Enjoy #Journaling your Morning Message, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy #Journaling your Morning Message, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 11/1/12, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journalingtopic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week, 11/1/12, 5 EST/2 PST; #Journalingtopic to be announced.
Thanks for taking the time to join us today for#JournalChat Live, Mari, to discuss Your#Journaling: Your Morning Message. @CreateWriteNow
Thanks for taking the time to join us today for#JournalChat Live, Mari, to discuss Your#Journaling: Your Morning Message. @CreateWriteNow
Special Thanks to Mari McCarthy @CreateWriteNowfor joining us today on #JournalChat Live and for her post, our #journaling resource.
Special Thanks to Mari McCarthy @CreateWriteNowfor joining us today on #JournalChat Live and for her post, our #journaling resource.
ow.ly/eMdJg To learn more about #JournalChatLive and Links Edition for all things #Journaling, check this page out.
ow.ly/eMdG2 To learn more about #JournalChatLive and Links Edition for all things #Journaling, check this page out.
ow.ly/eMdCn For a fresh perspective in all of life's dimensions, sign up for #RefreshJournal !#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/eMdAe For a fresh perspective in all of life's dimensions, sign up for #RefreshJournal !#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/eMdzF Subscribe today for transcripts of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
ow.ly/eMdxE Subscribe today for transcripts of#JournalChat Live and Links Edition for all things#Journaling
ow.ly/eMdwu #Journaling can help you see how your tasks are a complement vs competition in your day. #JournalChat
ow.ly/eMdtM #Journaling can help you see how your tasks are a complement vs competition in your day. #JournalChat
ow.ly/eMdrm A #Journaling Prompt can help get our a.m. entry going for a great Morning Message!#JournalChat
ow.ly/eMdnh A #Journaling Prompt can help get our a.m. entry going for a great Morning Message!#JournalChat
RT @mscator: Watch 10 minutes less of TV at night. Save those 10 for morning journaling. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow @JournalChat @DawnHerring TY for great information & creative light. Aloha! @WarmMilkJournal @ndohren #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow thanks so much for the fab post, Mari, and all the great insights/benefits you shared with Morning #journaling. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow thanks so much for the fab post, Mari, and all the great insights/benefits you shared with Morning #journaling. #JournalChat
Dawn,Thanks for the invite. I want to get everyone a.m. journaling, please let me know how I can help.#journalchat #journalchat
@CreateWriteNow Indeed, Mari. Our #Journalingtravels can take us to all sorts of places, both real and imaginary. #JournalChat
That's a great idea, Mari. I alternate hands as well. Once I see I've written a full pg, I switch hands. :)#JournalChat #Journaling
That's a great idea, Mari. I alternate hands as well. Once I see I've written a full pg, I switch hands. :)#JournalChat #Journaling
I too am surprised how long I journal . Oh the places we go! #journalchat #journalchat
I sometimes time my mps bc I alternate hands with a new page, I like to track my progress. No timer, use cell LCD #journalchat #journalchat
@snetzley But, of course, you don't want to interrupt if you're in the flow. I'm glad it works for you! :)#JournalChat
@DawnHerring I don’t find it distracting, but I do sometimes ignore it if I’m in the midst of an insight.#JournalChat #journaling
Some folks find a timer helps them to focus more on their #Journaling objective. This can be helpful.#JournalChat
Some folks find a timer helps them to focus more on their #Journaling objective. This can be helpful.#JournalChat
I don't usually know how long my entries take to write; I'm often surprised by how long I journal!#JournalChat #Journaling
I don't usually know how long my entries take to write; I'm often surprised by how long I journal!#JournalChat #Journaling
@DawnHerring Like Mari, sometimes I write a question. Then set a timer for 10-15 minutes and just let the pen move… #JournalChat #journaling
Sharon asked me if I use a timer for #Journaling; I would find a timer distracting, just waiting for it to go off. #JournalChat
Sharon asked me if I use a timer for #Journaling; I would find a timer distracting, just waiting for it to go off. #JournalChat
@snetzley No, I do not, Sharon. I'm familiar with folks using a timer for set times but I prefer to just journal naturally. #JournalChat
Agree Dawn morning journal writing is THE way to go! #journalchat #journalchat
#Journaling new ideas, new understanding, new spiritual insights can only enhance our daily experience, going deeper on the pg. #JournalChat
#Journaling new ideas, new understanding, new spiritual insights can only enhance our daily experience, going deeper on the pg. #JournalChat
@snetzley I find when I have a time of meditation, I want to record my insights and understandings gained. #JournalChat
@snetzley I find when I have a time of meditation, I want to record my insights and understandings gained. #JournalChat
Whether we're looking to enhance our creativity, problem solve,or get questions answered, Morning#Journaling is the way to go! #JournalChat
Whether we're looking to enhance our creativity, problem solve,or get questions answered, Morning#Journaling is the way to go! #JournalChat
Also agree with @outtowhirlwind about the meditative aspects. #JournalChat #journaling
Absolutely Sharon. Creative and spiritual and beyond. #journalchat #journalchat
@snetzley It is a creative time, Sharon. It's when we often get new ideas and enhanced creative energy after sleep. #JournalChat
@snetzley It is a creative time, Sharon. It's when we often get new ideas and enhanced creative energy after sleep. #JournalChat
RT @snetzley: One thing About morning journaling, in my experience is that it’s a very creative time.#JournalChat #Journaling
RT @snetzley: One thing About morning journaling, in my experience is that it’s a very creative time.#JournalChat #Journaling
RT @ndohren: @OutOTWhirlwind For me,#Journaling *is* meditation, and produces all the same benefits,especially done regularly!#journalchat
@CreateWriteNow The morning time is a great time to get questions answered, especially when we're calm and centered. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow The morning time is a great time to get questions answered, especially when we're calm and centered. #JournalChat
One thing About morning journaling, in my experience is that it’s a very creative time.#JournalChat #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: @rebekahpierce Thanks for the heads up, Rebekah. Be sure to use the#JournalChat hashtag to be on the feed.
@OutOTWhirlwind For me, #Journaling *is* meditation, and produces all the same benefits, especially if done regularly! #JournalChat
Sometimes in the morning, I'll ask my journal a question, then meditate and then write out the ans in my journal #journalchat. #journalchat
#JournalChat just a short visit today. Thanks and hope to be back next week.
@JournalChat Thanks, Dawn. Sorry I’m so late to the gathering, but. Glad I made it for a little while.#JournalChat #journaling
@rebekahpierce Thanks for the heads up, Rebekah. Be sure to use the #JournalChat hashtag to be on the feed.
@OutOTWhirlwind I can imagine how the meditation can greatly enhance and influence your a.m.#Journaling time. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat I love journaling after my morning meditation. My journaling comes alive
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat I love journaling after my morning meditation. My journaling comes alive
@WarmMilkJournal Thanks for joining us today, Debra. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat Thanks for the time, and thanks for facilitating this! #JournalChat I do hope to talk in person sometime; synergy is amazing!
@snetzley I know what you mean about getting a song in your head that you can't get rid of and it keeps you awake! #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @snetzley: Sometimes I write in my journal at night to get the music OUT of my head so I can go to sleep. #JournalChat #journaling
RT @snetzley: Sometimes I write in my journal at night to get the music OUT of my head so I can go to sleep. #JournalChat #journaling
RT @snetzley: Sometimes I write in my journal at night to get the music OUT of my head so I can sleep. #JournalChat #journaling #journalchat
@CreateWriteNow Oh, it is, Mari. We miss out if we don't zone in on what we can learn from those other-wordly messages. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow Oh, it is, Mari. We miss out if we don't zone in on what we can learn from those other-wordly messages. #JournalChat
#JournalChat I love journaling after after my morning mediation. My journaling comes alive
@OutOTWhirlwind I think capturing the feeling from music in our dreams is an awesome idea, Michael. Don't let it slip away! #JournalChat
@OutOTWhirlwind I think capturing the feeling from music in our dreams is an awesome idea, Michael. Don't let it slip away! #JournalChat
@ndohren @CreateWriteNow @DawnHerring@mscator Same here, Nathan and friends. A blessed evening to all. #Journalchat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat - How about capturing the feeling derived from the music in your dream and explore that?
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat - How about capturing the feeling derived from the music in your dream and explore that?
@OutOTWhirlwind Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Michael. Good to see you. :)
Sometimes I write in my journal at night to get the music OUT of my head so I can go to sleep.#JournalChat #journaling
I've found with morning journaling, I'm realizing how my sleeptime/dreamtime is a whole world in my inner universe #journalchat #journalchat
@CreateWriteNow @DawnHerring@WarmMilkJournal @mscator It was great to connect with you all about #Journaling tips! Thanks!#JournalChat
Instead of trying to work out issues and problems in our heads as we ready in the a.m., take a few minutes to jot it all down. #JournalChat
Instead of trying to work out issues and problems in our heads as we ready in the a.m., take a few minutes to jot it all down. #JournalChat
RT @OutOTWhirlwind: #JournalChat - How about capturing the feeling derived from the music in your dream and explore that?
RT @JournalChat: It's amazing to me sometimes how much I figure out in my #Journaling especially in the morning time. #JournalChat
It's amazing to me sometimes how much I figure out in my #Journaling especially in the morning time.#JournalChat
It's amazing to me sometimes how much I figure out in my #Journaling especially in the morning time.#JournalChat
#JournalChat - How about capturing the feeling derived from the music in your dream and explore that?
Mari mentions critical thinking and problem solving in our journals; oh yes, #journaling can be a beneficial heavyweight! #JournalChat
Mari mentions critical thinking and problem solving in our journals; oh yes, #journaling can be a beneficial heavyweight! #JournalChat
And we might even experience music in our dreams! Now that's something to excavate for insight/meaning. #JournalChat #Journaling
And we might even experience music in our dreams! Now that's something to excavate for insight/meaning. #JournalChat #Journaling
@CreateWriteNow I have similar connections with music, Mari. I wake up with music in my head and want to dissect it! #JournalChat
Dawn, you are WriteON! about dreams recording. Yes! #JournalChat #journalchat
@ndohren I agree, Nathan. I often jot a few things down in my personal journal on a night dream I deem important/insightful. #JournalChat
With my a.m. journaling, universal messages and songs show up and give me some new ideas to consider #journalchat #journalchat
One of the first things I do in the a.m. is to record my night dreams. I find this beneficial & insightful.#JournalChat #Journaling
One of the first things I do in the a.m. is to record my night dreams. I find this beneficial & insightful.#JournalChat #Journaling
I love using dreams as springboard for #Journaling. Even ones I can't remember or didn't like, they launch me into the page. #JournalChat
Plus, the Morning is the perfect time to access and excavate those night dreams for any additional insights for our day. #JournalChat
Plus, the Morning is the perfect time to access and excavate those night dreams for any additional insights for our day. #JournalChat
Nathan, even starting with to DO lists will help us get back into our life and focus, start living for our Self.#journalchat #journalchat
It is often in the Morning time that we get new ideas, new understanding, new inner wisdom we can record to our benefit. #JournalChat
It is often in the Morning time that we get new ideas, new understanding, new inner wisdom we can record to our benefit. #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how Morning#Journaling has benefited them in preparing for their day. #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how Morning#Journaling has benefited them in preparing for their day. #JournalChat
It's time to stretch our minds with our a.m.#Journaling as Mari suggests. #JournalChat
It's time to stretch our minds with our a.m.#Journaling as Mari suggests. #JournalChat
I love #Journaling about what my artistic intentions are as well as the progress I want to make on my writing projects. #JournalChat
I love #Journaling about what my artistic intentions are as well as the progress I want to make on my writing projects. #JournalChat
It's common to only look at the busyness of the day instead of what we can do to refresh ourselves.#journaling #JournalChat
It's common to only look at the busyness of the day instead of what we can do to refresh ourselves.#journaling #JournalChat
When I journal in the a.m., I consider how I want to expend my energy in the most beneficial manner possible. #JournalChat #Journaling
When I journal in the a.m., I consider how I want to expend my energy in the most beneficial manner possible. #JournalChat #Journaling
Those who find it hard to write because they want to "Get up and DO" - Make a list of things to DO as part of your #Journaling #JournalChat
Our morning time is the perfect time to look ahead in our journals to what we look forward to and what we're happy about. #JournalChat
Our morning time is the perfect time to look ahead in our journals to what we look forward to and what we're happy about. #JournalChat
I love Mari's comment about Waking up on the wrong side of the bed. That's when #Journaling for gratitude comes in handy. #JournalChat
I love Mari's comment about Waking up on the wrong side of the bed. That's when #Journaling for gratitude comes in handy. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow #Journaling is such a beneficial expression of our authentic selves; doing so in the a.m. honors who we are. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow #Journaling is such a beneficial expression of our authentic selves; doing so in the a.m. honors who we are. #JournalChat
Many people don't realize the connection between#Journaling and increased physical energy.#JournalChat great reminder @CreateWriteNow
When I journal about the things I want to make time for that day, I get energized thinking about the refreshment to come! #JournalChat
When I journal about the things I want to make time for that day, I get energized thinking about the refreshment to come! #JournalChat
I've been Morning Pages for about 9 months and I agree with you Dawn. I can't wait to get to the page to see who I am each day! #journalchat
#Journaling can help us be more effective with our time in general; when we don't waste time, we are more energized naturally. #JournalChat
#Journaling can help us be more effective with our time in general; when we don't waste time, we are more energized naturally. #JournalChat
I find when I journal in the a.m. that my time is different every day; no two morning are alike.#Journaling is a custom fit. #JournalChat
I find when I journal in the a.m. that my time is different every day; no two morning are alike.#Journaling is a custom fit. #JournalChat
Yes, energy. I find journaling really helps our attitude and that in turn gives physical energy. #journalchat#journalchat
@mscator that's a great strategy, Leia. We make time for what matters. #Journaling is well worth the time invested. #JournalChat
Great #Journaling can be done even 10 minutes at a time! That's great news 'cuz not everyone has 30 morning mins to spare! #JournalChat
@ndohren I so agree with you, Nathan, that#Journaling is a time saver; it helps us figure out what needs doing. #JournalChat
RT @ndohren: I agree! At 1st it may seem like a time-eater, but soon you'll see #Journaling is a time-saver! #JournalChat
RT @ndohren: I agree! At 1st it may seem like a time-eater, but soon you'll see #Journaling is a time-saver! #JournalChat
Mari's next point is Energy. #Journaling is an excellent way to engage your brain! #JournalChat
Mari's next point is Energy. #Journaling is an excellent way to engage your brain! #JournalChat
Watch 10 minutes less of TV at night. Save those 10 for morning journaling. #JournalChat
I agree! At 1st it may seem like a time-eater, but soon you'll see #Journaling is a time-saver! #JournalChat
Relaxation is my favorite too. It's a big behavior change to challenge our "head" and "inner critics" we're so good at stress #journalchat
We are basically affirming our priorities and what is important to us when we #journal in our a.m. time.#JournalChat #Journaling
We are basically affirming our priorities and what is important to us when we #journal in our a.m. time.#JournalChat #Journaling
Once you've got your priorities worked out on the#Journaling page, you will feel more prepared to move forward. #JournalChat
Once you've got your priorities worked out on the#Journaling page, you will feel more prepared to move forward. #JournalChat
I tell ppl to take five and ask that question to their journal and then freewrite...let er rip! #journalchat
Often the first thing we think of when we wake up is: What do I Have to do today? #Journaling can help get that worked through. #JournalChat
Often the first thing we think of when we wake up is: What do I Have to do today? #Journaling can help get that worked through. #JournalChat
I love Mari's first category: Relaxation. #Journaling in the a.m. can help you relax your mind & sort through your priorities. #JournalChat
I love Mari's first category: Relaxation. #Journaling in the a.m. can help you relax your mind & sort through your priorities. #JournalChat
But once you start, you begin to experience a new sense of purpose and clarity for the start of your day.#Journaling #JournalChat
But once you start, you begin to experience a new sense of purpose and clarity for the start of your day.#Journaling #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow Your suggestions to people who say, "My morning routine is crowded (kids, gym, breakfast, prep for work)?" #JournalChat
It can sometimes be a challenge to add #Morning#Journaling to your routine if you haven't already.#JournalChat
It can sometimes be a challenge to add #Morning#Journaling to your routine if you haven't already.#JournalChat
@mscator Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Leia. Terrific to see you!
Yes Nathan, we have an MP30 Challenge forum for ppl who want to start MorningPages/Morning Journaling createwritenow.com #journalchat
@ndohren Yes, Nathan, Julia Cameron emphasizes#MorningPages in her workbooks. Excellent premise for a great start. #JournalChat
Valuable part of our health routine. I say," brush your teeth, wash your face, write your journal." v/ @CreateWriteNow #journalchat
When we incorporate #Journaling as a natural part and extension of what we do to prepare for our day, it's time well invested. #JournalChat
When we incorporate #Journaling as a natural part and extension of what we do to prepare for our day, it's time well invested. #JournalChat
I facilitate a course based on Julia Cameron's textbook "The Artist's Way" @CreateWriteNow looks like you have an update!! #JournalChat
Mari, I love the various categories you present with our approach to #Journaling in the a.m.#JournalChat
Mari, I love the various categories you present with our approach to #Journaling in the a.m.#JournalChat
It's a valuable part of our health routine. I say," brush your teeth, wash your face, write your journal." :)#journalchat
When we include beneficial activities, such as#Journaling, it can make our a.m. prep time productive and clear headed. #JournalChat
When we include beneficial activities, such as#Journaling, it can make our a.m. prep time productive and clear headed. #JournalChat
Mari shares in her post that how we start our morning can make all the difference in how our day plays out. #Journaling #JournalChat
Mari shares in her post that how we start our morning can make all the difference in how our day plays out. #Journaling #JournalChat
@WarmMilkJournal I so agree with you, Debra. Affirming our purpose, planning our goals, and activating our spiritual awareness. #JournalChat
@WarmMilkJournal I so agree with you, Debra. Affirming our purpose, planning our goals, and activating our spiritual awareness. #JournalChat
RT @WarmMilkJournal: @JournalChat The morning is a perfect time to set intentions, make declarations, or pray in our journals #JournalChat
RT @WarmMilkJournal: @JournalChat The morning is a perfect time to set intentions, make declarations, or pray in our journals #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow You know, I agree, Mari. Once you get started with a.m. #Journaling, it does get better. It's wonderful. #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow You know, I agree, Mari. Once you get started with a.m. #Journaling, it does get better. It's wonderful. #JournalChat
@JournalChat The morning is a perfect time to set intentions, make declarations, or pray in our journals#JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow Mari, you give us some motivation to incorporate #Journaling into our morning wake up time. :) #JournalChat
@CreateWriteNow Mari, you give us some motivation to incorporate #Journaling into our morning wake up time. :) #JournalChat
Dawn,great to be here. Morning journaling gets better and better. Hi Debra! Hi Nathan! #journalchat
RT @CreateWriteNow: Hi everyone. I'm Mari McCarthy of CreateWriteNow and I've been consistently journaling for 15 years. #journalchat...
RT @CreateWriteNow: Hi everyone. I'm Mari McCarthy of CreateWriteNow and I've been consistently journaling for 15 years. #journalchat...
@ndohren Thanks so much, Nathan, for your enthusiasm! It's my pleasure to chat with other journal writers. :) #JournalChat
@WarmMilkJournal Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Debra; good to see you! I love #Journaling in the morning too!
@CreateWriteNow Welcome back to #JournalChatLive, Mari. It's great to see you; thanks so much for joining us today!
We are joined today by our guest Mari McCarthy @CreateWriteNow , author of our #Journalingresource. #JournalChat
We are joined today by our guest Mari McCarthy @CreateWriteNow , author of our #Journalingresource. #JournalChat
#JournalChat - @DawnHerring and @CreateWriteNow - It's really great to meet you both! I admire the inspiration you are to people all over!
@ndohren Welcome to #JournalChat Live, Nathan. Great to see you here. Glad you have such longevity with your #Journaling am. routine.
@JournalChat I love writing in the morning!#JournalChat
Hi everyone. I'm Mari McCarthy of CreateWriteNow and I've been consistently journaling for 15 years.#journalchat #journalchat
Our topic for today's chat is Your #Journaling: Your Morning Message as we look at how we can jumpstart our morning wake up. #JournalChat
Our topic for today's chat is Your #Journaling: Your Morning Message as we look at how we can jumpstart our morning wake up. #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is Make #Journal #WritingTherapy Your New Wake Up Call by Mari McCarthy#JournalChat ow.ly/eM5zq
Our #Journaling resource is Make #Journal #WritingTherapy Your New Wake Up Call by Mari McCarthy#JournalChat ow.ly/eM5yy
#JournalChat I'm Nathan Ohren. I've been keeping a journal for 27 years now. I still do my best#journaling in the quiet of the morning.
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, or tweetchat.com to follow along; please use #JournalChat as your hashtag.
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years; #Journaling is my passion!#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
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