Enjoy your Perfect #Journaling and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your Perfect #Journaling and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 12/20, for our FINAL session of 2012!!#Journaling topic to be announced
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 12/20, for our FINAL session of 2012!!#Journaling topic to be announced
@DawnHerring great #JournalChat Dawn! A lot of great perspectives/insights. Thanks so much!
Special thanks to @JulietPlatt for joining us and for her post, 7 Astounding Benefits of Journal Writing.#JournalChat #Journaling
Special thanks to @JulietPlatt for joining us and for her post, 7 Astounding Benefits of Journal Writing.#JournalChat #Journaling
@StephenVanVugt It's been a pleasure, Stephen; thanks so much for joining us today! :) #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Thanks for hosting another great chat, Dawn! #JournalChat
As we become familiar with our own rhythm we get into our own flow #JournalChat"
ow.ly/g5soP #RefreshJournal can help us create a bit more "perfection" with a fresh perspective!#JournalChat #Journaling
@JulietPlatt goodnight Juliet! Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. #JournalChat
ow.ly/g5slK Seeing What You Did Do can help you see what's perfect going on! #Journaling#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Thanks so much for joining us today, Juliet. It has been a delight!! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Thanks so much for joining us today, Juliet. It has been a delight!! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Goodnight Juliet! Thanks for all the insight! #JournalChat
For those just joining us, my JournalChat account is over limit. Please check out my alternate @RefreshwithDawn. #JournalChat
For those just joining us, my JournalChat account is over limit. Please check out my alternate @RefreshwithDawn. #JournalChat
Great chatting to you all - look forwards to catching up again soon! Night night from the UK #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz Karen, Welcome back to#JournalChat Live; good to see you. :)
Getting into the flow now! But it's nearly the witching hour here so I need to go sleep! #JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring: RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChatGetting into the flow means that we can achieve more in one hour than we ever thought possible
I was working on a revised proposal. Sorry I'm so late! Hope it was a great chat! #journalchat
@JulietPlatt I cannot get over how awesome that can be for anyone keeping a journal! #Journaling is a time saver! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I cannot get over how awesome that can be for anyone keeping a journal! #Journaling is a time saver! #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat Getting into the flow means that we can achieve more in one hour than we ever thought possible
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat Getting into the flow means that we can achieve more in one hour than we ever thought possible
RT @JulietPlatt: As we become familiar with our own rhythm we get into our own flow #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: As we become familiar with our own rhythm we get into our own flow #JournalChat
@RefreshwithDawn Exactly we create more time as soon as we recognise how we waste it #JournalChat
Heads up. My JournalChat account has hit tweet limit. Switching to @RefreshwithDawn. #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: As we become familiar with our own rhythm we get into our own flow #JournalChat
#JournalChat Getting into the flow means that we can achieve more in one hour than we ever thought possible
@JulietPlatt So, #Journaling helps us create time for ourselves when we see how we waste time. Fabulous. #JournalChat
As we become familiar with our own rhythm we get into our own flow #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt So, #Journaling helps us create time for ourselves when we see how we waste time. Fabulous. #JournalChat
@JournalChat: thats one of the things I love most about #Journaling; It helps me create the life I desire, one entry at a time. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I love the word expansion; and I love the way expansion feels. Sounds like time standing still for a moment. #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we pay attention to the present moment, the more the present moment expands
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we pay attention to the present moment, the more the present moment expands
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we pay attention to the present moment, the more the present moment expands
As we distinguish the real amount of time things take from the amount of time we worry about things we end up with more time #JournalChat
I think that's one of the things I love most about#Journaling; It helps me create the life I desire, one entry at a time. #JournalChat
I think that's one of the things I love most about#Journaling; It helps me create the life I desire, one entry at a time. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Wow. Now that one really packs a PERFECT punch; the sweet kind! #Journaling helps us create NOW. #JournalChat
#JournalChat The more we pay attention to the present moment, the more the present moment expands
RT @JulietPlatt: We bring the past and the future into our present - to create whatever we want for ourselves #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: We bring the past and the future into our present - to create whatever we want for ourselves #JournalChat
We bring the past and the future into our present - to create whatever we want for ourselves #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @JulietPlatt Yes, our essential self wants to lighten things up--shackles off, thank you very much! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Yes, our essential self wants to lighten things up--shackles off, thank you very much!#JournalChat
The 7th benefit is all about the timelessness of journaling #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I love it, Stephen! That's awesome. When we really pay attention, we can create our best lives. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt That's a great way to put it, Get over ourselves. Like, I can move on now. (I speak for myself) #JournalChat
#JournalChat @dredrelew and the negativity dissipates because our essential self finds it too exhausting!
And now for Juliet's Final Perfect point: Transforms our relationship with time #Journaling #JournalChat
And now for Juliet's Final Perfect point: Transforms our relationship with time #Journaling #JournalChat
@JournalChat I just created a playlist this week called 'Fun' that has been keeping me in good spirits for 4 days now! #JournalChat
@dredrelew Sometimes we can allow ourselves to rant over and over - but then we kind of get over ourselves #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Exactly; and when we figure out what triggers them, we can create more of where that came from! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt And the triggers are what can help relive them! Love it! #JournalChat
We can totally relive the good feelings - and we get clear on what triggers them too #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt I have favorite songs I often play several time per week; then they get in my head too!#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Yes, and now we have YouTube; one of my regular places to listen when I work online.#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt YES! I noticed I went through a period where I kept #Journaling a lot of negativity/it took me awhile to change #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Exactly, Juliet. And we can relive the good feelings when we record them, too. It's a Perfect Win! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Exactly, Juliet. And we can relive the good feelings when we record them, too. It's a Perfect Win! #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we record about what brings us joy the more it makes joy accessible to us
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we record about what brings us joy the more it makes joy accessible to us
@StephenVanVugt You're already benefiting, Stephen! Awesome! Make a note; I do that where I journal. #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat The more we record about what brings us joy the more it makes joy accessible to us
@DawnHerring and I notice there are certain pieces of music which always have the same effect, so I consciously hunt those out #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Oh, absolutely, Juliet. Those childhood activities are often KEY to Authentic Play.#JournalChat
#JournalChat The more we record about what brings us joy the more it makes joy accessible to us
I pay attention to music I like, people I admire, and activities that lift my energy; they all get recorded in my journal. #JournalChat
I pay attention to music I like, people I admire, and activities that lift my energy; they all get recorded in my journal. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I am going to do this starting today. I giggled and laughed a lot - I need to write it down to remind myself! #JournalChat
When I incorporate more play in my #Journaling and my life, it truly does make it more Perfect!#JournalChat
When I incorporate more play in my #Journaling and my life, it truly does make it more Perfect!#JournalChat
And reintroducing something from your childhood into your present life is good too. For me it was cycling! #JournalChat
I totally enjoy recording what made me laugh, brought me delight, made me feel good, etc.#Journaling #JournalChat
I totally enjoy recording what made me laugh, brought me delight, made me feel good, etc.#Journaling #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: Play is such an intrinsic part of being human - and our journals are rich practice grounds #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: Play is such an intrinsic part of being human - and our journals are rich practice grounds #JournalChat
Record what you enjoyed about each day;#Journaling helps you determine what brings out the inner child in you. #JournalChat
Record what you enjoyed about each day;#Journaling helps you determine what brings out the inner child in you. #JournalChat
Play is such an intrinsic part of being human - and our journals are rich practice grounds #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt And I think that one is my favorite, although they're all so good, Juliet. #JournalChat
#Journaling is the PERFECT practice to determine what play will bring out the best in us! Have fun!#JournalChat
#Journaling is the PERFECT practice to determine what play will bring out the best in us! Have fun!#JournalChat
I love this one from Juliet: Coaxes out our human joy in playing #Journaling #JournalChat
I love this one from Juliet: Coaxes out our human joy in playing #Journaling #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt @StephenVanVugt I agree, it's about being open to really look inward. Sometimes it's hard. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt That's a good point, Juliet. We can be gentle with ourselves with our #Journaling.#JournalChat
I just blogged about transforming our relationship with time today - the 7th benefit on my perfect list#JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: #JournalChat@StephenVanVugt...your journal will show you the way eventually #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Exactly, Stephen. That's, to me, the whole point of #Journaling. That's what makes it PERFECT (Topic). #JournalChat
RT @StephenVanVugt: @JournalChat Good point - persisting with the thoughts/topics until you break through! #JournalChat
RT @StephenVanVugt: @JournalChat Good point - persisting with the thoughts/topics until you break through! #JournalChat
#JournalChat @StephenVanVugt...your journal will show you the way eventually
@dredrelew Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Andrea; good to see you. :)
@StephenVanVugt if you know you're avoiding something you're part of the way there, so go easy on yourself.. #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt If we stay at it long enough, we often determine the issue we're trying to avoid. Then we hit gold. #JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: @DawnHerring Yes! part of the self-awareness thing is to know when we're deviating#JournalChat
RT @JulietPlatt: @DawnHerring Yes! part of the self-awareness thing is to know when we're deviating#JournalChat
@JournalChat Good point - persisting with the thoughts/topics until you break through!#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt @JulietPlatt @JournalChat Every night before I fall asleep I set the intention to remember my dreams #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt If you decide to remember, you may, without realizing it. Just make time each morning. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt For not avoiding read hitting head on! I have the knack of sniffing out self-delusion!#JournalChat
@JournalChat I try to get to the heart of the matter, though I know there are some things I should dig into, but avoid. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Now that's a good question; I've always recalled them, at least 99 percent of the time.#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Oh, they are, Juliet! I respect my night messages; what to figure out what's going on.#JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Those revelations are well worth staying with it until you get to the gold. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes! part of the self-awareness thing is to know when we're deviating #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt That's a good Question, Stephen. I'm determined to get to the heart of the matter; so I keep at it. #JournalChat
Don't stress about the dreams you don't remember Stephen - just learn from the ones you do!#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt It is easy to go off track since our minds often do that on their own. They need #Journalingtraining! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt It is easy to go off track since our minds often do that on their own. They need #Journalingtraining! #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I thought you might, Stephen. I love it too. Carrying on from our Loving your self topic from another #JournalChat.
@JulietPlatt @JournalChat Any techniques to help remember dreams? I never seem to recall mine in the morning. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach You're welcome to join us, Nathan. Still chatting! #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Sounds like you have a very succinct#Journaling practice, Juliet! Very purposeful and productive. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I'm good at figuring out what makes me uncomfortable! What things do you do to not avoid writing about those them? #JournalChat
Hi @StephenVanVugt I wrote tight for about five minutes, dragging myself back to the issue and asking what was really needed #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt Oh, indeed, it is! I pay attention to that stuff. Even in my night dreams, which I write daily.#JournalChat
@JournalChat I LOVE the idea of congratulating myself before bed! #JournalChat
#JournalChat looks like I missed a great one! I look forward to catching up with all these awesome reminders about #journaling! Thx Dawn!
@StephenVanVugt It can really help to get out the angst, see what went right, and congratulate yourself before bed. ;) #JournalChat
#JournalChat Yes when a topic keeps repeating it's crying out to be addressed!
@StephenVanVugt Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Stephen. Good to see you! :)
@JulietPlatt Isn't that awesome?; you can actually figure out what making you so uncomfortable.#JournalChat
@JulietPlatt How exactly did you 'nail it' in your journal? Sounds interesting! #JournalChat
I just named my mood then reined in my writing every time it went off topic. Ended up with a very tight and doable list. #JournalChat
I notice when a topic comes up repeatedly,#Journaling helps me recognize what change I CAN make for the better. #JournalChat
I notice when a topic comes up repeatedly,#Journaling helps me recognize what change I CAN make for the better. #JournalChat
Hello! Dropping in late and getting caught up. Looks like I missed a very interesting chat! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Interesting observation about calm & sleep. I journal in the evening but have never paid attention. I will now! #JournalChat
Today I was really jittery and hopping from one thing to another. I nailed it in my journal! #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks for joining us today, Michael. :) #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt When we see what we can do with what is manageable, we feel self-empowered.#JournalChat
I know that #Journaling in the evening helps me center and calm myself for sleep. #JournalChat
I know that #Journaling in the evening helps me center and calm myself for sleep. #JournalChat
#JournalChat calming mood is about making distinctions again - we can't manage what we don't measure!
@JulietPlatt But then when we recognize it, we know what we need to do, right? Perhaps a distinctive list is in order! #JournalChat
And another Perfect point from Juliet: Encourages calmer moods #Journaling #JournalChat
And another Perfect point from Juliet: Encourages calmer moods #Journaling #JournalChat
@JulietPlatt It still amazes me; that's why I recommend #Journaling to anyone. It's so PERFECT! :) #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind yes strangeness and uncomfortableness show up in my journal and it makes me cringe #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat -love, fun & joy are self evident & are simply our "truth".
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat -love, fun & joy are self evident & are simply our "truth".
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Self-sabotage is discerned by a strangeness & uncomfortableness--
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Self-sabotage is discerned by a strangeness & uncomfortableness--
@OutOTWhirlwind That was very well put, Michael.#Journaling helps us recognize that; when we record how we feel. #JournalChat
#JournalChat and who knew that #Journaling would be such a healing and restorative past-time!
#JournalChat Wonderful, wonderful, great chat. Must go. Thank you all. See you next Thursday.
@JulietPlatt It's amazing to me how legible my writing with my non-dominant hand was just after a few weeks. #JournalChat
#JournalChat the way our brain functions I think it was inevitable that humans would write
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