Enjoy your #Journaling as your life lens, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling as your life lens, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Again, #JournalChat Live will not be in session next week, 11/22; we will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.#Journaling
Again, #JournalChat Live will not be in session next week, 11/22; we will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.#Journaling
Sorry, Correction! Our next session will be on 11/29, 5 EST/2 PST; it will be in two weeks. Thank you. :)#JournalChat #Journaling
Sorry, Correction! Our next session will be on 11/29, 5 EST/2 PST; it will be in two weeks. Thank you. :)#JournalChat #Journaling
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us on 12/6, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us on 12/6, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to Karen Horneffer-Ginter for her fab post helping us get a fresh perspective with Your Life Lens. #JournalChat #Journaling
Special Thanks to Karen Horneffer-Ginter for her fab post helping us get a fresh perspective with Your Life Lens. #JournalChat #Journaling
@rusvw13 It's truly my pleasure, Rus; it was delightful to have you aboard today! Thanks for taking the time. :) #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Oh, absolutely, Rus! #Journaling can help us get there, but yes, it takes courage to reckon with what we write. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Oh, absolutely, Rus! #Journaling can help us get there, but yes, it takes courage to reckon with what we write. #JournalChat
Sorry for the abrupt leave. Baby duty called.#JournalChat
ow.ly/fkuKX Subscribe for transcripts of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
ow.ly/fkuJ0 Subscribe for transcripts of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
We need to have courage to #journal in the 1st place to get that fresh perspective. Courageous#journaling strengthens the soul #journalchat
ow.ly/fkuI3 The Purpose of #RefreshJournal is to gain a fresh perspective in all of life's dimensions!#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/fkuG9 The Purpose of #RefreshJournal is to gain a fresh perspective in all of life's dimensions!#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/fkuDZ Sometimes it's helps to Open Up our#creativity to gain a fresh perspective. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/fkuCh Sometimes it's helps to Open Up our#creativity to gain a fresh perspective. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/fkuAl Sometimes a #Journaling #Promptcan help us gain a fresh perspective on our life experience. #JournalChat
ow.ly/fkuyO Sometimes a #Journaling #Promptcan help us gain a fresh perspective on our life experience. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: #Journaling can help us heal as we reckon with our stresses and gain a fresh perspective with our Life Lens. #journalchat
#Journaling can help us heal as we reckon with our stresses and gain a fresh perspective with our Life Lens. #JournalChat
#Journaling can help us heal as we reckon with our stresses and gain a fresh perspective with our Life Lens. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: its essential to tell ourselves the truth about whats going on in order to be fully alive. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Yes, Michael, Two weeks! Thanks so much. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat it's essential to tell ourselves the truth about what's going on in order to be fully alive.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat it's essential to tell ourselves the truth about what's going on in order to be fully alive.
@rusvw13 Yep, Rus, I'm a blue pen writer. It does help me focus on the writing of the entry and get that fresh perspective! #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I love how Karen concludes: Im truly amazed by the gift of words. #Journaling#journalchat
I agree that #Journaling is a gift to us in any way we use it,but especially when we gain a fresh look at our life experiences. #JournalChat
I agree that #Journaling is a gift to us in any way we use it,but especially when we gain a fresh look at our life experiences. #JournalChat
#JournalChat wonderful chat. thank you everyone. must go but hope to see you in two weeks.
I love how Karen concludes: I'm truly amazed by the gift of words. #Journaling #JournalChat
I love how Karen concludes: I'm truly amazed by the gift of words. #Journaling #JournalChat
#JournalChat @dredelew - thank you. it's essential to tell ourselves the truth about what's going on in order to be fully alive.
There are times when a black pen is all I want. Stay focused on the entry. Head down, sprint write, get lost, get inspired #journalchat
@StephenVanVugt It was fab to have you, Stephen. Thanks! #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind How we respond to a challenge or stress can make all the difference. We can be personally empowered. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind How we respond to a challenge or stress can make all the difference. We can be personally empowered. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I've never tried using different colored pens in my journal; I wonder how different it would be. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Sounds like a lovely visual. I assume you picked the colors intuitively, how they feel to you. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt @JournalChat Staying with lens theme: #journaling in different colors is similar to changing filters on a lens #journalchat
#Journaling helps us to re-insert ourselves into our life experience to help us make sense of it, especially when challenged. #JournalChat
#Journaling helps us to re-insert ourselves into our life experience to help us make sense of it, especially when challenged. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind it takes a lot of courage and compassion to confront self through #Journaling#JournalChat
@JournalChat I mix colours when I celebrate a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' or 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!' or other event. #JournalChat
Love this from Karen: how those lenses invite us to re-insert ourselves in what's occurring around us.#JournalChat #Journaling
Love this from Karen: how those lenses invite us to re-insert ourselves in what's occurring around us.#JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat pain is part of life--suffering is optional. That's why getting to step 2 quickly is good.
@JournalChat I do the same with poetry. For dialogues, I use a different colour pen depending on who is speaking. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I use one pen at a time, yes. A quote at the top of the page is red, my reflection on it blue.#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @rusvw13 I use watercolor paints, colored construction paper, and paper from mags. all in my art #journaling. #journalchat
@StephenVanVugt Do you keep what you write separate in your entry based on the color, using one pen at at time? switch pens? #JournalChat
#JournalChat understanding is the booby prize. it simply exploring and finding the truth--what is the experience at hand?
@rusvw13 I use watercolor paints, colored construction paper, and paper from magazines. all in my art #journaling. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 I only use different coloured pens. Mostly to differentiate quotes, dialogues or to celebrate.#JournalChat
MT @JournalChat: @rusvw13 when journaling on a regular basis, you know why you trust the process; you see the evidence/benefit. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Yes, it's important to know where we want to be so we can work on getting ourselves to that place. #JournalChat
How many of you use color (paint, pencils, markers) in your journals? #Mandala #journaling is also much like #photo journaling. #journalchat
@rusvw13 Yes, and when you Journal on a regular basis, you know why you trust the process; you see the evidence/benefit. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks for the steps. I went thru a stressful time this summer I'm still on step 1. Make me think about step 2 #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind It is important to discover the root issue,no doubt,Michael. That helps us get a handle on it more effectively. #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind It is important to discover the root issue,no doubt,Michael. That helps us get a handle on it more effectively. #JournalChat
@JournalChat @StephenVanVugt #journalingthrough #frustration and finding #perspective allows us to #trusttheprocess #journalchat
I find using images in my art #journaling to be highly beneficial; it shows me underlying feelings/emotions w/ life experience. #JournalChat
I find using images in my art #journaling to be highly beneficial; it shows me underlying feelings/emotions w/ life experience. #JournalChat
#JournalChat step 2 would be stepping back and looking at it from a different perspective--how would we want things to be.
#JournalChat step 1 is getting clear on the issue and figuring out what the experience (e.g. stress) is about.
RT @dredrelew: @cherapple @JournalChat@madeline40 I agree! This is the form of#Journaling I do. I like to exam patterns#JournalChat
Karen suggests metaphors or images with her clients when dealing with their life experience. This can be helpful. #JournalChat #Journaling
Karen suggests metaphors or images with her clients when dealing with their life experience. This can be helpful. #JournalChat #Journaling
MT @JournalChat: I agree. When we see the benefits [of #journaling ], were apt to spend more time to get where we want to be. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Michael, did you see Karen's approach in her article? ow.ly/fksLS Like a script!#JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat journaling helps us see what we think and feel, organize it and then we can work on it.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat journaling helps us see what we think and feel, organize it and then we can work on it.
@rusvw13 Yes, I agree, Rus. When we see the benefits, we're apt to spend more time to get ourselves where we want to be. #JournalChat
RT @rusvw13: I notice, though, that I journal out a lot of personal frustration and emotion before I can see that big picture. #journalchat
RT @rusvw13: I notice, though, that I journal out a lot of personal frustration and emotion before I can see that big picture. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat journaling helps us see what we think and feel, organize it and then we can work on it. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Oh, it sometimes takes a lot of#journaling before we gain that fresh perspective, esp with something challenging. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Oh, it sometimes takes a lot of#journaling before we gain that fresh perspective, esp with something challenging. #JournalChat
#JournalChat journaling helps us see what we think and feel, organize it and then we can work on it.
Getting through that emotion is essential. That's why I always recommend #journaling for at least 20 mins to reach that point #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael; good to see you!
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat yes, agree. The writing it down gives us some distance and perspective for any given situation.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat yes, agree. The writing it down gives us some distance and perspective for any given situation.
I realize that there are some life experiences that are no laughing matter; but #Journaling can really help us work thru it. #JournalChat
I realize that there are some life experiences that are no laughing matter; but #Journaling can really help us work thru it. #JournalChat
RT @rusvw13: I notice, though, that I journal out a lot of personal frustration and emotion before I can see that big picture. #JournalChat
I notice, though, that I journal out a lot of personal frustration and emotion before I can see that big picture. #noteasy #journalchat
@StephenVanVugt Yes, #Journaling helps us see how something wasn't as bad as we initially experienced it. Perspective. #JournalChat
#JournalChat yes, agree. The writing it down gives us some distance and perspective for any given situation.
RT @rusvw13: That "angle" is entirely up to you. Your#voice comes alive through the lens of the pen.#journalchat
RT @rusvw13: That "angle" is entirely up to you. Your#voice comes alive through the lens of the pen.#journalchat
@JournalChat I often leave the sting in. Rereading and reflection shows me the sting may not have been as bad as I thought :) #JournalChat
Karen makes a point about participating in something much larger than herself. #Journalingcan help give us that big picture. #JournalChat
Karen makes a point about participating in something much larger than herself. #Journalingcan help give us that big picture. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 You're absolutely right! Now I'll make sure I do it! :-) #JournalChat
We can often take the sting out of a stressful life experience when we journal it; gain clarity and humor in the process. #JournalChat
We can often take the sting out of a stressful life experience when we journal it; gain clarity and humor in the process. #JournalChat
@JournalChat @StephenVanVugt I agree. That "angle" is entirely up to you. Your #voice comes alive through the lens of the pen. #journalchat
RT @rusvw13: that's the beauty of journaling: taking risks w/out public scrutiny. We can fall flat on the page and it's ok #journalchat
RT @rusvw13: that's the beauty of journaling: taking risks w/out public scrutiny. We can fall flat on the page and it's ok #journalchat
I think another point I like about Karen's entry is taking a stressful situation and taking on a whole new perspective. #JournalChat
I think another point I like about Karen's entry is taking a stressful situation and taking on a whole new perspective. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt that's the beauty of journaling: taking risks w/out public scrutiny. We can fall flat on the page and it's ok #journalchat
@StephenVanVugt I think the humor comes out naturally as you detail the action and even dialogue. You can be funny too. :D #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I think the humor comes out naturally as you detail the action and even dialogue. You can be funny too. :D #JournalChat
@rusvw13 I did something like this. Took photos with my phone while in a park journaling. Wrote more from the pics at home. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Kids antics can be comical, but in this case, her rendering of it with her own actions is quite the angle. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Kids antics can be comical, but in this case, her rendering of it with her own actions is quite the angle. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I read this post twice before choosing it and I had to laugh both times as I read her entry. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I'd be interested in trying Karen's approach. My worry is that I'd try (unsuccessfully) to be too funny. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 That's a great idea, Rus. Create a new view right from your seat! #JournalChat
@madeline40 That's OK, Madeline. I'll share the transcript. Sorry you have to go. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I don't think I've used Karen's approach either. #JournalChat
Sometimes I write dialogue from conversation I had with someone, but not quite like Karen does it.#JournalChat #Journaling
Sometimes I write dialogue from conversation I had with someone, but not quite like Karen does it.#JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 another great use of photos: take pics in a nice setting, print out & surround yourself with them while journaling #journalchat
Has anyone ever tried Karen's approach as if you were writing an life experience as a script? I don't think I have. Intriguing. #JournalChat
Has anyone ever tried Karen's approach as if you were writing an life experience as a script? I don't think I have. Intriguing. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 That is so true, Rus. I have a camera in my phone I use on my walks. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Have to leave. Sorry. This is a great discussion. #journalchat
@cherapple It certainly brings on a whole new perspective, sometimes even a humorous one. I could use a laugh or two! #JournalChat
@madeline40 Isn't that awesome, Madeline? You're welcome to share how it goes for you using photos.#JournalChat
Everyone has the chance to journal visually now with built-in cameras in their phones, iPads, etc. Writing with visual intent #journalchat
@cherapple Cheryl! Welcome back to #JournalChatLive; good to see you. :)
I think what I love about Karen's entry is the specifics she includes with each person's action. It takes on a comical quality. #JournalChat
I think what I love about Karen's entry is the specifics she includes with each person's action. It takes on a comical quality. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt @rusvw13 Thank you for all the suggestions for photo prompts. It opens up a whole new way for journaling for me #journalchat
Thanks @JournalChat for the shout out. Being a photographer allows me to journal visually as well, which has been a blessing. #journalchat
@queen_elisheba I've never done an image transfer. I usually use images I glue with adhesive to the page. #JournalChat
@rusvw13: Yes. I use photos all the time to prompt my writing. marylandvoices.com has many of them, with prompts #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Photos do make an excellent jumping point for #Journal Entries, no doubt.#JournalChat
@rusvw13 I am a HUGE fan of Rus's #Journaling /#Writing Prompts! Check #JournalChat Links Edition! and Rus's website.
#JournalChat sometimes I do image transfers instead of the actual photo paper. I find this easier.#JournalChat
One of the things I love about Karen's entry is that it's in the form of a script as if her life is a living movie!#Journaling #JournalChat
One of the things I love about Karen's entry is that it's in the form of a script as if her life is a living movie!#Journaling #JournalChat
@rusvw13 I include photos in my journals, usually of people or places from the timeframe. Funny, I never use them as prompts! #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Wow, Rus. 30 Years! Now that's worth celebrating in itself. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt I've only used images in my art journal, not in my written journal. I love my art#Journaling practice. #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Yes. I use photos all the time to prompt my writing. marylandvoices.com has many of them, with prompts #journalchat
yes, fav way! @StephenVanVugt: @rusvw13 Do any of you include photographs in your journals? As prompts or to recall things? #JournalChat
@StephenVanVugt Photos have become an integral part of my journaling. #journalchat
@madeline40 Madeline,I'm so glad it has been so beneficial for you.I certainly enjoyed your book that had #Journaling segments! #JournalChat
RT @madeline40: I feel fortunate I began journaling at the height of stress in my life. It's an exercise I never gave up. #journalchat
RT @madeline40: I feel fortunate I began journaling at the height of stress in my life. It's an exercise I never gave up. #journalchat
I have all of my journals since high school (30 years of writing), and rereading them shows patterns that help me live fully. #journalchat
@rusvw13 Do any of you include photographs in your journals? As prompts or to recall things?#JournalChat
@rusvw13 I know you're a photographer as well, so it suits you! #JournalChat
Love that this was written by the observer!#JournalChat
@JournalChat I reread when I decided to use some of my journal entries in my memoir. It was a grueling process. #journalchat
@rusvw13 So do I, Rus. I love the angle issue and how we can see our life experiences differently from the journal page. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 So do I, Rus. I love the angle issue and how we can see our life experiences differently from the journal page. #JournalChat
@rusvw13 Rus, it's wonderful to have you with us on#JournalChat Live today! :)
@StephenVanVugt Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Stephen. Great to see you!
RT @madeline40: @JournalChat I think rereading our journal entries at a later time changes our perspective. #journalchat
RT @madeline40: @JournalChat I think rereading our journal entries at a later time changes our perspective. #journalchat
@madeline40 You know, Madeline, I haven't reread my journals is a long time, but I'm sure since we change, our perspective does #JournalChat
@JournalChat I feel fortunate I began journaling at the height of stress in my life. It's an exercise I never gave up. #journalchat
@dredrelew Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Andrea. Good to see you!
Greetings, @DawnHerring and others. Great topic today, and I love the comparison between journaling and photography #journalchat
@madeline40 I agree Madeline! Not only is writing important for perspective, but rereading is crucial!#JournalChat
Of course she gives a bit of feedback on her view of#Journaling and how becoming a mother prompted her practice. #JournalChat
Of course she gives a bit of feedback on her view of#Journaling and how becoming a mother prompted her practice. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I think rereading our journal entries at a later time changes our perspective. #journalchat
I loved Karen's approach to #Journaling with her life experience with her children. #JournalChat
I loved Karen's approach to #Journaling with her life experience with her children. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Now, that was well put, Madeline! I think it's one of our greatest gifts--expressing ourselves on the page. #JournalChat
How Writing Saved My Weary, Pushed-to-the-Edge, New-Mother Soul #Journaling #JournalChatow.ly/fkpoJ v/ @JournalChat // LOL!
@JournalChat hello Dawn! I'm looking forward to this evenings #JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: Your Life Lens. Getting a fresh, even humorous perspective on stressful experiences. #JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: Your Life Lens. Getting a fresh, even humorous perspective on stressful experiences. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Madeline. We'll try to be quiet for the baby. ;)
The Title to Karen's post: How Writing Saved My Weary, Pushed-to-the-Edge, New-Mother Soul#Journaling #JournalChat ow.ly/fkpoJ
The Title to Karen's post: How Writing Saved My Weary, Pushed-to-the-Edge, New-Mother Soul#Journaling #JournalChat ow.ly/fkpol
Our #Journaling resource is from Karen Horneffer-Ginter from her article at The Huffington Post.ow.ly/fkpl1 #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is from Karen Horneffer-Ginter from her article at The Huffington Post.ow.ly/fkpiE #JournalChat
@mscator @JournalChat @DawnHerring Hi, Dawn. I'm going to chat as long as the baby stays asleep. I may leave abruptly. #JournalChat
@mscator Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Leia. Good to see you too! :)
@queen_elisheba Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Elizabeth! Good to see you. :)
@JournalChat @DawnHerring Hi Dawn, good to see you "live." Great topic -- Life Lens, fresh perspective on stressful experiences #JournalChat
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday next Thursday, 11/22/12, #JournalChat Live will be on holiday; there will be no session. #Journaling
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday next Thursday, 11/22/12, #JournalChat Live will be on holiday; there will be no session. #Journaling
Before we get started with our discussion today, I have an announcement. #Journaling #JournalChat
Before we get started with our discussion today, I have an announcement. #Journaling #JournalChat
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
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