That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/28, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 2/28, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to Madeline Stilley @maddieos11 for her post The Benefits of Keeping a #Work #Journal, our #journaling resource. #JournalChat
Special Thanks to Madeline Stilley @maddieos11 for her post The Benefits of Keeping a #Work #Journal, our #journaling resource. #JournalChat #RefreshJournal offers #refreshing tips on your #work every other week. #JournalChat#Journaling #RefreshJournal offers #refreshing tips on your #work every other week. #JournalChat#Journaling A Nourishing Source can help us deal with #work related issues. #JournalChat #Journaling A Nourishing Source can help us deal with #work related issues. #JournalChat #Journaling
When you journal about your #work tasks, priorities, goals, & relationships, it provides clarity and peace of mind. #JournalChat #Journaling
When you journal about your #work tasks, priorities, goals, & relationships, it provides clarity and peace of mind. #JournalChat #Journaling
Madeline shares how #journaling is a great #worktool to help grow and succeed in your career.#JournalChat
Madeline shares how #journaling is a great #worktool to help grow and succeed in your career.#JournalChat
It can be a confidence booster when we know and act on how we can benefit another in our #work tasks and attitudes. #JournalChat #Journaling
It can be a confidence booster when we know and act on how we can benefit another in our #work tasks and attitudes. #JournalChat #Journaling
#Journaling will help us recognize when we need to address a problem and how we can solve it with others. #JournalChat
#Journaling will help us recognize when we need to address a problem and how we can solve it with others. #JournalChat
One element of our #work day is related to relationships: co-workers, colleagues, partners, collaborators. #JournalChat #Journaling
One element of our #work day is related to relationships: co-workers, colleagues, partners, collaborators. #JournalChat #Journaling
Pay attention to your body signals when it comes to#work related inhibitors; honor your intuition!#JournalChat #journaling
Pay attention to your body signals when it comes to#work related inhibitors; honor your intuition!#JournalChat #journaling
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks for joining us today, Michael. :) #JournalChat
When I recognize a situation or activity that is toxic or inhibits me, I can dissect what about it that slows me down. #JournalChat
When I recognize a situation or activity that is toxic or inhibits me, I can dissect what about it that slows me down. #JournalChat
Madeline's next Q touches on Toxins and Inhibitors. What situations proved to drag you down?#JournalChat #Journaling
Madeline's next Q touches on Toxins and Inhibitors. What situations proved to drag you down?#JournalChat #Journaling
It's those #work related a-ha moments that can change the projectory of our approach to certain aspects of our day. #JournalChat #Journaling
It's those #work related a-ha moments that can change the projectory of our approach to certain aspects of our day. #JournalChat #Journaling
It is interesting how something that stops us in our tracks #work wise, can actually show us something we never saw before. #JournalChat
It is interesting how something that stops us in our tracks #work wise, can actually show us something we never saw before. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Dawn, I have to run but I enjoyed the#journalchat. Thanks everyone!
@OutOTWhirlwind You know, Michael, that's what I refer to as my inner wisdom, my intuition. Very exciting possibilities! #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat The soul knows the truth. The ego screws around with it--it's the adversary.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat The soul knows the truth. The ego screws around with it--it's the adversary.
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat - @KathyPooler right on! #Journaling about any decision can help identify better decisions over time.
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat - @KathyPooler right on! #Journaling about any decision can help identify better decisions over time.
@KathyPooler It can sometimes show us something we haven't seen that can make all the difference in our perspective. #JournalChat
@victorsachar Isn't it amazing how the truth does come out when you journal? Sometimes when you're least expecting it! #JournalChat
#JournalChat The soul knows the truth. The ego screws around with it--it's the adversary.
@OutOTWhirlwind That's a great point, Michael. I do notice a better feeling when I hit on something good, authentic. #JournalChat
#JournalChat - @KathyPooler right on! #Journalingabout any decision can help identify better decisions over time.
@JournalChat Yes, what may seem initially like a catastrophe may turn out to be a blessing#journalchat
#JournalChat @DawnHerring The vortex is your natural home--that's your essence.
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat Great point.#Journaling for balance and clarity helps keep new action focused and professional.
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat Great point.#Journaling for balance and clarity helps keep new action focused and professional.
@OutOTWhirlwind that's very true. The truth always comes out. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Do you mean like seeing the setback from both angles? #JournalChat
@JournalChat I'm not sure, I'm moody I guess - I'll write every day for weeks, then stop for a while.#journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Don't worry about being honest. Just write it down your soul will sort our your truth by what feels better
RT @KathyPooler: @JournalChat Reflecting on setbacks from a pro/con angle can sometimes yield surprizing results #journalchat
@leahmichon What do you think makes the difference, between when you do journal and when you don't? #journalchat
#JournalChat Don't worry about being honest. Just write it down and your soul will sort our your truth by what feels better and best.
#JournalChat Great point. #Journaling for balance and clarity helps keep new action focused and professional.
@OutOTWhirlwind Yes, indeed, I do. I believe it can be referred to as the Vortex; it's always there!#JournalChat
@victorsachar Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Victor! Happy to see you. :)
@victorsachar Indeed, Victor; I wouldn't have it any other way. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Reflecting on setbacks from a pro/con angle can sometimes yield surprizing results#journalchat
@leahmichon Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Leah; great to see you! :)
RT @leahmichon: I like one doable thing too - less overwhelming than a big to-do list #journalchat#betterlatethannever
@leahmichon I know, Leah. That's exactly what I was thinking! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Sometimes I stop journaling when I experience setbacks, other times they are what gets me back into it #journalchat
#JournalChat @DawnHerring Welcome to life everlasting. You know that vibration, that feeling, that flow.
The next Q from Madeline is focused on setbacks and how they affected us inwardly. #JournalChat#Journaling
The next Q from Madeline is focused on setbacks and how they affected us inwardly. #JournalChat#Journaling
RT @KathyPooler: @JournalChat Yes, being realistic,setting achievable goals and being clear on priorities are all important #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @JournalChat Yes, being realistic,setting achievable goals and being clear on priorities are all important #journalchat
@JournalChat @Write4LifeCoach I like one doable thing too - less overwhelming than a big to-do list#journalchat #betterlatethannever
@KathyPooler I think for me #Journaling helps me see how the "process" went for me in my #work life.#JournalChat
I train new managers to keep a #journaling habit. Helps sort through decisions, build confidence, and keep a log of activity. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I love the idea of a do-able ONE thing we can act on to make progress on something that is Priority. #JournalChat #Journaling
@OutOTWhirlwind When I see the "Being" word, it reminds me of Right Now, which is really all there is. Can we trust ourselves? #JournalChat
@JournalChat Yes, being realistic,setting achievable goals and being clear on priorities are all important#journalchat
RT @DawnHerring: I love the next Q: What one thing can I do to make progress on my important work tomorrow? #JournalChat #Journaling
@KathyPooler That's a great point, Kathy.#Journaling helps us sort it all out and really get moving! #JournalChat
#JournalChat "We trust the process" sounds like ego...has a flavour of fear. The soul knows the delight of 'being'... delicious enjoyment.
@JournalChat Once you evaluate the pos & neg from one day, you can set goals for the next day based on that #journalchat
I often make an action #work related list in the am when I journal; helps me prioritize and move forward.#JournalChat #Journaling
I often make an action #work related list in the am when I journal; helps me prioritize and move forward.#JournalChat #Journaling
I love the idea of a do-able ONE thing we can act on to make progress on something that is Priority.#JournalChat #Journaling
I love the idea of a do-able ONE thing we can act on to make progress on something that is Priority.#JournalChat #Journaling
I love the next Q: What one thing can I do to make progress on my important work tomorrow?#JournalChat #Journaling
I love the next Q: What one thing can I do to make progress on my important work tomorrow?#JournalChat #Journaling
@Write4LifeCoach Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Nathan; great to see you. :)
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat Hi Dawn. Great topic today! #Journaling is a great tool for healthy work life.
RT @Write4LifeCoach: #JournalChat Hi Dawn. Great topic today! #Journaling is a great tool for healthy work life.
@KathyPooler Oh, definitely, Kathy. I love the privacy and freedom to express where I am in my #work and life experience. #JournalChat
#JournalChat Hi Dawn. Sorry I'm late! Great topic today! #Journaling is a great tool for healthy work life.
@OutOTWhirlwind Isn't that the truth! The energy for change flows better when we trust the process.#JournalChat
@JournalChat Agreed! It's like the journal is a trusted friend whom you can pour your heart out to w/o fear of criticism #journalchat
@KathyPooler Exactly, Kathy. The influences can't always be in our control, but we CAN control how we respond. #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Again increased awareness of what factors influenced the situation can occur with journaling #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Again increased awareness of what factors influenced the situation can occur with journaling #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind You know, Michael, that is interesting; since when we resist change, it creates more conflict. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChatI believe the negatives seem to stay with us longer because they often cause unresolved conflict. #JournalChat Good Point!
That's why #Journaling can be such an important tool, because we can know this right away & prepare for next time. #JournalChat
That's why #Journaling can be such an important tool, because we can know this right away & prepare for next time. #JournalChat
#JournalChat The ego is discomforted by change. The issue of change is all about the ego drama.
@DawnHerring Again increased awareness of what factors influenced the situation can occur with journaling #journalchat
@KathyPooler I believe the negatives seem to stay with us longer because they often cause unresolved conflict. #JournalChat #Journaling
@KathyPooler I believe the negatives seem to stay with us longer because they often cause unresolved conflict. #JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat The soul that loves that moment has no issue with change. The soul is always about delight in the journey.
When you see what was a support to you, you can then recognize how this benefited you in your #workday. #JournalChat #Journaling
When you see what was a support to you, you can then recognize how this benefited you in your #workday. #JournalChat #Journaling
That's where my #Journaling the BEST of each day comes in; it shows me what elements of my day supported me. #JournalChat
That's where my #Journaling the BEST of each day comes in; it shows me what elements of my day supported me. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Why does it seem easier to focus on the negatives? Practicing focusing on the positives as a habit is important. #journalchat
Another great Q from Madeline: What nourishment and catalysts supported me in my work? #Journaling#JournalChat
Another great Q from Madeline: What nourishment and catalysts supported me in my work? #Journaling#JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Indeed, Michael! I love it when that happens. :) #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the beauty of writing things down--you start to see what's really going on and intuitive understanding &...
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the beauty of writing things down--you start to see what's really going on and intuitive understanding &...
@KathyPooler Exactly! My BEST of each day can really put a smile on my face when I see it in print. :)#JournalChat
@KathyPooler Oh, it is, Kathy. Change is challenging; until we realize how much we'll benefit from that change. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the beauty of writing things down--you start to see what's really going on and intuitive understanding & action emerge.
@OutOTWhirlwind Here's the#journaling exercise in detail. An Open Invitation to try it has been shared. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Here's the#journaling exercise in detail. An Open Invitation to try it has been shared. #JournalChat
#JournalChat the beauty of writing things down--you start to see what's really going on and intuitive understanding & action emerge.
@JournalChat I like the focus on the positive to build confidence #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I compile my Best and Worst of each day's activities and see where things are working and where they're not. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind I compile my Best and Worst of each day's activities and see where things are working and where they're not. #JournalChat
#Journaling where you get stuck is also worthwhile; then you can brainstorm how to get into the #workflow. #JournalChat
#Journaling where you get stuck is also worthwhile; then you can brainstorm how to get into the #workflow. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I agree,self-awareness is the key & the sometimes the hardest part is facing what you need to change #journalchat
When you see your #Work progress in print, it can be an encouragement to see what you've accomplished. #JournalChat #Journaling
When you see your #Work progress in print, it can be an encouragement to see what you've accomplished. #JournalChat #Journaling
@KathyPooler Communication is so important to a successful #work day; when it goes awry, it can create challenge to confidence. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Communication is so important to a successful #work day; when it goes awry, it can create challenge to confidence. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Self awareness is key; I like the yourself especially. Recognizing what change to make. #JournalChat
I encourage folks to journal each day about what they DID do; that where the "progress" side of things comes in. #JournalChat #Journaling
I encourage folks to journal each day about what they DID do; that where the "progress" side of things comes in. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat So often conflict is directly r/t to communication issues & journaling helps with self-awareness & accountability.#journalchat
@KathyPooler #Journaling can really make all the difference in our #work perspective. Can you specify its usefulness? #JournalChat
When I do my 2 week #Journaling review, I can see the progress I make with making wise #workdecisions. #JournalChat
When I do my 2 week #Journaling review, I can see the progress I make with making wise #workdecisions. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind How do I see What in my journal work, Michael? I'm not sure what you were responding to. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Thanks, Dawn. Though, I'm retired , I can remember those "harried" work days when reflecting on the day was useful #journalchat
@KathyPooler I totally get the Agenda Issue, Kathy.#Journaling is excellent for working out those details.#JournalChat
@KathyPooler Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Kathy! Great to see you. :)
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael; great to see you. :)
Another question from Madeline: What progress did I make today and how did it affect my inner work life?#JournalChat #Journaling
Another question from Madeline: What progress did I make today and how did it affect my inner work life?#JournalChat #Journaling
This gives me immediate feedback on how my work day went. I like being "in the know." #Journaling#JournalChat
This gives me immediate feedback on how my work day went. I like being "in the know." #Journaling#JournalChat
If I'm not happy with it, I mark it with an X and describe in one word how I felt about it. #JournalChat#Journaling
If I'm not happy with it, I mark it with an X and describe in one word how I felt about it. #JournalChat#Journaling
I highlight #work related activities with a star that I was especially happy about, with results or communication. #JournalChat #Journaling
I highlight #work related activities with a star that I was especially happy about, with results or communication. #JournalChat #Journaling
Work settings hold a lot of potential for conflict as pple hv thr own agendas. #journaling can help sort out your part #journalchat
#JournalChat Hi @DawnHerring. How do you see this in your journal work?
With the #Journaling exercise I've been sharing recently my summary helps me see this clearly. #JournalChat
With the #Journaling exercise I've been sharing recently my summary helps me see this clearly. #JournalChat
That is a great place to start! Detail it and describe how it affected your well being; did it enhance or hinder? #JournalChat #Journaling
That is a great place to start! Detail it and describe how it affected your well being; did it enhance or hinder? #JournalChat #Journaling
Do you find yourself thinking about a specific conversation or task that stayed with you after it was over? #JournalChat #Journaling
Do you find yourself thinking about a specific conversation or task that stayed with you after it was over? #JournalChat #Journaling
Madeline shares several questions to help jump start a work-oriented #Journal entry. #Journaling#JournalChat
Madeline shares several questions to help jump start a work-oriented #Journal entry. #Journaling#JournalChat
#Journaling has always been a great reflection tool; and reflecting on our work day can really activate our awareness. #JournalChat
#Journaling has always been a great reflection tool; and reflecting on our work day can really activate our awareness. #JournalChat
Madeline describes this #Work #Journal as a "well-being" journal. Are you aware of your #Work Life well being? #JournalChat #Journaling
Madeline describes this #Work #Journal as a "well-being" journal. Are you aware of your #Work Life well being? #JournalChat #Journaling
Our topic for today's #JournalChat Live is Your#Journaling: #Work Wisdom as we discuss the benefits of detailing our work day.
Our topic for today's #JournalChat Live is Your#Journaling: #Work Wisdom as we discuss the benefits of detailing our work day.
Our #Journaling resource: The Benefits of Keeping a#Work #Journal by Madeline Stilley #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource: The Benefits of Keeping a#Work #Journal by Madeline Stilley #JournalChat I did want to invite you to join me in this#journaling exercise explained on my #JournalChatblog. I did want to invite you to join me in this#journaling exercise explained on my #JournalChatblog.
I recommed to follow the feed and contribute. #JournalChat
I recommed to follow the feed and contribute. #JournalChat
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
My new alternate Twitter is @RefreshwithDawn when my @JournalChat tweets hit the limit. #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
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