Enjoy your #Journaling, all, and don't forget to refresh yourself!! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling, all, and don't forget to refresh yourself!! #JournalChat
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week on 12/15/11 at 5 EST/2 PST. Topic to be announced! #Journaling
That wraps up this edition of #JournalChat Live; join us next week on 12/15/11 at 5 EST/2 PST. Topic to be announced! #Journaling
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/7TvSw For more info on#Journaling, including #Prompts, check out my resource page! #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: ow.ly/7TvSw For more info on#Journaling, including #Prompts, check out my resource page! #JournalChat
ow.ly/7Tw0x And my writing services for your magazine, newsletter, or website. :) #Journaling#JournalChat
ow.ly/7TvZ2 And my writing services for your magazine, newsletter, or website. :) #Journaling#JournalChat
@hdbbstephen It'll be great to have you back, Stephen. :) #JournalChat
ow.ly/7TvWF You're welcome to sign up for#RefreshJournal, for #JournalChat links and fab Refreshing Tips! #Journaling
ow.ly/7TvVg You're welcome to sign up for#RefreshJournal, for #JournalChat links and fab Refreshing Tips! #Journaling
ow.ly/7TvSw For more info on #Journaling, including #Prompts, check out my resource page!#JournalChat
@lighthouse4food Thank you! I look fwrd to helping any way I can. I also recommend my newsletterbit.ly/uPDeO9 (wink) #journalchat
@robynmcintyre It's been delightful to have you, Robyn. Glad you enjoyed it! #JournalChat
ow.ly/7TvPU Be sure to check out Stephen's post: 3 Ways to Increase Personal Awareness Through #Journaling. #JournalChat
ow.ly/7TvO0 Be sure to check out Stephen's post: 3 Ways to Increase Personal Awareness Through #Journaling. #JournalChat
Thanks so much, Stephen, for joining us today and answering questions! It's been fab having you!#JournalChat
Thanks so much, Stephen, for joining us today and answering questions! It's been fab having you!#JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @hdbbstephen Thanks for the reminder of why I journal and how it's important!#JournalChat
@lighthouse4food Thanks for joining us, Richard. There is always something to learn with#Journaling. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Yes, questions often spur further thought and writing! #JournalChat
thanks to @dawnherring. I intend to review @hdbbstephen site--and your online info.#journalchat. i have lots to learn!! #journalchat
@hdbbstephen Thanks for the reminder of why I journal and how it's important! #JournalChat
That was a great final word, Stephen. Thanks so much for sharing your #Journaling process with us.#JournalChat
That was a great final word, Stephen. Thanks so much for sharing your #Journaling process with us.#JournalChat
@JournalChat If anyone listening has a Q about#Journaling drop me a line, it might become an article! #JournalChat
RT @hdbbstephen: It's not good to get caught up in the minutiae, keep it short. Set aside time for#Journaling & thinking daily #JournalChat
RT @hdbbstephen: It's not good to get caught up in the minutiae, keep it short. Set aside time for#Journaling & thinking daily #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Thank you so much! I trust that it has been valuable to you. Let me know if I can help with anything #JournalChat
RT @journalchat: @hdbbstephen Is there anything more you'd like to add or share about your#Journaling practice, Stephen? #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Thanks for sharing your process - very impressive #JournalChat
@JournalChat It's not good to get caught up in the minutiae, keep it short. Set aside time for#Journaling & thinking daily #JournalChat
@claudecf Thanks for taking the time to join us, Claude. It was terrific to have you today!#JournalChat
@hdbbstephen @JournalChat Thanks for the great ideas and making me welcome, off to sleep almost midnight in Paris #JournalChat
@KimmieChevon Thanks for joining us, have a great night! #journalchat
@hdbbstephen Is there anything more you'd like to add or share about your #Journaling practice, Stephen? #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: so our #Journaling can help us prioritize our days; we can see what is working/what isn't and why. #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: so our #Journaling can help us prioritize our days; we can see what is working/what isn't and why. #JournalChat
@claudecf Sorry, DAL= Daily Activity Log. EoD= End of Day review. See bit.ly/rKy2Bh for more.#JournalChat
@kimmiechevon Thanks for joining us, Kimmie. It's been fab having you. :) #JournalChat
So much info & new ideas to try out. Thanks for a great chat @JournalChat & @hdbbstephen. Have a great evening guys! #journalchat
Setting and Achieving Goals is one of the great benefits of keeping a journal. #Journaling#JournalChat Help you prioritize/succeed!
RT @JournalChat: Our lives are multi-dimensional. That's what makes life & our understanding of it so fascinating. #Journaling. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Yes and identifying those goals in the first place! #JournalChat
@JournalChat Thanks. I just want to be the best me possible. #JournalChat
RT @hdbbstephen: With personal awareness you can know where you are & how close you are to achieving your goals. #JournalChat
@claudecf DAL is Daily Activity Log, EoD is End of Day review. #JournalChat
@JournalChat @robynmcintyre With personal awareness you can know where you are & how close you are to achieving your goals. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen so our #Journaling can help us prioritize our days; we can see what is working/what isn't and why. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Our lives are multi-dimensional. That's what makes life & our understanding of it so fascinating. #Journaling. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Such great personal awareness, Robyn. I love it! Connections, indeed. #JournalChat
@JournalChat The DAL reveals how I spent or invested my time. The EoD allows me to assign priorities for tomorrow #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Yes, it is cool to understand your own dream symbols, Robyn. It's a custom understanding of what matters to you.#JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Linkages, indeed. It's remarkabl when we discover how seemingly unrelated topics are revealed to be inseparable #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Tell us more about the energy and values entry you write in your journal at day's end.#JournalChat #Journaling
@hdbbstephen And when you reduce waste, you open up the energy in your day for more beneficial activity! #JournalChat
RT @hdbbstephen: @JournalChat Almost anything that you can measure, you can manage. Measuring waste is a good way to reduce it. #JournalChat
@JournalChat And linkages - you see the connections that you didn't before #JournalChat
@claudecf That's fantastic, Claude! I makes me happy to hear of one's success in #Journaling. :) I love it too! #JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @claudecf That's a great point, Claude. Over time yr purpose changes as you change w yr #Journaling practice. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf Something mysterious happens and you 'find yourself' in your pages! #journalchat
RT @hdbbstephen: @claudecf Soon it will turn to planning, forecasting, and getting things moving forward! #journalchat
@claudecf Hooray! Have you found any recurring patterns in review? #JournalChat
@JournalChat We all do and it's so cool to realize what the symbols mean to you! #JournalChat#Journaling
@kimmiechevon Just thinking about it is good. When you write it down, you may understand it even better. More details come. :) #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre I love that, Robyn, that you've come up with your own dream symbolism. We can all have our own! #JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Almost anything that you can measure, you can manage. Measuring waste is a good way to reduce it. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf Something mysterious happens and you find yourself in your pages! #journalchat
@claudecf That's a great point, Claude. Over time your purpose changes as you change with your#Journaling practice. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf Something mysterious happens and you 'find yourself' in your pages! #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf Something mysterious happens and you 'find yourself' in your pages! #journalchat
@hdbbstephen Yes, I can imagine that when what you plan doesn't happen when you want, your record helps see what needs doing. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen it has already begun! So I am more than pleased with my new journaling habit#JournalChat
@claudecf Something mysterious happens and you 'find yourself' in your pages! #journalchat
@hdbbstephen That's amazing how writing it down showed the 'waste'. Definitely bring awareness!#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: @kimmiechevon I think the more you write them down, the clearer they become. You may want to try it. :) #JournalChat
@claudecf Soon it will turn to planning, forecasting, and getting things moving forward! #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I do notice repetition over time as I write each morning. Helps me figure out the reason. #JournalChat
@JournalChat You may be right. There's this one I just had about a lion & a bear that I'm still trying to decipher. #journalchat
By recording my dreams over time I've learned my own dream symbolism, which helps me understand my un/sub conscious world#journalchat
@robynmcintyre I was stunned at how the focus of my journal's changed in five months. Used to be "getting rid of the trash" #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @hdbbstephen Yes; I was shocked at how often I journaled about some things, which helped me change them.#journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @hdbbstephen Yes; I was shocked at how often I journaled about some things, which helped me change them.#journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: I use journaling to talk to myself, identify underlying emotions, sort my thinking #journalchat
@JournalChat I benefit by keeping my non-productive time under control. Good for managing interruptions too #JournalChat #Journaling
@kimmiechevon I think the more you write them down, the clearer they become. You may want to try it. :) #JournalChat
@JournalChat I started wrking frm home again & not feeling very productive, tho I felt "busy" all day. Discovered lots of waste #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen I'm sure you'll think of something, Stephen! I get ones I don't know what to do w/either.They come in handy later. #JournalChat
@JournalChat I need to; I often find I don't understand something until I've 'explained' it to myself. #Journaling #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Yes; I was shocked at how often I journaled about some things, which helped me change them. #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I keep a separate dream journal, Robyn. I love recording my dreams first thing. I don't reread them tho. #JournalChat
@KimmieChevon @claudect, I wish I could tell you how to recall them. I forget some, but have many vivid dreams #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I love the idea of talking to yourself; most do outloud; #Journaling makes it even more concrete! #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: I use journaling to talk to myself, identify underlying emotions, sort my thinking #journalchat
@robynmcintyre I am one these unhappy people who cannot remember a dream! #journalchat I claim I don't dream at all, that must be why ;)
@robynmcintyre Good for finding patterns in behavior over time #journalchat
@hdbbstephen Stephen, what prompted you and how to you benefit most from your Daily Activity Log? #JournalChat #Journaling
RT @robynmcintyre: I use journaling to talk to myself, identify underlying emotions, sort my thinking #journalchat >>Awesome!
RT @robynmcintyre: I use journaling to talk to myself, identify underlying emotions, sort my thinking #journalchat >>Awesome!
@robynmcintyre Wow, now that's interesting. I wish I could remember most of my dreams. #journalchat
It seems every time I go to a store that carries journals or smaller notebooks, I'm always on the lookout. #JournalChat
@KimmieChevon I picked up matching set of 4, closeout at Office Max 3 yrs ago. They're unusual & I don't know what to do w/em #journalchat
and I discovered 750words.com a journaling site. I have terrible handwriting, so this helped#journalchat
@hdbbstephen I wholly Agree, Stephen. There is no wrong way to journal; just what is effective for you. #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf It takes a while to realize your process & what your journaling does for you #journalchat
I note my dreams in my journal and often understand their meaning by re-reading them later.#journalchat
@lighthouse4food I'm glad you're finding it helpful, Richard! :) #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen I love my journals! Love to fill those pages; so much to write about all the time.#JournalChat #Journaling
@JournalChat Do it. I wrote about it for a coupla years at my old blog... #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen @KimmieChevon Me too... I have a backlog already of different types, just waiting to be filled. #JournalChat
@kimmiechevon That's a great question since folks start for many different reasons! #Journaling#JournalChat
I use journaling to talk to myself, identify underlying emotions, sort my thinking #journalchat
@hdbbstephen I thought I was the only one that loved a notebook...I can't totally relate :)#journalchat
@bookmark_terry I love how Morning Pages helps me plan my day. It really works. I write my Critical 6 James Ray talks about. #JournalChat
@robynmcintyre The most important thing to remember is that you need to do only what works for *you*, tho I recommend the DAL #journalchat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf It takes a while to realize your process & what your journaling does for you #journalchat
@recthoughts Thanks! I'll have to look into that title. :) #JournalChat
RT @robynmcintyre: @claudecf It takes a while to realize your process & what your journaling does for you #journalchat
I'm 'listening' in @journalchat. Looks like it's going to be interesting and helpful to my personal journaling. #journalchat
@claudecf It takes a while to realize your process & what your journaling does for you #journalchat
@hdbbstephen I actually wrote out the plan for my day last night. Really opened my awareness to how I spend my time. #JournalChat
@KimmieChevon Plus I am a notebook junkie. Absolutely in love with a blank book! #journalchat
@KimmieChevon It started after college as a thing that I thought I should do, evolved gradually#journalchat
@worklifecreate Morning Pages are Perfect for clearing the head; I so agree. It's amazing how well it works. #JournalChat #Journaling
@hdbbstephen That system works really well for me. It is very cathartic and it clears my head for my work. #JournalChat
@JournalChat #journalchat GTD is the system in David Allen's book Getting Things Done, a productivity system.
@hdbbstephen It is amazing how our journals can reflect our personal process; we go with what works. Custom fit! #JournalChat #Journaling
@hdbbstephen It is amazing how our journals can reflect our personal process; we go with what works. Custom fit! #JournalChat #Journaling
@claudecf Good for you. The amount of record-keeping I do may seem daunting, but it keeps me going in the right direction #journalchat
@hdbbstephen well, I am a newbie, as I only started back in August, but I find journaling very helpful #journalchat
@RecThoughts I too use basic GTD principles, but the journal in the morn helps me clear my head & find open loops #journalchat
@RecThoughts I too use basic GTD principles, but the journal in the morn helps me clear my head & find open loops #journalchat
RT @JournalChat: I've become a huge fan of#MorningPages myself this year. Stream of Consciousness. Let it all out on the page!#JournalChat
RT @JournalChat: I've become a huge fan of#MorningPages myself this year. Stream of Consciousness. Let it all out on the page!#JournalChat
@robynmcintyre Robyn, I loved that idea too; really gets you thinking about how your actions affect everything. #Journaling #JournalChat
@claudecf Welcome, share your thoughts before you get too sleepy! #journalchat
@robynmcintyre It took me years ;-) but I find that it keeps my ADD in check & I can focus, maintain discipline #MorningPages #JournalChat
I've become a huge fan of #MorningPages myself this year. Stream of Consciousness. Let it all out on the page! #Journaling #JournalChat
I've become a huge fan of #MorningPages myself this year. Stream of Consciousness. Let it all out on the page! #Journaling #JournalChat
@JournalChat thanks for the invite #journalchat I'll follow for a short while as it is pretty late here
#journalchat I actually don't define my day in my journal, I use David Allen's GTD for that. In the journal I record what happens, ideas,etc
@hdbbstephen Wow. You're really thorough. How did you arrive at this process? #MorningPages#JournalChat
@hdbbstephen I absolutely love your approach, Stephen. It is so thorough and enlightening.#Journaling #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen I absolutely love your approach, Stephen. It is so thorough and enlightening.#Journaling #JournalChat
good afternoon from boaz, alabama. glad to 'listen' in. #journalchat #journalchat
@Bookmark_Terry @kimmiechevon@ChaoticKatieP Thanks, Ladies, for joining us on#JournalChat Live! #Journaling
@Bookmark_Terry @kimmiechevon@ChaoticKatieP Thanks, Ladies, for joining us on#JournalChat Live! #Journaling
@hdbbstephen It was my pleasure, Stephen. It's a great thorough post with great ideas just waiting to be shared. #Journaling #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen It was my pleasure, Stephen. It's a great thorough post with great ideas just waiting to be shared. #Journaling #JournalChat
@JournalChat I start with #MorningPages, a quick recap in my Book of Days, keep a Daily Activity Log, and End of Day review #JournalChat
Today's topic is #Journaling to Define Your Day. How do you define your day in your #Journalingpractice? #JournalChat
Today's topic is #Journaling to Define Your Day. How do you define your day in your #Journalingpractice? #JournalChat
@DawnHerring good morning from Australia, thanks for the invite x #journalchat
@DawnHerring Hi All. Thanks for inviting me as well, Dawn. #JournalChat
@hdbbstephen Great to have you, Stephen!! Thanks so much for joining us on #JournalChatLive today! #Journaling
@hdbbstephen Great to have you, Stephen!! Thanks so much for joining us on #JournalChatLive today! #Journaling
@RecThoughts I am on Volume 13, started on 8 Sept this year when I quit my day job. They go back to 1990 #journalchat
ow.ly/7TsEp Our #Journaling resource is 3 Ways to Increase Personal Awareness through#Journaling by Stephen Smith. #JournalChat
ow.ly/7TszY Our #Journaling resource is 3 Ways to Increase Personal Awareness through#Journaling by Stephen Smith. #JournalChat
I recommend Tweetdeck, Tweetchat.com or hootsuite to follow along; please use #JournalChatin your tweet to join in. #Journaling
I recommend Tweetdeck, Tweetchat.com or hootsuite to follow along; please use #JournalChatin your tweet to join in. #Journaling
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 27 years w/ over 50 journals filled. I am passionate about #Journaling! #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 27 years w/ over 50 journals filled. I am passionate about #Journaling! #JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
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