Enjoy your #Journaling, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling, and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next Thursday, 5/10, 5 EST/2 PST;#Journaling topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next Thursday, 5/10, 5 EST/2 PST;#Journaling topic to be announced.
Special thanks to Amber Lea Starfire for her fab post, Judging Others, Judging Ourselves and for joining us today on #JournalChat Live.
Special thanks to Amber Lea Starfire for her fab post, Judging Others, Judging Ourselves and for joining us today on #JournalChat Live.
ow.ly/aGKEm My post: Every Little Bit...to help you view learning a task with patience and a positive point of view. #JournalChat
ow.ly/aGKC0 My post: Every Little Bit...to help you view learning a task with patience and a positive point of view. #JournalChat
ow.ly/aGKzP To help freshen your perspective, sign up for Refresh Journal. Box is on the right.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/aGKxX To help freshen your perspective, sign up for Refresh Journal. Box is on the right.#JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/aGKxp Here are some #Journaling#Prompts to help you get started with your verdict...a helpful one! #JournalChat
ow.ly/aGKuw Here are some #Journaling#Prompts to help you get started with your verdict...a helpful one! #JournalChat
#Journaling is a great portal to help us dig deeper into the way we view ourselves and our world, whether helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
#Journaling is a great portal to help us dig deeper into the way we view ourselves and our world, whether helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
Whether we are influencing another person with our opinions/judgments or we're being influenced, Journaling helps us see. #JournalChat
Whether we are influencing another person with our opinions/judgments or we're being influenced, Journaling helps us see. #JournalChat
We may also understand how our own viewpoints affect others' opinions and judgments. It works both ways. #JournalChat #Journaling
We may also understand how our own viewpoints affect others' opinions and judgments. It works both ways. #JournalChat #Journaling
#Journaling those attitudes and opinions can give us insight into how our viewpoint is influenced by another. #Journalchat
#Journaling those attitudes and opinions can give us insight into how our viewpoint is influenced by another. #Journalchat
Who we choose to spend time with can influence the judgments we make based on their opinions.#JournalChat #Journaling
Who we choose to spend time with can influence the judgments we make based on their opinions.#JournalChat #Journaling
Another point Amber makes in the last prompt is writing about your friends and how they express their point of view. #JournalChat
Another point Amber makes in the last prompt is writing about your friends and how they express their point of view. #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how they use their journals to discern if their judgments are helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how they use their journals to discern if their judgments are helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
Thanks Dawn. I look forward to future#journalchats! #journalchat
It's been enjoyable. @mscator thanks for the precision check on our use of the word and @journalinabox nice to "meet" you. #journalchat
@writingthrulife It's been fabulous having you with us on #JournalChat Live, Amber. Thanks so much for taking the time. :)
@writingthrulife It's been fabulous having you with us on #JournalChat Live, Amber. Thanks so much for taking the time. :)
Another great point is looking back on a past judgment and seeing how your viewpoint has changed for the better. and why. #JournalChat
I'm going to have to leave the chat now. I have a client meeting in 5 minutes. But I want to thank you for inviting me ... #journalchat
@JournalChat or at least areas of change, if not improvement :-) #journalchat
It can be interesting to see how we grow and change in our judgments over time in our#Journaling. Shows areas of improvement.#JournalChat
It can be interesting to see how we grow and change in our judgments over time in our#Journaling. Shows areas of improvement.#JournalChat
@JournalChat Yes, criticism from adults and family growing up can be internalized and stick with us through life. #journalchat
In the past, I've been a fairly judgmental person, about a 7 or 8. Now, I think I'm more of a 5 or 6. I've learned compassion #journalchat
We find clues as to whether our judgment of ourselves is overblown due to others' views of us we have had in the past. #JournalChat
We find clues as to whether our judgment of ourselves is overblown due to others' views of us we have had in the past. #JournalChat
I also like the prompt where I give myself a number on the "judgment scale" and then try to figure out why I think that. #journalchat
One prompt mentions when you judge yourself most harshly. That can reveal how we view ourselves in our "deemed" inadequacy.#JournalChat
One prompt mentions when you judge yourself most harshly. That can reveal how we view ourselves in our "deemed" inadequacy.#JournalChat
@writingthrulife That's a great way to bring to life our past experiences and what triggered them. Very insightful. #JournalChat #Journaling
@writingthrulife That's a great way to bring to life our past experiences and what triggered them. Very insightful. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat I love word association exercises, too ... moods, trending thoughts, and memory associations all pop up. #journalchat
@JournalChat Yes, as well as helping us to be more compassionate and gentle with ourselves and others. #journalchat
Amber, I love the prompt you provide to do an association for the word judgment; that could prove to be a true eye opener! #JournalChat
Amber, I love the prompt you provide to do an association for the word judgment; that could prove to be a true eye opener! #JournalChat
@writingthrulife That's why #journaling can truly be a catalyst toward positive change, toward ourselves and others. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife That's why #journaling can truly be a catalyst toward positive change, toward ourselves and others. #JournalChat
RT @writingthrulife: Sometimes the judgment is true and motivates me to work harder or make changes in my life. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Sometimes the judgment is true and motivates me to work harder or make changes in my life. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Yes, we write to empower and constantly define/refine meaning (as well as communicate, of course). #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Yes, we write to empower and constantly define/refine meaning (as well as communicate, of course). #journalchat
My desire is for my #Journaling to help me be kind and nurturing toward myself, gentle in the face of challenge. #JournalChat
My desire is for my #Journaling to help me be kind and nurturing toward myself, gentle in the face of challenge. #JournalChat
Sometimes the judgment is true and motivates me to work harder or make changes in my life.#journalchat
And when I judge myself negatively, it helps to write about it and assess the underlying reasons for that judgment. #journalchat
@writingthrulife I know what you mean, Amber. Especially when we rant about our inadequacies or where we went wrong. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife I know what you mean, Amber. Especially when we rant about our inadequacies or where we went wrong. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Yes, we write to empower and constantly define/refine meaning (as well as communicate, of course). #journalchat
@writingthrulife So we can see if our judgment is helpful or harmful, accurate or skewed.#JournalChat #Journaling
@writingthrulife So we can see if our judgment is helpful or harmful, accurate or skewed.#JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Most of the time, when I think about judging myself, it has a negative connotation#journalchat
@writingthrulife That's why we keep journals; to empower ourselves with our words and how we see the world. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @mscator: There is a narrowness and finality to "judging" something. Words are powerful to me.#journalchat
RT @mscator: There is a narrowness and finality to "judging" something. Words are powerful to me.#journalchat
@mscator Narrowness, perhaps. Judging doesn't have to be final, though. That's why I encourage writing about it. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: @mscator good point. Judgment infers attaching an emotional or moral value to the decision. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: @mscator good point. Judgment infers attaching an emotional or moral value to the decision. #journalchat
Amber, How about the issue of judging ourselves; our journals can be gold for discerning if it's helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
Amber, How about the issue of judging ourselves; our journals can be gold for discerning if it's helpful or harmful. #JournalChat
for example, we judge someone as good or bad for us, and then we make a decision about him based on the judgment #journalchat
There is a narrowness and finality to "judging" something. Words are powerful to me. #journalchat
@mscator That's an interesting point, Leia. Decisions are based on our judgments; why did I choose to do this rather than that? #JournalChat
@mscator That's an interesting point, Leia. Decisions are based on our judgments; why did I choose to do this rather than that? #JournalChat
@writingthrulife Oh, I agree, Amber. Those are the ones that carry the most punch and affect our well being. #JournalChat #Journaling
@writingthrulife Oh, I agree, Amber. Those are the ones that carry the most punch and affect our well being. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat #journalchat Thanks Dawn. I'll be back sometime. Hope Tonya has other errands next week. :)
RT @writingthrulife: It's the judgments that carry emotion that call for deeper examination.#journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: It's the judgments that carry emotion that call for deeper examination.#journalchat
I think I prefer "assessment" or "decisions" to judgment. You decide where to eat, you do not judge where to eat. #journalchat
@writingthrulife don't we all do that, especially with caller id, right? why we choose these judgments is incredibly important. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife don't we all do that, especially with caller id, right? why we choose these judgments is incredibly important. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife #journalchat, Me too Amber. I have enjoyed this and the time has passed more quickly than I expected.
It's the judgments that carry emotion that call for deeper examination. #journalchat
@journalinabox It's been great having you, Yvonne. Look forward to seeing you again on #JournalChatLive.
When I think about it, I realize I'm making judgments constantly -- what to eat, what to do next, whether to answer the phone #journalchat
@writingthrulife That's where the power of#Journaling comes in; where we can know and choose on the page and in action. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife That's where the power of#Journaling comes in; where we can know and choose on the page and in action. #JournalChat
@journalinabox Well thanks for joining us! Would love to discuss these topics more with you.#journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: And once we know where they come from, we can consciously choose whether to keep them or not. #journalchat
@writingthrulife That comment about the mean girl made me laugh, Amber. That's a great example lots of folks can relate to. ;) #JournalChat
@writingthrulife That comment about the mean girl made me laugh, Amber. That's a great example lots of folks can relate to. ;) #JournalChat
#journalchat I'm so sorry ladies. I'm only going to be on a few more minutes. I've got to scoot soon. I'll come back another time. Had fun!
RT @writingthrulife: that emotions either serve us constructively or destructively.& judgment is part emotion, part thinking. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: that emotions either serve us constructively or destructively.& judgment is part emotion, part thinking. #journalchat
@JournalChat Exactly. And once we know where they come from, we can consciously choose whether to keep them or not. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Yes, I agree about emotions being available energy rather than "good" or "bad". I like to think ... #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Yes, I agree about emotions being available energy rather than "good" or "bad". I like to think ... #journalchat
@JournalChat Yes, like not liking someone just because she reminds you of that mean girl in grammar school. #journalchat
When we journal those memories we associate with our current experiences, we can see where our judgment derived from. #JournalChat
When we journal those memories we associate with our current experiences, we can see where our judgment derived from. #JournalChat
@journalinabox believe differently now in what ways? #journalchat
@writingthrulife I agree, Amber. We often associate what we see in people with past experiences that linger in our memory. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife I agree, Amber. We often associate what we see in people with past experiences that linger in our memory. #JournalChat
...that emotions either serve us constructively or destructively. And judgment is part emotion, part thinking. #journalchat
@journalinabox Yes, I agree about emotions being available energy rather than "good" or "bad". I like to think ... #journalchat
That's a good point Amber makes; are our judgments serving us? Are they enabling us to respond with the best energy? #JournalChat
That's a good point Amber makes; are our judgments serving us? Are they enabling us to respond with the best energy? #JournalChat
@writingthrulife @JournalChat #journalchat Yes, Amber. We've talked a great deal in our home about how we think and believe differently now
@JournalChat Yes, judgment may be associated with fear or with particular memories. #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: to question our assumptions and beliefs. Do they still hold true? Are they (and our judgments) serving us? #journalchat
It's helpful to think about all the ways judgment works positively, such as judging who and what may be dangerous, or unwanted #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: to question our assumptions and beliefs. Do they still hold true? Are they (and our judgments) serving us? #journalchat
If we dissect our emotions in a given situation with another, we may be able to discern why we see things a certain way. #Journalchat
If we dissect our emotions in a given situation with another, we may be able to discern why we see things a certain way. #Journalchat
@JournalChat Thanks, Dawn. That's my goal. To help us all think more deeply about our lives.#journalchat
@writingthrulife #journalchat Yes, Amber, we do. Wild and reckless though we are. :)
@writingthrulife I agree wholly, Amber. Sometimes the way we judge another in a situation can be harmful rather than helpful. #JournalChat
@writingthrulife I agree wholly, Amber. Sometimes the way we judge another in a situation can be harmful rather than helpful. #JournalChat
...to question our assumptions and beliefs. Do they still hold true? Are they (and our judgments) serving us? #journalchat
What judgment means to us can give interesting and revealing insight into how we think and respond to ourselves and others. #JournalChat
What judgment means to us can give interesting and revealing insight into how we think and respond to ourselves and others. #JournalChat
In many ways, I think our judgments are based on assumptions and beliefs, and I think it's always good to question ourselves... #journalchat
@writingthrulife You provide quite a list of#Journaling #prompts to help us dig deeper on this subject. Very helpful. #JournalChat
@journalinabox absolutely! And yet we want them to judge things the same way we do, right? :-)#journalchat
@journalinabox That's a good way to put it, Yvonne. How we use or respond to those emotions can determine a lot. #JournalChat #Journaling
@journalinabox That's a good way to put it, Yvonne. How we use or respond to those emotions can determine a lot. #JournalChat #Journaling
And that made me think about all the ways and reasons we judge. #journalchat
The topic came up because I had a conversation with a family member, and I felt he was being very judgmental -- negatively. #journalchat
@writingthrulife #journalchat Yes, Amber! We teach our kids to make judgement calls all the time -- for their safety.
RT @writingthrulife: Judgment is a survival skill, and how we develop it depends upon our upbringing, culture, etc. so... #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: Judgment is a survival skill, and how we develop it depends upon our upbringing, culture, etc. so... #journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: though we often think of judgment as negative, it has a positive side.#journalchat
RT @writingthrulife: though we often think of judgment as negative, it has a positive side.#journalchat
yes, it's very based on whatever information we have filtered through our emotions and experience.#journalchat
Amber, why did you choose this excellent topic? I'd love to hear any insights you have about#Journaling judgments. #JournalChat
Amber, why did you choose this excellent topic? I'd love to hear any insights you have about#Journaling judgments. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring #journalchat Yes, Dawn. I keep having this thought running about emotions being neither good or bad -- just available
Judgment is a survival skill, and how we develop it depends upon our upbringing, culture, etc. so...#journalchat
Hi everyone! One of the things I wanted to say is that though we often think of judgment as negative, it has a positive side. #journalchat
@journalinabox Emotions are such a powerful aspect to our judging on a daily basis. It's important to stay in tune. #JournalChat #Journaling
@journalinabox Emotions are such a powerful aspect to our judging on a daily basis. It's important to stay in tune. #JournalChat #Journaling
@writingthrulife Amber, so glad you can join us today on #JournalChat Live! Amber wrote our#journaling resource for today's chat.
RT @journalinabox: Honesty about ourselves will help. Not skewing others would be very difficult, indeed #JournalChat
RT @journalinabox: Honesty about ourselves will help. Not skewing others would be very difficult, indeed #JournalChat
@DawnHerring #journalchat Right Dawn. Write it to explore it. Including your emotions
Hi Dawn and all at #journalchat today. Sorry I'm a little late. Had a meeting outside the office and just got back.
@journalinabox That's great, Yvonne. New folks are always welcome to #JournalChat Live! :)
Amber suggests: Define what judging ourselves and others means. It can mean different things to different people. #JournalChat #Journaling
Amber suggests: Define what judging ourselves and others means. It can mean different things to different people. #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat #journalchat Thanks for letting me jump in Dawn. Tonya is off working on a project. So you get me the twitter newbie instead
@journalinabox Exactly, Yvonne. That's why we can use our journals to decipher our emotions in determining our judgments. #JournalChat
@journalinabox Exactly, Yvonne. That's why we can use our journals to decipher our emotions in determining our judgments. #JournalChat
@journalinabox Welcome to #JournalChat Live, Yvonne; great to have you today. :)
@mscator #journalchat you are right, Leia. We never have all the facts. Plus emotion can get in the way
@mscator That's an interesting point, Leia. We often judge based on our experience, on our perception, what WE know. #JournalChat
@mscator That's an interesting point, Leia. We often judge based on our experience, on our perception, what WE know. #JournalChat
How we judge ourselves or another can often be determined by personal experience, often with surfacing emotions. #Journaling #JournalChat
How we judge ourselves or another can often be determined by personal experience, often with surfacing emotions. #Journaling #JournalChat
@JournalChat #journalchat Thanks, I had been told to use the hashtag and forgot
When you judge, it is never accurate because you never have all the facts. #JournalChat
@journalinabox Love the great attitude, Yvonne! If you want to be part of the chat, use the#JournalChat hashtag in your tweet. :))
Whether we are judging ourselves or another, how do we know when the judgment is accurate or skewed? #Journaling #JournalChat
Whether we are judging ourselves or another, how do we know when the judgment is accurate or skewed? #Journaling #JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: And The Verdict Is...; we will discuss how we can journal to discern our judgments. #JournalChat
Our topic for today is Your #Journaling: And The Verdict Is...; we will discuss how we can journal to discern our judgments. #JournalChat
@mscator Welcome back to #JournalChat Live, Leia. It's always great to see you! :)
Our resource: A Week’s Worth of #JournalingPrompts: Judging Others, Judging Ourselves by Amber Starfire. #JournalChat ow.ly/aGFGi
Our resource: A Week’s Worth of #JournalingPrompts: Judging Others, Judging Ourselves by Amber Starfire. #JournalChat ow.ly/aGFDw
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, ortweetchat.com to follow along;please use#JournalChat as your hashtag in your tweet.#Journaling
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, ortweetchat.com to follow along;please use#JournalChat as your hashtag in your tweet.#Journaling
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper who is passionate about #Journaling.#JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper who is passionate about #Journaling.#JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
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