Enjoy #Journaling your Best Day and Don't forget to refresh yourself. #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 12/6, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special thanks to Lynn Zambrano for her fab post, Finding the Real You. #JournalChat
ow.ly/fHbiN Sometimes a #Journaling #Prompt can help us see our BEST traits from our BEST day.#JournalChat
To keep a positive, BEST focus for our day, and loving ourselves, #Journaling can help transform our life experience. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Thanks so much for joining us, Robyn. It's been fab! #JournalChat
When we change what doesn't work, Lynn shares, we make space for what does.It opens up positive energy for our life experience. #JournalChat
When we change what doesn't work, Lynn shares, we make space for what does.It opens up positive energy for our life experience. #JournalChat
Once you begin to recognize what works and what doesn't on a BEST day, it can help you discern where to make change. #JournalChat
Once you begin to recognize what works and what doesn't on a BEST day, it can help you discern where to make change. #JournalChat
When we focus on our BEST traits, what we love about ourselves, it makes the tough stuff a little easier. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we focus on our BEST traits, what we love about ourselves, it makes the tough stuff a little easier. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Taking off, now. Thanks again for a terrific, energizing chat. #journalchat
How we respond to our perceived failures and errors, gently, can help us get back up more confidently. #JournalChat #Journaling
How we respond to our perceived failures and errors, gently, can help us get back up more confidently. #JournalChat #Journaling
@Write4LifeCoach You know, Nathan, that is often the focus w #Journaling; that's why the BEST is a great way to balance. #JournalChat
@Write4LifeCoach You know, Nathan, that is often the focus w #Journaling; that's why the BEST is a great way to balance. #JournalChat
As strange as it sounds, I use #Journaling more for writing out my fears, complaints, etc. I could write more about the +++ #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Yes, especially when you focus on what you did BEST that day; it's great validation technique that works! #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Yes, especially when you focus on what you did BEST that day; it's great validation technique that works! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Great questions, Dawn. Great pathways to follow. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre Yes, it is, Robyn. It just seems to flow, even on the page, especially working on a writing project! #JournalChat
@JournalChat One can find surprise admiration for one's self sometimes. #journalchat
Question to ponder: How do you treat yourself?#JournalChat #Journaling
Question to ponder: How do you treat yourself?#JournalChat #Journaling
I often end up writing that conversation or the point I made when conversing with someone on a BEST day. #JournalChat #Journaling
I often end up writing that conversation or the point I made when conversing with someone on a BEST day. #JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring It's somehow easier to find the right words on a BEST day. #journalchat
RT @DawnHerring: I notice that I'm more succinct and focused when I communicate on my BEST day, in my Best Moment. #JournalChat #Journaling
I notice that I'm more succinct and focused when I communicate on my BEST day, in my Best Moment.#JournalChat #Journaling
I notice that I'm more succinct and focused when I communicate on my BEST day, in my Best Moment.#JournalChat #Journaling
Question to ponder: Do you communicate Differently? #JournalChat #Journaling
Question to ponder: Do you communicate Differently? #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Thanks for that insight, Dawn. Yes; on our best days we trust ourselves more. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre That makes complete sense, Robyn. I think it's about trusting ourselves more with everything. #JournalChat
Perhaps you're more confident, generous, compassionate, or true to your Self. Paying attention to what matters to you. #JournalChat
Perhaps you're more confident, generous, compassionate, or true to your Self. Paying attention to what matters to you. #JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring: I find I'm more centered, grounded and "In Tune" with myself and what I'm doing each day. #JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring On my best days, I have less doubts and more courage. #journalchat
I find I'm more centered, grounded and "In Tune" with myself and what I'm doing each day. #JournalChat#Journaling
I find I'm more centered, grounded and "In Tune" with myself and what I'm doing each day. #JournalChat#Journaling
That's a good question to dissect in your journal. Were you more of something than you usually are? What is that something? #JournalChat
That's a good question to dissect in your journal. Were you more of something than you usually are? What is that something? #JournalChat
Question to ponder: How do you behave differently on your BEST Day? #Journaling #JournalChat
Question to ponder: How do you behave differently on your BEST Day? #Journaling #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz That's one of the Benefits of#JournalChat; meeting other who keep a journal. :)
Lynn encourages us to keep a record of us at our BEST; that can truly reveal our character qualities and best traits. #JournalChat
Lynn encourages us to keep a record of us at our BEST; that can truly reveal our character qualities and best traits. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre @Write4LifeCoach Yes; for me#journaling is all about learning to know/accept myself #journalchat
I've followed everyone that was in #journalchat today. Great to make new friends! Have a joy filled week!
@karenlalaniz So glad you joined us, Karen. Thank you. :) #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz Great conversation. Glad you were here. #journalchat
@Write4LifeCoach We're talking about our BEST Days and BEST Moments as a focus in our journal and our best traits. #JournalChat
I've got to run. Thank you for a great #journalchat! And thank you for sharing, everyone. Truly enjoyable.#journalchat
@Write4LifeCoach Yes; for me journaling is all about learning to know/accept myself #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I'm delighted to hear that, Robyn. So glad it resonated with you! :) #JournalChat
I love getting to know myself better throught#Journaling. Sorry I'm late for #JournalChat, Dawn!
@karenlalaniz I like the knowing point, Karen. Knowing really is crucial. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @JournalChat Today's chat has energized me. I'm so glad I was able to come by.#journalchat Me too!
@robynmcintyre Oh, those are good ones, Robyn. We all want more of that, don't we? #JournalChat
@JournalChat Today's chat has energized me. I'm so glad I was able to come by. #journalchat
#journalchat Peace, calm, knowing, being - those are the traits I see when I'm living my best moments.#journalchat
The more we become aware of how we were doing that BEST moment, the more we can focus on that trait to make more Best moments. #JournalChat
The more we become aware of how we were doing that BEST moment, the more we can focus on that trait to make more Best moments. #JournalChat
When you record a BEST moment in your day, what trait of yours stands out? Centeredness, generosity, calm? #JournalChat
When you record a BEST moment in your day, what trait of yours stands out? Centeredness, generosity, calm? #JournalChat
#journalchat Website is bit.ly/U5jVa3 . Together we can encourage others and show them how easy it can be. #journalchat
Lynn inquires when you are at your best, what traits do you show during that time? #JournalChat#Journaling
Lynn inquires when you are at your best, what traits do you show during that time? #JournalChat#Journaling
If interested...asking bloggers to post photo photo on own blog with short memory. Then leave comment on mine for linkage. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Wow! I am so envious. That's a real family treasure. #journalchat
@juliejordanscot My pleasure, Julie. Thanks for joining us today. :) #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Yeah, my father's letters are on the same paper. 400-pages of letters hidden for 50+ years. He was prolific! #journalchat
@JournalChat I have to keep a journal because my memory for details like time/place are poor. Only the emotions stayed w/ me. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre Oh, that's a great idea, Robyn. They are. #JournalChat
@juliejordanscot It's great you have a memory AND keep a journal. #JOurnalChat
@karenlalaniz Yes; so delicate, too - thin, thin paper they had to use. #journalchat
RT @karenlalaniz: #journalchat Words are a gift, and keep giving and giving!
RT @karenlalaniz: #journalchat Words are a gift, and keep giving and giving!
@juliejordanscot Oh yes; I've spun stories just looking at art. Music does it, too. #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Sounds like a best moment, maybe a memoir piece! #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I use photo prompts in my writing workshops. Random photos help make amazing connections. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz No; my FIL wouldn't talk about it. But his letters to his mom are amazing and filled with his art. #journalchat
I need to go pick up my daughter. I completely enjoyed my time with each and all today! Thanks for hosting, @JournalChat #journalchat
I just realized I could use non-family pics; images are so evocative, don't have to be family to get a reaction #journalchat
@robynmcintyre That's so great. Do you have the stories too? Written down somewhere? #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I'm actually an avid comic reader; sometimes a bright spot in my day, laughing out loud. #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz I love reading letters. I even buy letters from ebay from unknown people from the 20's to the 40's. #journalchat
That is wonderful I will check it out love taking photos @karenlalaniz #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Amazing. I've got my FIL's drawings/letters from time in So. Pacific in WWII.#journalchat
@robynmcintyre I have a keen memory. If we had images of something... anyway - I document my family life very fully! LOL #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Ooh, I love that, Karen. Interesting where that could lead and reveal. :) Photos are awesome prompts. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre My memoir is about my WWII father's story. Would never have known had it not been for letters, and memorabilia. #journalchat
@juliejordanscot That's cool Nothing documented seems the story of mst fams. My late DH's grandm had TONS of pics not labeled #journalchat
@SuzieCheel Positive Living. Sounds wonderful, Suzie! #JournalChat Reminds me of the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.
Restarted Photo Fridays on my blog, if anyone is interested. Photos are great way to get memories flowing. bit.ly/x7M7qU #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Yeah. With me I find the *best* time is when everyone else is asleep or getting there.#JournalChat
I have to go it has been great to meet you all and I will make it a date for next week keep listening to your #heartwhispers #journalchat
@JournalChat AND I was only three years old, so it is pretty tremendous I remember it! I wish we had a photo of THAT! #journalchat
@JournalChat I still remember what I wore to the 1965 premiere in our neighborhood. There was an intermission. I was so happy! #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Her name was actually Julia until it was changed to Julie for performances. I read her memoir. Excellent. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre My brother compiled a CD for each of us last Christmas. There are times when nothing was documented. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre Ahhh, yes. I hear you. That's why I don't give up. I'm practicing & loving each burst of image. Seeing newly. #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Yes; my biggest problem is my mom lost most of our family pictures. Taking time to find others from relatives #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @juliejordanscot Anyone can learn to draw; what's hard is learning to SEE#journalchat
@juliejordanscot Totally. But usually my kids wake me up, so…I have to do mom stuff before coffee & journal time #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Ohmigawsh. That is BRILLIANT! and @robynmcintyre are you doing Your Life in Pictures right now? #journalchat
@karenlalaniz Now you're really getting into it, Karen! I'm laughing out Loud over here. ;) #JournalChat
@karenlalaniz I've written two pieces so far based on childhood photos. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre What? You're doing it! That's so cool. How much have you done? #journalchat
@leahmichon @Hermgirl I want to go back to first thing just because... otherwise I seem to skip. Does that make sense? #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I'm glad you make space for these artistic elements, Karen. :) Makes me smile. :)#JournalChat
@karenlalaniz I'm DOING THAT! I call it "My Life in Pictures" Cool that you might do it, too! #journalchat
@Hermgirl Excellent! Daily Pages are a good thing... whenever you can get those words on paper... HOORAY! #journalchat
@Hermgirl me too - usually I do them in the morning, but not first thing. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I would agree, Karen. Focusing on the BEST of our day is something we can motivate ourselves with. #JournalChat
I purposely look for a daily laugh. My horoscope description once read "determined to have a good time." #journalchat
@SuzieCheel Your face here on Twitter looks absolutely glowing with joy! Can't wait to see your book! #journalchat
I've been considering a project for the new year. Copy photos from my whole life, write a memory that photo evokes. #journalchat
True I was told i couldn't draw at 12 I then went on to become an artist later in life @robynmcintyre#journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I love including fun for my overall intention. Especially the piddly stuff I procrastinate about! #journalchat
Have started doing Daily Pages--can't always commit to mornings. It's whenever I can carve out "me time". #JournalChat
@DarrelynSaloom Thanks so much for joining us, Darrelyn; it's been delightful. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat I adore Julie Andrews. When I was a little girl I thought her name was Julie Ann Drews as I was Julie Ann Jordan! #journalchat
Thanks it is called Lucky to Be Alive My year of Living Positively @JournalChat #journalchat
#JournalChat FUN parts=BEST parts, make an intention to make that an expression of your life--only about that.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the language of FUN experience is your guidance to affecting change in the world, creating a joyous life.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the language of FUN experience is your guidance to affecting change in the world, creating a joyous life.
@JournalChat a la raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens! (My favorite movie of all times! I know, so unhip) #journalchat
@juliejordanscot Anyone can learn to draw; what's hard is learning to SEE #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I would agree, Michael. And the focus on our BEST day can help create that change.#Journaling #JournalChat
When the dog bites...when the bee stings...when you're feelin' bad...I simply remember my fa-vo-rite things...#journalchat
@karenlalaniz I like to focus on lines. Yesterday I was able to draw a logo from my favorite coffee place - an adorable mug. #journalchat
@DawnHerring Thanks for putting that song in my head for the rest of the day. LOL #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I never would have thought of myself as a visual artist. These days, I am. Still can't draw!#journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Documenting our FUN develops 'these are a few of my favorite things'.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Documenting our FUN develops 'these are a few of my favorite things'.
@OutOTWhirlwind Oh, you're going to get me singing, Michael. I love Julie Andrews. ;)#JournalChat
@DarrelynSaloom Take care! Just recommended a book for you - I hope you see it. Nice "meeting" you today! #journalchat
#journalchat I don't have any talent for drawing but always seem to want to add color, lines, stick people, whatever...
@DarrelynSaloom Have you read "When Women Were Birds" by Terry Tempest Williams? It is phenomenal. Starts with empty pages. #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I do keep an art journal, Karen, which I adore; I do wish I had more time for it though.#JournalChat
@DarrelynSaloom I love horses. Give them a pat for me? And the dog, too! #journalchat
#journalchat Might work like a gratitude journal - make you start to look for fun things to do, or at least focus more on them?
Enjoyed chatting with everyone. But it's time to feed the horses and walk the dog. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind And it is often the fun parts of our day that are the BEST parts. :) #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat It's great to remember what was FUN in your day!
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat It's great to remember what was FUN in your day!
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael; good to see you!
#journalchat I just saw a book/journal at the bookstore. It's called Wreck This Journal or something.
#JournalChat the language of FUN experience is your guidance to affecting change in the world, creating a joyous life.
@DarrelynSaloom Wow, Darrelyn, that's a great and profound way of saying that. #JournalChat
Yes it is RT @JournalChat: @leahmichon#Journaling is the perfect centering exercise, isnt it? :) #journalchat
RT @DarrelynSaloom: The only thing I ever regreted about journaling were found on the empty pages.#journalchat
RT @DarrelynSaloom: The only thing I ever regreted about journaling were found on the empty pages.#journalchat
Journaling was a big part of my healing journey and will form part of my book @JournalChat #journalchat
@karenlalaniz I don't doodle; my journal is now electronic. But I do add pics, videos, poetry, etc#journalchat
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