Enjoy #Journaling away your worries; and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy #Journaling away your worries; and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; Thanks so much for joining us in 2012!! #Journaling
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; Thanks so much for joining us in 2012!! #Journaling
There will be no session of #JournalChat Live on 12/27/12 due to the Christmas Holiday. #Journaling
There will be no session of #JournalChat Live on 12/27/12 due to the Christmas Holiday. #Journaling
Our next session of #JournalChat Live will be on Thursday, 1/3/13!; #Journaling topic to be announced. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Our next session of #JournalChat Live will be on Thursday, 1/3/13!; #Journaling topic to be announced. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Special Thanks to Debra DiPietro for her post on writing away worry, our #Journaling resource.ow.ly/ggXP5 #JournalChat
Special Thanks to Debra DiPietro for her post on writing away worry, our #Journaling resource.ow.ly/ggXOt #JournalChat
ow.ly/ggXLX My article, Find Your Authentic Creative Outlet, is in the premiere issue of Outlet Magazine on pg 25. #JournalChat
ow.ly/ggXI5 My article, Find Your Authentic Creative Outlet, is in the premiere issue of Outlet Magazine on pg 25. #JournalChat
ow.ly/ggXCV #RefreshJournal can help give you a fresh perspective on what you worry about.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/ggXA1 #RefreshJournal can help give you a fresh perspective on what you worry about.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/ggXza When you focus on What You Did Do, it can help relieve the worry of not getting enough done! #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/ggXw2 When you focus on What You Did Do, it can help relieve the worry of not getting enough done! #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/ggXv1 Sometimes a #Journaling #Prompt can be just the medicine to relieve your worries!#JournalChat
ow.ly/ggXsq Sometimes a #Journaling #Prompt can be just the medicine to relieve your worries!#JournalChat
#Journaling is the perfect practice, no matter your approach, to relieve worry & stay centered & confident in the process. #JournalChat
#Jouranling is the perfect practice, no matter your approach, to relieve worry & stay centered & confident in the process. #JournalChat
#Jouranling is the perfect practice, no matter your approach, to relieve worry & stay centered & confident in the process. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Oh, you too, Stephen. It's been great having you. Enjoy your holiday and I'll see you in 2013! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt It is! I started an art journal in 2011 and just love it!! I never regret time spent in it. FUN!! #JournalChat
@JournalChat I may still have time to ask for a sketchbook for Christmas! :-) #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt It helps to use a primer called Gesso on the page to give it more strength for paint so it doesn't tear. #JournalChat
Dawn, I must be on my way. Thank you for hosting another great chat! Have a wonderful holiday!#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Actually, just a sketch book from Walmart! Although I'd like to get a Strathmore journal next. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @StephenVanVugt I post stuff on art journaling every week on #JournalChat Links. Check it out. :) - I will! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I post stuff on art journaling every week on #JournalChat Links. Check it out. :)
@StephenVanVugt Just start simple, with paint or pastel and just mark the page however you feel like. It's wonderful. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt You know, Stephen, I'm a life long artist; but art journaling especially is very open ended. Anything goes. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Interesting! I will have to try one, if I get courageous enough one day! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt The whole process is very intuitive, from choice of color to choice of image and decorative painting. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I use watercolor paints with brushes and sponges; I use images from magazines; I stamp text. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Especially to someone who isn't very artistic! #JournalChat
@JournalChat It certainly helps change perspective every 3 pages! It made me more creative - writing sideways, upside down... #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt It's funny; my current writing journal has graph paper, although the choice was unintentional! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I think the graph paper helps give structure to drawing, especially with a geometric approach. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I don't think I've ever seen one of those, Stephen. Sounds interesting. Keeps things lively. :) #JournalChat
I spend my artistic approach to #Journaling in my art journal which I find incredibly relaxing, fun and invigorating. #JournalChat
I spend my artistic approach to #Journaling in my art journal which I find incredibly relaxing, fun and invigorating. #JournalChat
I think one of the benefits of #Journaling is relaxing in the process; doing a bit of light weight drawing can work that way. #JournalChat
I think one of the benefits of #Journaling is relaxing in the process; doing a bit of light weight drawing can work that way. #JournalChat
Oddly enough, I only doodle or draw if I have graph paper. I had a great journal that alternated, lined, blank and graph. #JournalChat
Debra's final approach is FUN: How about doodling or drawing how you feel? #JournalChat #Journaling
Debra's final approach is FUN: How about doodling or drawing how you feel? #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @StephenVanVugt: @JournalChat I agree with you - speaking affirmations and intentions from#journaling is powerful! #JournalChat
RT @StephenVanVugt: @JournalChat I agree with you - speaking affirmations and intentions from#journaling is powerful! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Yes! Our words carry energy; so when we combine them with what we write, Wow!#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @StephenVanVugt It might take some considering what really matters to us in the moment. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I agree with you - speaking affirmations and intentions from #journaling is powerful! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt It might take some considering what really matters to us in the moment.#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I think what we feel with that affirmation, perhaps a change in our energy, that can help us notice its effect. #JournalChat
We can even combine what we journal as affirmation and also speak it aloud; that's a powerful combination! #JournalChat #Journaling
We can even combine what we journal as affirmation and also speak it aloud; that's a powerful combination! #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat I've done affirmations with varying results. I think my mood tells me when I'm receptive to them. #JournalChat
We can get very specific about that affirmation in dealing the nitty gritty of what we are worrying about.#JournalChat #Journaling
We can get very specific about that affirmation in dealing the nitty gritty of what we are worrying about.#JournalChat #Journaling
I think when we use the #Journaling process to declare what we hope for with resolution to a worry, it helps calm and center us #JournalChat
I think when we use the #Journaling process to declare what we hope for with resolution to a worry, it helps calm and center us #JournalChat
Debra also suggests writing affirmations like "I am Safe" or "I am Loved." #Journaling #JournalChat
Debra also suggests writing affirmations like "I am Safe" or "I am Loved." #Journaling #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Thanks so much for joining us today, Kathy. It has been a delight. :) Wonderful holiday to you. Enjoy. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler I think if we keep asking questions, we will eventually discover the one that really works.#JournalChat
@JournalChat Gotta run. Wonderful #journalchat. So nice to "meet " you all TU Debra & all Holiday Blessings!
@StephenVanVugt #Journaling works well with the subconscious mind; that's one of the perks!#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Questions do make marvelous prompts; they can help us uncover issues from a new perspective. #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @JournalChat Sometimes being clear on the question is the biggest challenge. - VERY TRUE! #JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring:We really do often have answers; we just need to ask the right questions, perhaps, intuitively so. #JournalChat #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I got that 'worry more deeply' part, Stephen. ;) I think the key is to move beyond that part if we can. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Sometimes being clear on the question is the biggest challenge. #journalchat
We really do often have answers; we just need to ask the right questions, perhaps, intuitively so.#JournalChat #Journaling
We really do often have answers; we just need to ask the right questions, perhaps, intuitively so.#JournalChat #Journaling
I have not looked at it the way Debra does - asking questions before bed to let the mind work out solutions. I like that. #JournalChat
I found myself asking questions about an issue I was concerned about; it really opened things up as I answered. #JournalChat #Journaling
I found myself asking questions about an issue I was concerned about; it really opened things up as I answered. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat I do enjoy asking questions in my journal. Great as prompts, and to dig into an issue or worry more deeply. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks so much for joining us today, Michael; See you in 2013!! #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Writing without thinking, freewrite-no edits Let it flow & see where it goes! #journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring Writing without thinking, freewrite-no edits Let it flow & see where it goes! #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat must go. Merry Christmas everyone. "see' you next year.
There are so many different forms and approaches to #Journaling our worries; we are apt to find something that works. #JournalChat
There are so many different forms and approaches to #Journaling our worries; we are apt to find something that works. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Writing without thinking, freewrite-no edits Let it flow & see where it goes! #journalchat
@KathyPooler Yes, indeed. Thanks so much for sharing that, Kathy. #JournalChat
#Journaling is a great place to get creative with expressing our worries, whether in poetry, dialogue, or story form. #JournalChat
#Journaling is a great place to get creative with expressing our worries, whether in poetry, dialogue, or story form. #JournalChat
@becomewhour Great point. A vehicle for self-exploration & discovery.Thanks! #journalchat
Debra's Great Idea: You may get creative and write some poetry which can be quite soothing to a tired and anxious mind. #JournalChat
Debra's Great Idea: You may get creative and write some poetry which can be quite soothing to a tired and anxious mind. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @OutOTWhirlwind:#JournalChat seeing our worries written out allows room for healing.
@JournalChat Can put you in touch with what matters the most at the tme. Lovely #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat seeing our worries written out allows room for healing.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat seeing our worries written out allows room for healing.
@KathyPooler I can imagine. I'm so glad it works so well for her. A True Love focus. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler If it fits your rhythm, it's a great routine to have. It provides a goldmine for exploration later in the day too. #journalchat
I pray what I journal about and I journal what I pray about. #JournalChat #Journaling
I pray what I journal about and I journal what I pray about. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: I find my #Journaling practice enhances my prayer/meditation dimension of life and vise versa. #JournalChat
#JournalChat The meaning of the quote "the piece that surpasses understanding".
@JournalChat Oh it it truly very sweet for I know she has a place to go deal with her grief & she returns uplifted #journalchat
I find my #Journaling practice enhances my prayer/meditation dimension of life and vise versa.#JournalChat
I find my #Journaling practice enhances my prayer/meditation dimension of life and vise versa.#JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind But since the negative may touch many dimensions of life, how do you keep it separate? #JournalChat
@becomewhour Don't have a regular routne but sounds like it might be a good idea #journalchat
@KathyPooler Oh, that is so wonderfully sweet, Kathy. Wow. That touches my heart. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot Yes! Sounds lik Morning Pages from the Artist's Way by @J_CameronLive. Such a valuable way to start the day #journalchat
Debra's 7th point is You may write to God and ask for guidance. Speaking of prayer! #Journaling#JournalChat
Debra's 7th point is You may write to God and ask for guidance. Speaking of prayer! #Journaling#JournalChat
#JournalChat approaching life from 5 perspectives and keeping the negative in its own field. Turning sh-t into fertilizer to grow our garden
@Write4LifeCoach Yes, I did understand upon further reflection. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I gave my Mom a journal so she cld "write to her prince" (her words) after Dad died 2 years ago. Amazingly healing #journalchat
@KathyPooler Themes can help us focus on something more specifically; maybe reveal more deeply rather than generalize. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt U understood I don't mean write praise/requests to external G-d, but the act of#journaling is equal to prayer. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind So you're saying to approach the#Journaling process from those five perspectives. How to separate negative? #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach I agree, Nathan. Acknowledgement is validation; helps us understand ourselves and the worry better. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Helps us take risks to address painful areas. I like to have theme journals for different purposes #journalchat
@becomewhour It is, Hannah. I can often feel a shift in my energy when I journal. Helps me feel more free, more empowered. #JournalChat
#JournalChat OOTW has 5 perspectives. Developing mastery in them is key.
Often times, #journaling simply to acknowledge what is so (stress, bad feelings, etc.) is enough to begin the healing/release. #JournalChat
I love the idea of taking something negative and turning it inside out and upside down into something positive. #JournalChat #Journaling
I love the idea of taking something negative and turning it inside out and upside down into something positive. #JournalChat #Journaling
@StephenVanVugt yes, a writer is really "on the clock" when they're staring out the window!#journalchat
RT @KathyPooler: @StephenVanVugt Maybe if you write them enough, theyll let go of themselves..#journalchat #JournalChat
Debra shares: Writing enables you to turn a negative thought and recreate it into something more positive and constructive. #JournalChat
Debra shares: Writing enables you to turn a negative thought and recreate it into something more positive and constructive. #JournalChat
@JournalChat So true. There's something about putting distance between you and the thoughts by writing it down that's freeing. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Maybe if you write them enough, they'll let go of themselves..#journalchat
@KathyPooler #Journaling is not meant to be a hardship but a vessel of sorts to help us work through gently. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler #Journaling is not meant to be a hardship but a vessel of sorts to help us work through gently. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Excellent combination:#Journaling and Meditation. They work hand in hand.#JournalChat
@JournalChat Good point on letting go, you can't force it or make it happen on command Let it be#journalchat
@StephenVanVugt I would too, Stephen. I have kept all of my entries. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler I often journal after I've meditated - I find the mind is open and ready for wandering!#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Some folks actually keep a prayer journal; but I see Nathan's point. It is certainly meditative in quality. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler I keep wanting to burn entries, as the flame purifies. But I find it difficult to let go of the words... #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach Well-said, like meditation. I love to journal w/ backgrnd music or sometimes in total silence #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Hi Michael. Great idea. Reminds me of Werner Erhard's #journaling tip: "What Works" vs "What Doesn't Work!" #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Would you suggest two separate entries perhaps, Michael? #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Separates it how, Michael? Different entries? Different books or sections?#JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael! Good to see you. :)
@Write4LifeCoach Another wonderful new perspective for me! I never considered journaling prayer, but I can see now how it could #JournalChat
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