write whatever needs to get out of my head and into the journal pg count #JournalChat
@JournalChat I journal almost everyday but not first thing. I journal as soon as I get to my computer, after working out. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge.
@madeline40 I agree, Madeline. It should never feel overwhelming; just what works! #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot @JournalChat I find#morningpages impossible to keep up, so #journalregularly but not daily #journalchat
@dredrelew I love that, Andrea; your self care regime. We all need that, don't we. Just loving ourselves like we should. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat I have to pick up my son from school now! Thanks for the engaging #journalchatconversation, as always!
RT @dredrelew: I also write #MorningPages it's part of my self-care regime. It's keeps me grounded and ready to start the day #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: I also write #MorningPages it's part of my self-care regime. It's keeps me grounded and ready to start the day #JournalChat
#JournalChat Journaling personalizes the human concerns and allows stillness and clarity to emerge.
RT @janifranck: @JournalChat @mscator using#journals to share our stories is powerful medicine for us and others #journalchat
RT @janifranck: @JournalChat @mscator using#journals to share our stories is powerful medicine for us and others #journalchat
@janifranck Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Jani; good to see you! :)
@janifranck Amen, Jani! Sharing stories is powerful medicine; I love that! #JournalChat
#JournalChat "Beauty arises in the stillness of your presence." Eckart Tolle.
@JournalChat I don't think we should bog ourselves down with meeting a certain number of pages. It's all good. #journalchat
@JournalChat I also write #MorningPages it's part of my self-care regime. It's keeps me grounded and ready to start the day #JournalChat
Dr. Nadel's next approach is NEWS and GOODS; One good thing every day. #JournalChat #Journaling
Dr. Nadel's next approach is NEWS and GOODS; One good thing every day. #JournalChat #Journaling
@juliejordanscot I don't often write three, usually one or two at most. But I love my am entries. :)#JournalChat
@JournalChat @mscator using #journals to share our stories is powerful medicine for us and others#journalchat
@JournalChat Like Julia Cameron's morning pages in The Artist's Way? #journalchat
@JournalChat Yep! I write #morningpages most of all. That practice literally changed my life... for the better! tee hee hee hee #journalchat
Dr. Nadel's first one is #MorningPages which are very popular in the #Journaling field. #JournalChat
Dr. Nadel's first one is #MorningPages which are very popular in the #Journaling field. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat we're spiritual beings having a human experience. Appreciating that = enlightenment.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat we're spiritual beings having a human experience. Appreciating that = enlightenment.
@DawnHerring Where does Dr. Nadel share those healing approaches to journaling? #journalchat
RT @dredrelew: @madeline40 @OutOTWhirlwindStaying in the NOW creates more self-acceptance and inner peace #JournalChat
RT @dredrelew: @madeline40 @OutOTWhirlwindStaying in the NOW creates more self-acceptance and inner peace #JournalChat
#JournalChat we're spiritual beings having a human experience. Appreciating that = enlightenment.
@lesclairmont @mscator Brilliant and so helpful. Have you thought of writing a book about it.#journalchat
Dr. Nadel shares 7 approaches to #journaling that can truly open up the healing process. #JournalChat
Dr. Nadel shares 7 approaches to #journaling that can truly open up the healing process. #JournalChat
RT @lesclairmont: “@mscator: I used my journal entries during my chemo to help others when I recovered. #journalchat”//Very smart and very kind.
@madeline40 @OutOTWhirlwind Staying in the NOW creates more self-acceptance and inner peace#JournalChat
@lesclairmont Thanks for the RT, Les. :) Welcome to#JournalChat Live. :)
@lesclairmont Brilliant and so helpful. Have you thought of writing a book about it. #journalchat
Just a friendly reminder; please use #JournalChat in your tweet so others can read it in the feed. Thanks!
Just a friendly reminder; please use #JournalChat in your tweet so others can read it in the feed. Thanks!
“@mscator: I used my journal entries during my chemo to help others when I recovered.#journalchat”//Very smart and very kind.
RT @juliejordanscot: @JournalChat Its helped me deal with my melanoma... what a journey and what "stuff" it has brought up. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: @JournalChat the ego or self-identity is in crisis, the soul is not. Journaling exposes the self-identity. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: @JournalChat the ego or self-identity is in crisis, the soul is not. Journaling exposes the self-identity. #JournalChat
#Journaling can help us express our fears, angst, upset and emotions on the page as we struggle through deep illness. #JournalChat
#Journaling can help us express our fears, angst, upset and emotions on the page as we struggle through deep illness. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot YES! Exactly! It took me a while to really let go but I love all of the insights I gain. A-HA moments! #JournalChat
@dredrelew Just letting the words free flow - that's how my best a-ha's are born. I forget what I write - rereading helps. #journalchat
Dr. Nadel: "[#Journaling] can provide a spark of light in the darkness and it can even make you laugh."#JournalChat
Dr. Nadel: "[#Journaling] can provide a spark of light in the darkness and it can even make you laugh."#JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Considering how old I am I'm always paying attention to the impermanence. So important to stay in the now. #journalchat
#JournalChat witness journaling ego's dilemma allows the experience of awakening. The more the ego is exposed the more aware we are.
@madeline40 So you engaged in the practice too; that is insightful. I'm sure it helped them feel your support by joining them. #JournalChat
@JournalChat By the way, I wrote to the prompts along with them. I just didn't share mine.#journalchat
@juliejordanscot I appreciate your stopping in..no matter how long. :) #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot I love that, Julie. NO Words are Wrong. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot The only time I edit is when I take a piece of my journal and revise it for a blog piece.#journalchat
@madeline40 I can imagine how gratifying it must have been; I'm happy for you, Madeline; it's awesome what you're doing. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Exactly, Madeline! #Journaling always helps me get a fresh perspective. Which is really helpful. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot So true. I've been journaling for years for just those issues. #journalchat
@JournalChat Thank you, Dawn! I only have a little while, but I wanted to be here as long as possible. Happy Thursday! #journalchat
#JournalChat to see the ego's struggles can be liberating--to be truly able to witness that is enlightenment.
@madeline40 I never edit myself when journaling about pain, grief, sorrow... on the road to healing. No words are wrong. #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Healing, grieving, facing loss.. indeed, Julie. Loss of all kinds, whether health, possessions, relationships. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Julie! Great to see you. :)
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael; good to see you. :)
@JournalChat I felt honored that they asked me to come back and just be with them in the group. I gained a lot as well. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind The fact of impermanence is mostly ignored...do you mean, we don't recognize that it's not permanent? #JournalChat
@JournalChat Yet sometimes I want to focus my journal only on the pain. It helps me gain perspective. #journalchat
RT @mscator: I think journaling is a good healing resource in the grieving process, too. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Wow. That's amazing, Madeline. It made that much of a difference. And working with you, I'm sure, was good too. :) #JournalChat
@madeline40 @JournalChat absolutely. #journalingprovides such a space for healing, grieving, facing loss.... #journalchat
#JournalChat the human experience of losing our health is a fundamental problem for all of us. The fact of impermanence is mostly ignored.
@dredrelew Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Andrea! Great to see you! :)
@madeline40 #Journaling can provide great relief, whether it's grief, angst, trauma, or emotional turmoil. #JournalChat
@madeline40 #Journaling can provide great relief, whether it's grief, angst, trauma, or emotional turmoil. #JournalChat
@JournalChat They all came away very upbeat. I'm the official sub, so I hope to do it again. #journalchat
Dr. Nadel: "A journal can help to distract attention from the pain by focusing on something good that happened during the day." #JournalChat
Dr. Nadel: "A journal can help to distract attention from the pain by focusing on something good that happened during the day." #JournalChat
@JournalChat It can also help you get over your grief or make it less of a burden. #journalchat
@madeline40 Wow. That's must have been amazing to listen and see the effects of the #Journalingprocess with their health. #JournalChat
@mscator When you're faced with any kind of health issue, it can cause grief as well. #Journaling can help you grieve. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I gave them prompts for 5-minute writing exercises and then they each read what they wrote. They shed some tears. #journalchat
RT @mscator: I think journaling is a good healing resource in the grieving process, too. #JournalChat
RT @mscator: I think journaling is a good healing resource in the grieving process, too. #JournalChat
I think journaling is a good healing resource in the grieving process, too. #JournalChat
@mscator Oh, I can imagine, Leia. I'm so glad you had it all down on paper. That is a true healing legacy! #JournalChat
@madeline40 Really, Madeline? What was that experience like? #JournalChat
@JournalChat Hi Dawn and all. I made it! Great conversation going here. #JournalChat
@Bookmark_Terry Oh, mine is too, no matter what ailment I may have. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat I would have never remembered the timeline and feelings. It was a tremendous resource, Dawn. #JournalChat
@Bookmark_Terry Terry! It's great to see you! Welcome back to #JournalChat Live. :))
@JournalChat I was recently a sub leader of cancer patients in a writing group. So much helpful stuff came out. #journalchat
@mscator And how did they respond to what you wrote? I'm sure it was quite personal, being a private journal. #JournalChat
@mscator So you used a journal during your chemo treatments and then later shared your entries with others to help them. Wow. #JournalChat
RT @mscator: I used my journal entries during my chemo to help others when I recovered. #journalchat
RT @mscator: I used my journal entries during my chemo to help others when I recovered. #journalchat
@mscator Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Leia!! Good to see you. :)
Folks say #Journaling has provided them with support, comfort, and strength in those hours when they felt most alone. #JournalChat
Folks say #Journaling has provided them with support, comfort, and strength in those hours when they felt most alone. #JournalChat
@JournalChat So true, Dawn! Lots of support. My journal is a major supporter which always gets the cheers just right. :) #JournalChat
I used my journal entries during my chemo to help others when I recovered. #journalchat
@JournalChat I experienced that today. My fingers were pounding those keys until they hurt. But it helped. #journalchat
Dr. Nadel has heard from many patients the great benefits they experience with keeping a journal.#JournalChat #Journaling
Dr. Nadel has heard from many patients the great benefits they experience with keeping a journal.#JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 I would agree, Madeline. Emotions, feelings, trauma can all be addressed is our#Journaling practice. #JournalChat
I love the energy and #Healing vibe that #Journalinghas always created for me, in any challenging health circumstance. #journalchat
When we are faced with a serious illness or diagnosis, Dr. Nadel recommends a lot of support for your journey. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we are faced with a serious illness or diagnosis, Dr. Nadel recommends a lot of support for your journey. #JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 Oh, you're welcome to share them with folks, Madeline. :) #JournalChat
I love the energy and #Healing vibe that #Journalinghas always created for me, in any challenging health circumstance. #JournalChat
I love the energy and #Healing vibe that #Journalinghas always created for me, in any challenging health circumstance. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Definitely. So I'm very interested in our chat today. Perhaps I'll get a few tidbits for Sunday.#journalchat
Dr. Nadel shares a variety of approaches to a#Journaling practice to engage in healing with#cancer. #JournalChat
Dr. Nadel shares a variety of approaches to a#Journaling practice to engage in healing with#cancer. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Sounds like a synchronization, Madeline! :) #JournalChat
Our topic today is Your #Journaling: A #HealingPathway as we discuss how we can journal through challenging health issues. #JournalChat
Our topic today is Your #Journaling: A #HealingPathway as we discuss how we can journal through challenging health issues. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/hJejg On pg 25Find Your Authentic Creative Outlet, my article in Outlet Magazine. #JournalChat #journalchat
Our #Journaling resource is Keeping a #CancerJournal: Your Private #Healing Journey by @drlaurieNadel. ow.ly/hJeFf #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is Keeping a #CancerJournal: Your Private #Healing Journey by @drlaurieNadel. ow.ly/hJeDa #JournalChat
The topic today is perfect. We're doing a reading and discussion on writing as healing this Sunday at our local bookstore. #journalchat
@madeline40 Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, as always, Madeline! :)
I'd love to know how it works for you; you can use the new #RefreshChat to share your discoveries.#JournalChat #Journaling
I'd love to know how it works for you; you can use the new #RefreshChat to share your discoveries.#JournalChat #Journaling
Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Dawn. It's great to be back here today. #journalchat
There is a #Journaling exercise I am actively engaged in and you're welcome to join me and try it!#JournalChat
There is a #Journaling exercise I am actively engaged in and you're welcome to join me and try it!#JournalChat
ow.ly/hJejg On pg 25 is Find Your Authentic Creative Outlet, my article in Outlet Magazine. #JournalChat#Journaling
ow.ly/hJecN On pg 25 is Find Your Authentic Creative Outlet, my article in Outlet Magazine. #JournalChat#Journaling
I also have an invitation for you! For all #Journalingand #JournalChat enthusiasts.
I also have an invitation for you! For all #Journalingand #JournalChat enthusiasts.
First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day! #JournalChat
First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day! #JournalChat
I recommend using tweetchat.com to follow along and contribute. #JournalChat
I recommend using tweetchat.com to follow along and contribute. #JournalChat
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
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