RT @jtebbsyoung: Yesterday's blog post was pick of the day at #JournalChat on Twitter. JournalWriter Freelance writes: "... If... fb.me/22p661SeU
Yesterday's blog post was pick of the day at#JournalChat on Twitter. JournalWriter Freelance writes: "... If... fb.me/22p661SeU
#JournalChat Live is Thursday, 7/26/12, 5 EST/2 PST for all things journaling on Twitter; our topic this week is... fb.me/2429rv0qa
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/ctk0a #JournalChat Pick of the Day (7/24) The Elevator Pitch the Write Way by Joanna Tebbs Young @jtebbsyoung #Journaling
ow.ly/ctl3d #JournalChat Live is Thursday, 7/26, 5 EST/2 PST; topic: Your #Journaling: A #JealousyRevisited
ow.ly/ctkVq #JournalChat Live is Thursday, 7/26, 5 EST/2 PST; topic: Your #Journaling: A #JealousyRevisited
ow.ly/ctkUw #JournalChat Pick of the Week!!#Jealousy: How to Work Through It by Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreative #Journaling
ow.ly/ctkRx #JournalChat Pick of the Week!!#Jealousy: How to Work Through It by Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreative #Journaling
#JournalChat Pick of the Day on 7/24/12 for all things journaling on Twitter: The Elevator Pitch the Write Way by... fb.me/1xsqlQyye
ow.ly/ctk0a #JournalChat Pick of the Day (7/24) The Elevator Pitch the Write Way by Joanna Tebbs Young @jtebbsyoung #Journaling
ow.ly/ctjSl #JournalChat Pick of the Day (7/24) The Elevator Pitch the Write Way by Joanna Tebbs Young @jtebbsyoung #Journaling
ow.ly/ctj77 Runner UP!! "Don't just dream...Live" July #Art #Journaling Page by @KatieOrse#artjournaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/ctj77 Runner UP!! "Don't just dream...Live" July #Art #Journaling Page by @KatieOrse#artjournaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/cthya Five Reasons to Use #Journal#Writing Software byRuthFolit @life_journal#Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/cthq2 Five Reasons to Use #Journal#Writing Software byRuthFolit @life_journal#Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/cthkh CREATE Mixed Media Retreat at the Doubletree Hotel in Somerset #Journaling#JournalChat #artjournaling #NJ
ow.ly/ctgM2 If you subscribe to Refresh with Dawn Herring blog, you will get transcripts for #JournalChatLive and Links Edition.
ow.ly/ctgGX If you subscribe to Refresh with Dawn Herring blog, you will get transcripts for #JournalChatLive and Links Edition.
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