Enjoy your #Journaling with an appreciative focus and don't forget to refresh yourself. #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling with an appreciative focus and don't forget to refresh yourself. #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 11/8, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 11/8, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special Thanks to @melissadonovan for her post, Journal Writing Ideas: Daily Gratitudes, our#Journaling resource. #JournalChat
Special Thanks to @melissadonovan for her post, Journal Writing Ideas: Daily Gratitudes, our#Journaling resource. #JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlH5 You're welcome to connect on Facebook with #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling
ow.ly/eXlFz You're welcome to connect on Facebook with #JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things #Journaling
@dredrelew Yes, it is, Andrea. :) #JournalChatThanks for joining us today!
ow.ly/eXlA5 To learn more about me as your host, check out Dawn's Dimensions #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlyw To learn more about me as your host, check out Dawn's Dimensions #Journaling#JournalChat
@JournalChat I agree!! Its therapeutic and healing#journalchat
ow.ly/eXlxn You might appreciate a transcript of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
ow.ly/eXlvr You might appreciate a transcript of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
ow.ly/eXluk #RefreshJournal is a terrific way to gain a fresh perspective towards appreciation!#Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlqT #RefreshJournal is a terrific way to gain a fresh perspective towards appreciation!#Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlqy We can OPEN UP our creativity with appreciation in our journals. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlpd We can OPEN UP our creativity with appreciation in our journals. #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/eXlnm We can OPEN UP our creativity with appreciation in our journals. #Journaling#JournalChat
#Journaling is the perfect tool to create an appreciative spotlight on what really matters to us and learn about ourselves too. #JournalChat
#Journaling is the perfect tool to create an appreciative spotlight on what really matters to us and learn about ourselves too. #JournalChat
We can use our evening journal entries to spotlight what we appreciated from our day; gives us a balanced perspective. #JournalChat
We can use our evening journal entries to spotlight what we appreciated from our day; gives us a balanced perspective. #JournalChat
Melissa's final benefit of appreciation is it's a great way to end your day. #Journaling #JournalChat
Melissa's final benefit of appreciation is it's a great way to end your day. #Journaling #JournalChat
I find that when I focus an appreciative spotlight on something, it often ends up as a blog post or image for my art! #JournalChat
I find that when I focus an appreciative spotlight on something, it often ends up as a blog post or image for my art! #JournalChat
In other words, you will find more inspiration and creative flow with your gratitude in any dimension of life. #JournalChat #Journaling
In other words, you will find more inspiration and creative flow with your gratitude in any dimension of life. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we focus on appreciating what matters to us, we activate our creativity and gain new understanding. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we focus on appreciating what matters to us, we activate our creativity and gain new understanding. #JournalChat #Journaling
One of my favorite benefits Melissa shares with appreciation is generating new thoughts and ideas.#JournalChat #Journaling
One of my favorite benefits Melissa shares with appreciation is generating new thoughts and ideas.#JournalChat #Journaling
@patsyterrell Yes, it is, Patsy. :) The more we focus on our appreciation, the more we can appreciate. :)#JournalChat
@KathyPooler Oh, yes it can, Kathy. Thanks for joining us today. :) #JournalChat
@madeline40 Thanks so much for joining us today, Madeline. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat @DawnHerring Journaling can rescue us from those" loss of words" moments Thx for a great chat all:-) #journalchat
Melissa agrees with our earlier point: Appreciation promotes positive thinking. #Journaling#JournalChat
Melissa agrees with our earlier point: Appreciation promotes positive thinking. #Journaling#JournalChat
Feeling appreciative and focusing that in your journal really Does make you feel good! Good vibes, indeed!#JournalChat #Journaling
Feeling appreciative and focusing that in your journal really Does make you feel good! Good vibes, indeed!#JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat @KathyPooler @DawnHerring Thank you all. Time for me to leave too. I'll be journaling in a new way now. #journalchat
Another benefit Melissa points out with appreciation: It's good for the soul #Journaling #JournalChat
Another benefit Melissa points out with appreciation: It's good for the soul #Journaling #JournalChat
@madeline40 You know, that's a great way to look at it, Madeline. We can appreciate what we might usually take for granted. #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: @DawnHerring I agree journaling forces us to sit still long enough to get in touch w/ our feelings #journalchat
@JournalChat I was just thinking that. I appreciate my ability to do that everyday. And finshing is delightful. #journalchat
When you start off on the right #Journaling foot, your whole perspective can change for the better, for a better day! #JournalChat
When you start off on the right #Journaling foot, your whole perspective can change for the better, for a better day! #JournalChat
Appreciation is a great way to start your day.#Journaling #JournalChat
Appreciation is a great way to start your day.#Journaling #JournalChat
@madeline40 A good workout is something to appreciate, right, Madeline? ;) #JournalChat
Melissa shares a few benefits of focusing on appreciation/gratitude in our journals. #Journaling#JournalChat
Melissa shares a few benefits of focusing on appreciation/gratitude in our journals. #Journaling#JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Thanks for being a part, Michael. It was great to have you. #JournalChat
@JournalChat @dredrelew Like Julia Cameron's morning pages. But I begin at the gym - another way to adjust my attitude. #journalchat
@madeline40 It's a great way to work with the subconscious mind; and there are no rules.#JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat - must go, great chat tonight. hope to see you next week. thanks.
@dredrelew I am also a morning journal writer, Andrea; it's a wonderfully beneficial. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring I love that. I don't have an art journal - just text. My niece illustrates all her writing.#journalchat
RT @dredrelew: I journal every morning to alleviate anxiety and for perspective. It's like a conversation with myself #journalchat
RT @dredrelew: I journal every morning to alleviate anxiety and for perspective. It's like a conversation with myself #journalchat
@madeline40 Yes, we are. And #Journaling helps us see when our attitude needs an adjustment; and we can vent when necessary. #JournalChat
@madeline40 My art journal really has a whole different vibe since it contains image, color, and text.#JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 My art journal really has a whole different vibe since it contains image, color, and text.#JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat OOTW is exploring the here and now of our psyche and appreciating its revelations.
RT @JournalChat: RT @KathyPooler: #journalchat@madeline40 Hi! Yes stories and patterns unfold in journals. It helps w/ clarity
@madeline40 Actually, yes, my personal journal is separate from my art journal, although I do write in my art journal sometimes #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind Yes, indeed, I did. Even my daughter laughed and delighted in it. :) #JournalChat
RT @KathyPooler: #journalchat @madeline40 Hi! Yes stories and patterns unfold in journals. It helps w/ clarity
RT @KathyPooler: #journalchat @madeline40 Hi! Yes stories and patterns unfold in journals. It helps w/ clarity
@patsyterrell I love that, Patsy. It's wonderful to have something that will help you access a better state of mind. #JournalChat
@KathyPooler I journal every morning to alleviate anxiety and for perspective. It's like a conversation with myself #journalchat
@DawnHerring Just like we said about appreciation. We're in total control of our attitudes. #journalchat
RT @patsyterrell: Anytime I feel myself slipping into a bad frame of mind, I know gratitude journaling will change my attitude. #journalchat
RT @patsyterrell: Anytime I feel myself slipping into a bad frame of mind, I know gratitude journaling will change my attitude. #journalchat
@DawnHerring Do you keep your art journal separate from your writing journal? #journalchat
#JournalChat @DawnHerring and did you feel that sense of delight, and appreciate that delight? I always do.
When we focus on what makes us happy, we will find ourselves seeing more of what makes us happy because we're looking for it. #JournalChat
When we focus on what makes us happy, we will find ourselves seeing more of what makes us happy because we're looking for it. #JournalChat
@patsyterrell That sounds like a great practice. It's like turning your frown into a smiley face.#journalchat
@wtrfallprincess That's awesome, Sara. Yes, happy thoughts will only breed more happy thoughts. Love that. #JournalChat
@madeline40 I consider my art part of my whole life, including my art journal! It threads throughout what matters to me. #JournalChat
@madeline40 I consider my art part of my whole life, including my art journal! It threads throughout what matters to me. #JournalChat
#journalchat @madeline40 Hi! Yes stories and patterns unfold in journals. It helps w/ clarity
@OutOTWhirlwind I love it, Michael! I actually sang it out loud after seeing your tweet. :) #JournalChat
Anytime I feel myself slipping into a bad frame of mind, I know gratitude journaling will change my attitude. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat @madeline40It's like, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat @madeline40It's like, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."
@KathyPooler Journaling can help us deal with intense emotion; and appreciation is a wonderful form of joy! #JournalChat
@KathyPooler Journaling can help us deal with intense emotion; and appreciation is a wonderful form of joy! #JournalChat
@JournalChat I prefer journaling my happier thoughts; I'd rather have reminders of the best parts of my life to read later. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Do you consider your artwork part of your journaling? #journalchat
#JournalChat @madeline40 It's like, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."
@wtrfallprincess So glad it resonates, Sara. Welcome back to #JournalChat Live!
@KathyPooler Hi, Kathy. I also journal when I'm upset or angry, or just when I want to rev up my writing. #journalchat
When I begin to see the deeper meaning of why I enjoy my art so much, I learn even more about myself. #JournalChat #Journaling
When I begin to see the deeper meaning of why I enjoy my art so much, I learn even more about myself. #JournalChat #Journaling
I appreciate the time I spend in my art studio; I always leave feeling more in tune with my core authenticity. #JournalChat #Journaling
I appreciate the time I spend in my art studio; I always leave feeling more in tune with my core authenticity. #JournalChat #Journaling
#journalchat sorry I'm late but looks like a great conversation. I tend to journal when I'm upset or joyful- filled w/ emotion
When I see the meaning behind the appreciation, I can focus on how I can have more of that delight in my life. #JournalChat #Journaling
When I see the meaning behind the appreciation, I can focus on how I can have more of that delight in my life. #JournalChat #Journaling
@OutOTWhirlwind Thank for explaining, Michael. What do you mean by vibration of appreciation?#JournalChat
I find when I write about something that made me smile, laugh, or just feel good about, I enjoy delving deeper. #JournalChat #Journaling
I find when I write about something that made me smile, laugh, or just feel good about, I enjoy delving deeper. #JournalChat #Journaling
Whether it be a relationship, our job, our home, or a butterfly crossing our path, what appreciative meaning does it hold? #JournalChat
Whether it be a relationship, our job, our home, or a butterfly crossing our path, what appreciative meaning does it hold? #JournalChat
#JournalChat OOTW journaling encourages knowing of our own individual language or vibration of appreciation--apart from any list making.
We may find we discover the deeper meaning, what that one thing tells us about ourselves as we journal.#JournalChat #Journaling
We may find we discover the deeper meaning, what that one thing tells us about ourselves as we journal.#JournalChat #Journaling
With a longer entry, we may discover previously unknown reasons for our appreciation for that special something. #JournalChat #Journaling
With a longer entry, we may discover previously unknown reasons for our appreciation for that special something. #JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 Sounds good to me, Madeline! It's something to look forward to, isn't it? #JournalChat
This is where we can begin to delve into our authentic places of appreciation and why they are that way for us. #JournalChat #Journaling
This is where we can begin to delve into our authentic places of appreciation and why they are that way for us. #JournalChat #Journaling
#JournalChat Mastering appreciation is an aspect of the OOTW journaling approach.
I think I really appreciate this longer entry approach with a focus on one thing you appreciate. It goes deeper. #JournalChat #Journaling
I think I really appreciate this longer entry approach with a focus on one thing you appreciate. It goes deeper. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat As soon as we stop here I'm on to my appreciation list. #journalchat
The second approach Melissa shares is writing a longer appreciative entry vs a list. Focus on one topic at a time. #JournalChat #Journaling
The second approach Melissa shares is writing a longer appreciative entry vs a list. Focus on one topic at a time. #JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 I'm delighted you are benefited, Madeline. We can all learn more about the benefits of appreciation. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat I'm learning so much today. This is a great conversation. Thank you all. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I absolutely love that, Michael! Great clarification on appreciation versus not being content. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Ego needs more. Soul basks in the delight of appreciation.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Ego needs more. Soul basks in the delight of appreciation.
@madeline40 Oh, yes! When you smile, often others smile back. It's the same idea. And our journals help us get there! :) #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: RT @OutOTWhirlwind:#JournalChat the vibration of appreciation attracts same // Exactly, Michael!
Just a friendly reminder; to be in the feed, please use#JournalChat in your tweet! Thanks.
Just a friendly reminder; to be in the feed, please use#JournalChat in your tweet! Thanks.
#JournalChat Ego needs more. Soul basks in the delight of appreciation.
@DawnHerring I think that's the basis of all our interactions. How we act determines how others act toward us. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat the vibration of appreciation attracts same // Exactly, Michael!
RT @patsyterrell: @JournalChat Thanks..this is a great topic. I firmly believe #gratitude is an essential to living life well. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @madeline40 But we can also gain a sense of contentment when we see what we already have. #JournalChat #Journaling
What we focus on grows, so if we focus appreciation with life experiences, we'll attract more of the same to us as a result. #JournalChat
What we focus on grows, so if we focus appreciation with life experiences, we'll attract more of the same to us as a result. #JournalChat
@madeline40 But we can also gain a sense of contentment when we see what we already have.#JournalChat #Journaling
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat From that knowing we can move to consider 'what's our purpose?' and "what do we love?'
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat From that knowing we can move to consider 'what's our purpose?' and "what do we love?'
@madeline40 Oh, I agree, Madeline. #Journalinghelps us become more mindful, in all dimensions of life. #JournalChat
A point Melissa makes is as you show appreciation, you'll notice the appreciation around you. It's a terrific awareness! #JournalChat
A point Melissa makes is as you show appreciation, you'll notice the appreciation around you. It's a terrific awareness! #JournalChat
@patsyterrell Yes, Patsy. You begin to see patterns of appreciation, what is working, in your journal which is so beneficial. #JournalChat
@patsyterrell Yes, Patsy. You begin to see patterns of appreciation, what is working, in your journal which is so beneficial. #JournalChat
#JournalChat From that knowing we can move to consider 'what's our purpose?' and "what do we love?'
@DawnHerring @OutOTWhirlwind I think I'm most in the now when I'm journaling. It's like it takes over my mind. #journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Knowing what we value and enjoy is the start of clarifying vision, purpopse--our heart's desire
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat Knowing what we value and enjoy is the start of clarifying vision, purpopse--our heart's desire
@madeline40 Yes, it can seem when we focus on appreciation, we will find more to appreciate! :)#JournalChat #Journaling
@madeline40 Yes, it can seem when we focus on appreciation, we will find more to appreciate! :)#JournalChat #Journaling
It's a great snapshot over time. You find things that keep coming up, which makes you appreciate them even more. #journalchat
@OutOTWhirlwind I so agree, Michael. It's an awesome way to be mindful of the good and blessings we have Right Now. #JournalChat#Journaling
@OutOTWhirlwind I so agree, Michael. It's an awesome way to be mindful of the good and blessings we have Right Now. #JournalChat#Journaling
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat being in appreciation is a way of being present in life.
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat being in appreciation is a way of being present in life.
#JournalChat Knowing what we value and enjoy is the start of clarifying vision, purpopse--our heart's desire
@OutOTWhirlwind I think that's wonderful, Michael, that your journaling application is focused on gratitude/appreciation. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat gratitude aka appreciation is key structure of our journal at OOTW
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael. Good to see you!
@DawnHerring I've definitely learned a lesson here. I need a gratitude list journal or at least tack them on as I write. #journalchat
@patsyterrell It's a great idea to have an ongoing journal you can write in any time just for appreciation/gratitude! #JournalChat
@patsyterrell It's a great idea to have an ongoing journal you can write in any time just for appreciation/gratitude! #JournalChat
@patsyterrell Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Patsy. It's great to see you!
RT @patsyterrell: I have a journal devoted to gratitude lists. I don't write in it every day, but it's a great reminder. #journalchat
RT @patsyterrell: I have a journal devoted to gratitude lists. I don't write in it every day, but it's a great reminder. #journalchat
I do make lists of things I need to do, but I don't often write a list for appreciative items. It's usually a mix as I remember #JournalChat
I do make lists of things I need to do, but I don't often write a list for appreciative items. It's usually a mix as I remember #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Sweet. I journaled about holding a new baby yesterday. Definitely delightful, but I didn't think to pick it out. #journalchat
#JournalChat gratitude aka appreciation is key structure of our journal at OOTW
I have a journal devoted to gratitude lists. I don't write in it every day, but it's a great reminder. #journalchat
@madeline40 You know, Madeline, that is so true. If folks enjoy list making anyway, this approach would really work for them. #JournalChat
@madeline40 You know, Madeline, that is so true. If folks enjoy list making anyway, this approach would really work for them. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring That's a whole other way of looking at it - what's pleasing or delightful. Not how I usually look what I write. #journalchat
For me, some of my greatest delights are gleaned from my grandboy; his laughter is always a bright spot! #JournalChat #Journaling
For me, some of my greatest delights are gleaned from my grandboy; his laughter is always a bright spot! #JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring I am a list maker in all my writing. I just wrote my long list of articles to be done.#journalchat
What one person may see as delightful may not be so for another; write what resonates with your own point of view. #JournalChat #Journaling
What one person may see as delightful may not be so for another; write what resonates with your own point of view. #JournalChat #Journaling
You can always tell when you've run into something authentically delightful; it will make you smile or laugh as you write. #JournalChat
You can always tell when you've run into something authentically delightful; it will make you smile or laugh as you write. #JournalChat
@madeline40 That's exactly what Melissa shares; that when we write them in our journals, they spark writing ideas. #JournalChat
@madeline40 That's exactly what Melissa shares; that when we write them in our journals, they spark writing ideas. #JournalChat
With a list approach, we can peruse our day in our minds to determine what stands out as pleasing from our day. #JournalChat #Journaling
With a list approach, we can peruse our day in our minds to determine what stands out as pleasing from our day. #JournalChat #Journaling
One is writing a list of what we are grateful or appreciative of. #Journaling #JournalChat
One is writing a list of what we are grateful or appreciative of. #Journaling #JournalChat
Melissa presents two different approach with our appreciation entries. #Journaling #JournalChat
Melissa presents two different approach with our appreciation entries. #Journaling #JournalChat
@DawnHerring I like to use my journal entries as a jumping off place for my other writing. I can usually find something there. #journalchat
@madeline40 Yes, #Journaling could be a great source to get an idea for what to include in your blog post, Madeline. :) #JournalChat
Using appreciation to get us started with a journal entry is terrific energy to work from. #Journaling#JournalChat
Using appreciation to get us started with a journal entry is terrific energy to work from. #Journaling#JournalChat
Our focus is on appreciation and gratitude in our journal entries. #JournalChat #Journaling
Our focus is on appreciation and gratitude in our journal entries. #JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring @melissadonovan That's great. I need to write a blog post on Gratitude, so the journaling could be good resource. #JournalChat
Melissa shares all the different purposes we can have in our #Journaling practice, of which there are many. #JournalChat
Melissa shares all the different purposes we can have in our #Journaling practice, of which there are many. #JournalChat
@madeline40 Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Madeline; it's a delight to see you! :)
Appreciation can come in many forms; today's focus is on using our journals to put the spotlight on the good stuff! #JournalChat #Journaling
Appreciation can come in many forms; today's focus is on using our journals to put the spotlight on the good stuff! #JournalChat #Journaling
I love the whole appreciation aspect of life in all of its dimensions, as you may note on my website:ow.ly/eXf45 #JournalChat
I love the whole appreciation aspect of life in all of its dimensions, as you may note on my website:ow.ly/eXf3i #JournalChat
@victorsachar Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Victor! Great to see you. :)
But showing appreciation for our daily life experiences can be of benefit any time of the year.#Journaling #JournalChat
But showing appreciation for our daily life experiences can be of benefit any time of the year.#Journaling #JournalChat
One of the things upmost in our minds this month is Thanksgiving, thus gratitude is a popular topic.#JournalChat
One of the things upmost in our minds this month is Thanksgiving, thus gratitude is a popular topic.#JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: Your Appreciation Appointment (one you'll want to keep!)#JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: Your Appreciation Appointment (one you'll want to keep!)#JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is Journal Writing Ideas: Daily Gratitudes by @melissadonovan ow.ly/eXeEF #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is Journal Writing Ideas: Daily Gratitudes by @melissadonovan ow.ly/eXeDg #JournalChat
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
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