Join us next week, 1/12/11, at 5 EST/2 PST for#JournalChat Live; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Join us next week, 1/12/11, at 5 EST/2 PST for#JournalChat Live; #Journaling topic to be announced.
Special thanks to Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreativefor her post: Journal Listening, our #Journalingresource. #JournalChat
Special thanks to Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreativefor her post: Journal Listening, our #Journalingresource. #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
Thank you, Robyn, Terry, Sam, and Melanie for joining the conversation of The Voice of#Journaling: Yours! #JournalChat It's been fab. :)
Thank you, Robyn, Terry, Sam, and Melanie for joining the conversation of The Voice of#Journaling: Yours! #JournalChat It's been fab. :)
It's true. RT @DawnHerring Sometimes a #Promptcan get our #Journaling voice primed to uncover/discover our truth for today #JournalChat My recent blog post: Rewind, where I share some of my personal #Journalingtechniques #JournalChat My recent blog post: Rewind, where I share some of my personal #Journalingtechniques #JournalChat Sign up for Refresh Journal to help encourage and refresh your #Journaling voice with prompts and tips! #JournalChat Sign up for Refresh Journal to help encourage and refresh your #Journaling voice with prompts and tips! #JournalChat Sometimes a #Prompt can get our#Journaling voice primed to uncover/discover our truth for today #JournalChat Sometimes a #Prompt can get our#Journaling voice primed to uncover/discover our truth for today #JournalChat
There are so many ways to benefit from a#Journaling practice; and listening to our intuitive#Journaling voice is a big one! #JournalChat
There are so many ways to benefit from a#Journaling practice; and listening to our intuitive#Journaling voice is a big one! #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I can imagine how beneficial that must be; gives food for thought and consideration.#JournalChat #Journaling
@robynmcintyre I can imagine how beneficial that must be; gives food for thought and consideration.#JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat The process acts like a refinery; you distill the answer over the 5 days, rather than discover it #JournalChat #Journaling
When we see the positives to the change we make in our lives, it does reinforce our courage to keep going. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we see the positives to the change we make in our lives, it does reinforce our courage to keep going. #JournalChat #Journaling
@robynmcintyre How is that working out for you, Robyn? Any significant discoveries? #JournalChat#Journaling
@robynmcintyre How is that working out for you, Robyn? Any significant discoveries? #JournalChat#Journaling
RT @JournalChat: When we discover the root issue, we shrink our fears to manageable size so we can overcome them. #JournalChat #Journaling
@robynmcintyre It take strategy and small steps of action to get where we want to go. #Journalinghelps us work through them. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre It take strategy and small steps of action to get where we want to go. #Journalinghelps us work through them. #JournalChat
But our #Journaling voice also contains vibrant, wonderful, joyful things that bring a huge smile to our faces. Oh yes! #JournalChat
But our #Journaling voice also contains vibrant, wonderful, joyful things that bring a huge smile to our faces. Oh yes! #JournalChat
@DawnHerring Yes, and what we really want. I'm using the exercise frm last week: asking the sm question over 5 days #Journaling #JournalChat
When we discover the root issue, we often shrink our fears down to manageable size so we can overcome them. #JournalChat #Journaling
When we discover the root issue, we often shrink our fears down to manageable size so we can overcome them. #JournalChat #Journaling
But then we can also use our #Journaling process to uncover what we're afraid of. Get to the root of the problem. #JournalChat
But then we can also use our #Journaling process to uncover what we're afraid of. Get to the root of the problem. #JournalChat
Sometimes facing the truth on the journal pg takes courage; but when we listen, we benefit & our lives change for the better. #JournalChat
Sometimes facing the truth on the journal pg takes courage; but when we listen, we benefit & our lives change for the better. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Not wanting to dig deeper to perhaps even painful issues we have to discover.#JournalChat #Journaling
@robynmcintyre Not wanting to dig deeper to perhaps even painful issues we have to discover.#JournalChat #Journaling
@easyjournaling I so agree with that, Sam. We need to run to it rather than away from it.Our#Journaling voice is just waiting. #JournalChat
@easyjournaling I so agree with that, Sam. We need to run to it rather than away from it.Our#Journaling voice is just waiting. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: That's why #Journaling is a great way to problem solve; you can find answers you may not otherwise discover. #JournalChat
RT @easyjournaling: @journalchat When we fear journaling is probably when we need it most.#journalchat
It can truly be a scary proposition, since change often brings the unknown. But if we don't follow it, we're taking a risk. #JournalChat
It can truly be a scary proposition, since change often brings the unknown. But if we don't follow it, we're taking a risk. #JournalChat
@journalchat When we fear journaling is probably when we need it most. #journalchat
Have you ever run into a situation in your#Journaling practice when you didn't want to follow that intuition? #JournalChat
Have you ever run into a situation in your#Journaling practice when you didn't want to follow that intuition? #JournalChat
The more we listen to our #Journaling voice, the more we can begin to trust our intuition and follow it with confidence. #JournalChat
The more we listen to our #Journaling voice, the more we can begin to trust our intuition and follow it with confidence. #JournalChat
RT @easyjournaling: Thanks Dawn! Thanks for always remembering me :) #journalchat //no problem. :))
@robynmcintyre Good point, Robyn. Change often requires a bigger point of view and courage. Change requires action. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Good point, Robyn. Change often requires a bigger point of view and courage. Change requires action. #JournalChat
And we will begin to recognize that #Journalingwisdom when it shows itself; it becomes habit, Quinn shares. #JournalChat
And we will begin to recognize that #Journalingwisdom when it shows itself; it becomes habit, Quinn shares. #JournalChat
@JournalChat Which is why sm ppl are not self-discoverers; find an answer, you might have to take an action #Journaling #JournalChat
But as we walk through that change, we can continue to listen to that intuitive #Journaling voice and see how far we've come. #JournalChat
But as we walk through that change, we can continue to listen to that intuitive #Journaling voice and see how far we've come. #JournalChat
That can be the tricky part of the #Journalingprocess; sometimes change is necessary as a result of our discovery. #JournalChat
That can be the tricky part of the #Journalingprocess; sometimes change is necessary as a result of our discovery. #JournalChat
Quinn shares that your answer may not be what you hope for but it's what you need. #Journaling#JournalChat
Quinn shares that your answer may not be what you hope for but it's what you need. #Journaling#JournalChat
RT @easyjournaling: Just wanted to say I'm late but I'm here! #journalchat //Hey Sam, great to see you. Welcome. :)
You may find when you really listen to that intuitive#Journaling voice, you begin to see synchronicities occur. #JournalChat
That's why #Journaling is a great way to problem solve; you can find answers you may not otherwise discover. #JournalChat
That's why #Journaling is a great way to problem solve; you can find answers you may not otherwise discover. #JournalChat
I love it when my intuitive #Journaling voice has its say; it's often the answer to something perplexing me. #JournalChat
I love it when my intuitive #Journaling voice has its say; it's often the answer to something perplexing me. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre That's interesting, Robyn. Sometimes it takes time for us to absorb what we discover. It's worth the reread! #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre That's interesting, Robyn. Sometimes it takes time for us to absorb what we discover. It's worth the reread! #JournalChat
I have noticed in my own #Journaling practice, I can feel it in my gut. I have this 'oh, wow' feeling.#JournalChat
I have noticed in my own #Journaling practice, I can feel it in my gut. I have this 'oh, wow' feeling.#JournalChat
The truth our intuitive #Journaling voice can often be surprising, Quinn shares. We may not realize it when it happens. #JournalChat
The truth our intuitive #Journaling voice can often be surprising, Quinn shares. We may not realize it when it happens. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I find the profound when I re-read sometime later; it's then I'm usually at a point to hear it. #Journaling #JournalChat
But as Quinn mentions, it's easy to miss. That's why we have to keep our ears, our eyes, and our pens wide open to it. #JournalChat
But as Quinn mentions, it's easy to miss. That's why we have to keep our ears, our eyes, and our pens wide open to it. #JournalChat
Yes, listening and paying attention to your deeply intuitive #Journaling voice is one of the greatest benefits of the process. #JournalChat
Yes, listening and paying attention to your deeply intuitive #Journaling voice is one of the greatest benefits of the process. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Welcome, Robyn. Oh, I love how spontaneous this deep process of uncovering wisdom is. #Journaling #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Welcome, Robyn. Oh, I love how spontaneous this deep process of uncovering wisdom is. #Journaling #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @DawnHerring And perhaps oddly, you find profundity happens spontaneously#Journaling #JournalChat
That's what I love about the #Journaling process; you can never know when you're going to hit gold w/your #Journaling voice. #JournalChat
That's what I love about the #Journaling process; you can never know when you're going to hit gold w/your #Journaling voice. #JournalChat
It's when you have tunneled deep enough to be free from distraction and dig up truth, Quinn shares.#JournalChat #Journaling
It's when you have tunneled deep enough to be free from distraction and dig up truth, Quinn shares.#JournalChat #Journaling
Quinn describes it as "a deep connection to your own wisdom or a wisdom greater than yourself." Oh, yes! #Journaling #JournalChat
Quinn describes it as "a deep connection to your own wisdom or a wisdom greater than yourself." Oh, yes! #Journaling #JournalChat
But then you notice you've written something profound. It gets your attention.That's when you've hit on your #Journaling voice. #JournalChat
It can sometimes feel that way especially when you journal every day. #Journaling #JournalChat
It can sometimes feel that way especially when you journal every day. #Journaling #JournalChat
That description is no doubt what it can feel like when you're getting started. But that just the beginning of a journal entry. #JournalChat
That description is no doubt what it can feel like when you're getting started. But that just the beginning of a journal entry. #JournalChat
RT @melwyk: @DawnHerring love this idea.#journal is intuition made concrete, in words// that's a great way to put it! #JournalChat
I love how Quinn describes the process: "For a while, all the writing is pouring out of you in an endless flow." #Journaling #JournalChat
I love how Quinn describes the process: "For a while, all the writing is pouring out of you in an endless flow." #Journaling #JournalChat
@melwyk Thanks, Melanie for stopping in. Your better self. I love that. My intuitive voice is no doubt a good one! #JournalChat #Journaling
@melwyk Thanks, Melanie for stopping in. Your better self. I love that. My intuitive voice is no doubt a good one! #JournalChat #Journaling
When we write a journal entry with a stream of consciousness approach, we may not notice that voice right away. #Journaling #JournalChat
When we write a journal entry with a stream of consciousness approach, we may not notice that voice right away. #Journaling #JournalChat
I like to refer to my #Journaling voice as my intuition. As I journal, my intuitive voice has a place to vocalize. #JournalChat
I like to refer to my #Journaling voice as my intuition. As I journal, my intuitive voice has a place to vocalize. #JournalChat
@JournalChat can't stick around too long, but want to say that my "journaling voice" is my better self, in daily life ;) #journalchat
You may have heard different definitions of voice; such as a writer's voice. You can tell who wrote something by their voice. #JournalChat
You may have heard different definitions of voice; such as a writer's voice. You can tell who wrote something by their voice. #JournalChat
I love this topic. I love Quinn's approach to listening as we journal. It's easy to write; is it easy to listen?#Journaling #JournalChat
I love this topic. I love Quinn's approach to listening as we journal. It's easy to write; is it easy to listen?#Journaling #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how listening to their#Journaling voice has benefited them in their daily lives. #JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how listening to their#Journaling voice has benefited them in their daily lives. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: Our #Journaling resource is Journal Listening by Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreative #JournalChat
Our #Journaling resource is Journal Listening by Quinn McDonald @QuinnCreative
To follow along and contribute, I recommend Tweetdeck, hootsuite, or Use#JournalChat as your hashtag. #Journaling
To follow along and contribute, I recommend Tweetdeck, hootsuite, or Use#JournalChat as your hashtag. #Journaling
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years. I am passionate about#Journaling! #JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #journaling.
#JournalChat Live in five minutes 5 EST/2 PST; get ready to share how you listen to your #journalingvoice! The Voice of #Journaling: Yours!
#JournalChat Live in five minutes 5 EST/2 PST; get ready to share how you listen to your #journalingvoice! The Voice of #Journaling: Yours!
RT @quinncreative: Finally made it into#journalchat! //Yes, indeed, Quinn! :)
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