@jenniferajanes Just take it one day at a time; make it a priority; I wish you well! #Journaling#JournalChat
@JournalChat Thanks! :) I would just like to make it a daily, lifelong habit. #JournalChat
Enjoy 'checking in' with your #Journaling, and don't forget to refresh yourself. :) #JournalChat
Enjoy 'checking in' with your #Journaling, and don't forget to refresh yourself. :) #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling; join us next week, 2/3, at 5 EST/2 PST; topic to be announced.
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling; join us next week, 2/3, at 5 EST/2 PST; topic to be announced.
Special thanks goes to Bella Mahaya Carter for her#Journaling post, Keeping a Journal, our resource for today. #JournalChat
Special thanks goes to Bella Mahaya Carter for her#Journaling post, Keeping a Journal, our resource for today. #JournalChat
I want to thank you ladies for joining me on#JournalChat Live today; it's been fab having you!#Journaling
I want to thank you ladies for joining me on#JournalChat Live today; it's been fab having you!#Journaling
RT @JournalChat: @Simplyblisslife Awsome, Monique. I love it when that happens. :)#JournalChat /// I meant Awesome. ;)
Thanks for the opportunity to connect with other journal lovers.I enjoyed it!This was a great#journalchat pick. #DawnHerring #JournalChat
@Simplyblisslife Awsome, Monique. I love it when that happens. :) #JournalChat
ow.ly/8HQV9 For those interested...my #writingservices with my business JournalWriter Freelance. #Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/8HQTI For those interested...my #writingservices with my business JournalWriter Freelance. #Journaling #JournalChat
My journal entry has triggered certain topics, that I've turned into a blog post. #DawnHerring#JournalChat
ow.ly/8HQQU My weekly Refresh Journal can help you 'check in' with yourself each week w/ refreshing tips. #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/8HQOe My weekly Refresh Journal can help you 'check in' with yourself each week w/ refreshing tips. #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/8HQLQ For those who haven't read it..my blog post Rewind which I commiserated on in my journal. ;) #JournalChat #Journaling
ow.ly/8HQHa Sometimes a #Journaling#Prompt can help us get started when we check in with ourselves. #JournalChat
ow.ly/8HQFH Sometimes a #Journaling#Prompt can help us get started when we check in with ourselves. #JournalChat
@Scrapacat that's a great idea, Kyra. Keep the creative #writing juices flowing. #Journaling#JournalChat
I don't write blog posts, so much, but I do use that time for short writing exercises. #JournalChat
I often write ideas for my next blog post and work out the premise. But I don't usually write the whole post in my journal. #JournalChat
I often write ideas for my next blog post and work out the premise. But I don't usually write the whole post in my journal. #JournalChat
Bella mentions how her blog post started as a journal entry; anyone here write blog posts or seeds of them in your journal? #JournalChat
Bella mentions how her blog post started as a journal entry; anyone here write blog posts or seeds of them in your journal? #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I do find #Journaling to be a pleasure as Bella shares. I look forward to it.#JournalChat
@jenniferajanes Well, half filled notebooks are good, Jennifer. At least you're #Journalingsometimes. :) #JournalChat
I do find #Journaling to be a pleasure as Bella shares. I look forward to it. #JournalChat
I do find #Journaling to be a pleasure as Bella shares. I look forward to it. #JournalChat
@mscator That's a create way to look at journaling "creative problem solver" I like it! #DawnHerrign#JournalChat
@JournalChat Wow! I've got half-filled notebooks & journals all over. No consistency. #JournalChat
@Scrapacat Oh, I do feel relief after I've written my evening entry. Helps relax me. Great way to wrap up the day. #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @Scrapacat: I find writing just before bed is a wonderful way to prepare my brain for rest. Clears out the conflict & worry. #journalchat
RT @Scrapacat: I find writing just before bed is a wonderful way to prepare my brain for rest. Clears out the conflict & worry. #journalchat
@Simplyblisslife It does for me too, Monique. I can record what I did each day and decide what more needs doing! #Journaling #JournalChat
@Simplyblisslife It does for me too, Monique. I can record what I did each day and decide what more needs doing! #Journaling #JournalChat
RT @Simplyblisslife: It allows me to track the progress on the things I'm implementing in my business. #DawnHerring #JournalChat
RT @Simplyblisslife: It allows me to track the progress on the things I'm implementing in my business. #DawnHerring #JournalChat
I find writing just before bed is a wonderful way to prepare my brain for rest. Clears out the conflict & worry. #journaling #journalchat
When we give our #Journaling time that prioritizing importance, we can benefit so much in so many ways. #JournalChat
When we give our #Journaling time that prioritizing importance, we can benefit so much in so many ways. #JournalChat
Do you see your #Journaling time as sacred space, something you don't want to do without?#JournalChat
Do you see your #Journaling time as sacred space, something you don't want to do without?#JournalChat
Bella share she likes to enter that 'sacred space' in her #Journaling w/ writing being its own reward.#JournalChat
Bella share she likes to enter that 'sacred space' in her #Journaling w/ writing being its own reward.#JournalChat
It allows me to track the progress on the things I'm implementing in my business. #DawnHerring#JournalChat
I love working out issues in my #Journaling; it does help to clear the mental clutter for clarity in any situation. #JournalChat
@DawnHerring I should have said hello to the group - HI everyone! #journalchat @mscator - well said!
@mscator Wow, Leia. That's a loaded beneficial tweet for #Journaling! It does give us something to look back on. #JournalChat
@Scrapacat I like that approach, Kyra! Welcome. Putting things in order helps us stay organized.#JournalChat #Journaling
My journal is a timeline, gives historical perspective. Outline. Helps me develop goals & objectives. Creative Problemsolver. #JournalChat
As I 'check in' with myself each morning, I can make plans and review what I've already done in my work life. #JournalChat #Journaling
As I 'check in' with myself each morning, I can make plans and review what I've already done in my work life. #JournalChat #Journaling
By allowing me to focus and put things in order. Sequencing is important. How does #Journalinghelp to enhance your work life? #JournalChat
For me, #Journaling helps to keep me aware of the things and projects I want to accomplish.#JournalChat
For me, #Journaling helps to keep me aware of the things and projects I want to accomplish.#JournalChat
That attitude can help to free us up to write unfettered; and when we do, lots of great things happen! #Journaling #JournalChat
That attitude can help to free us up to write unfettered; and when we do, lots of great things happen! #Journaling #JournalChat
You are serious about your journaling time. :-) It's good to know what works for you when #journaling.#DawnHerring #JournalChat
But I like the fact that Bella expects nothing from her#Journaling as far as what she produces. No expectations. #JournalChat
But I like the fact that Bella expects nothing from her#Journaling as far as what she produces. No expectations. #JournalChat
Bellas also speaks as a writer in her #Journalingpractice and how it enhances her work.#JournalChat
Bellas also speaks as a writer in her #Journalingpractice and how it enhances her work.#JournalChat
And informed...we can only know what we put our minds to, and #Journaling helps us put in on the page. #JournalChat
And informed...we can only know what we put our minds to, and #Journaling helps us put in on the page. #JournalChat
Grounded...#Journaling helps us look at what works and what doesn't so we can make firm, wise choices each day. #JournalChat
Grounded...#Journaling helps us look at what works and what doesn't so we can make firm, wise choices each day. #JournalChat
Centered...#Journaling helps us meet with the concrete by putting our thoughts on the page.#JournalChat
Centered...#Journaling helps us meet with the concrete by putting our thoughts on the page.#JournalChat
@Simplyblisslife Oh, yes. Honest...we need to be upfront with ourselves to benefit from our 'checking in'. #Journaling #JournalChat
@Simplyblisslife I like the quiet; I even keep the cat out of the room when I journal in the am. No food or drink either. #JournalChat
@jenniferajanes 4 the first few years, my entries were more sporadic, but I've kept a daily journal 4 at least 23 of those yrs. #JournalChat
@jenniferajanes 4 the first few years, my entries were more sporadic, but I've kept a daily journal 4 at least 23 of those yrs. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: When I do my #Journaling, I'm paying attention to what matters to me, to my emotions, and what I want in life. #JournalChat
Thanks Dawn! This also resonates with me..."It keeps me honest, centered, grounded, and informed". #DawnHerring #JournalChat
Bella also mentions connecting with God or Spirit for that inner divine wisdom. #Journaling#JournalChat
Bella also mentions connecting with God or Spirit for that inner divine wisdom. #Journaling#JournalChat
I do.I usually get really comfortable,with a hot beverage, relaxing music when I journal. How about you all? #DawnHerring #JournalChat
@JournalChat I'm impressed that you've journaled that consistently! #JournalChat
I love the idea of taking that time to nurture my mind, my intuition (by listening), and my professional goals. #JournalChat #Journaling
@Simplyblisslife Welcome back, Monique! I'm glad that resonated with you too. :) #JournalChat#Journaling
When I do my #Journaling, I'm paying attention to what matters to me, to my emotions, and what I want in life. #JournalChat
When I do my #Journaling, I'm paying attention to what matters to me, to my emotions, and what I want in life. #JournalChat
Hello Journal writers! That stood out to me too Dawn.#DawnHerring #JournalChat
Have you ever consider a #Journaling practice to be nurturing? How do you think that might be true for you? #JournalChat
Have you ever consider a #Journaling practice to be nurturing? How do you think that might be true for you? #JournalChat
Bella shares that #Journaling provides precious time to nurture her relationship with herself. I love that. Nurture is vital. #JournalChat
Bella shares that #Journaling provides precious time to nurture her relationship with herself. I love that. Nurture is vital. #JournalChat
@mscator Oh, I know what you mean, Leia. Sometime if we go out in the am, I make it a point to get up earlier so I can journal. #JournalChat
@mscator Oh, I know what you mean, Leia. Sometime if we go out in the am, I make it a point to get up earlier so I can journal. #JournalChat
@jenniferajanes If you could repost your tweet with#JournalChat; that would be great; otherwise it's not in the feed.
@mscator Oh, I do too, Leia. I love taking time to write down my night dreams and my plans for the day. #Journaling #JournalChat
RT @mscator: Am creature of routine & ritual. It is nice to give myself 30 minutes to write, first thing, uninterrupted. #JournalChat
Am very greedy that way. Get up real early to do it.#Journaling #JournalChat
Bella sees #Journaling as conversing with herself; Oh, I agree! We should be communicating with ourselves every day. #JournalChat
Bella sees #Journaling as conversing with herself; Oh, I agree! We should be communicating with ourselves every day. #JournalChat
Am creature of routine & ritual. It is nice to give myself 30 minutes to write, first thing, uninterrupted.#Journaling #JournalChat
For me, it feels as if things don't jive quite as well if I don't take the time to 'check in' with my #Journaling.#JournalChat
For me, it feels as if things don't jive quite as well if I don't take the time to 'check in' with my #Journaling.#JournalChat
I have found such a difference in how#MorningPages really helps me to wrap the last evening up & start a new day. #Journaling#JournalChat
I have found such a difference in how#MorningPages really helps me to wrap the last evening up & start a new day. #Journaling#JournalChat
I love what Bella shares: My day is always better when I check in with myself first. #Journaling#JournalChat
I love what Bella shares: My day is always better when I check in with myself first. #Journaling#JournalChat
Folks are welcome to share how their #Journalingpractice helps them to 'check in' with themselves and enhance their life/work. #JournalChat
And to me, #Journaling is the perfect way and practice to check in with yourself to see what's going on & where you want to go. #JournalChat
And to me, #Journaling is the perfect way and practice to check in with yourself to see what's going on & where you want to go. #JournalChat
One of the things that stood out to me about Bella's post is the importance of making yourself a priority.#Journaling #JournalChat
One of the things that stood out to me about Bella's post is the importance of making yourself a priority.#Journaling #JournalChat
Resource is Keeping a Journal by Bella Mahaya Carter #JournalChat v/ @JournalChat // Hi Dawn. I am here.
I can relate to the importance of Checking In with myself each morning and the honoring difference it makes. #Journaling #JournalChat
I can relate to the importance of Checking In with myself each morning and the honoring difference it makes. #Journaling #JournalChat
She recognized how dishonoring of herself this was and decided to check in with herself through#Journaling first thing. #JournalChat
She recognized how dishonoring of herself this was and decided to check in with herself through#Journaling first thing. #JournalChat
She also mentions her experience with starting her day with emails instead of #Journaling.#JournalChat
She also mentions her experience with starting her day with emails instead of #Journaling.#JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring: ow.ly/8HNb5 Our#Journaling resource is Keeping a Journal by Bella Mahaya Carter. #JournalChat
Bella introduces her #Journaling routine with#MorningPages which she's been doing off and on for 30 years. #JournalChat
Bella introduces her #Journaling routine with#MorningPages which she's been doing off and on for 30 years. #JournalChat
Our topic for today's #JournalChat Live is Your#Journaling: Checking In.
Our topic for today's #JournalChat Live is Your#Journaling: Checking In.
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, ortweetchat.com to follow along. Use#JournalChat in your tweet to join in. #Journaling
I recommend tweetdeck, hootsuite, ortweetchat.com to follow along. Use#JournalChat in your tweet to join in. #Journaling
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years. I am passionate about#Journaling! :) #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 28 years. I am passionate about#Journaling! :) #JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
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