And we have a wonderful event in store for you journal keepers!
On September 2, 3, and 4, 2014, we will hold our first Journaling Panel Discussion with a very special topic, Your Journaling: Just Say Yes! featuring the following Special Guests:
Beth truly shows the evidence of how keeping a journal can benefit us in a myriad of ways to keep our bodies healthier and more resilient. Yes, when you write your journal entries, you are actually enhancing your body's health status and then some!
The Question we will be addressing and discussing:
Are you aware of the physical benefits of keeping a journal and if so, do you find yourself motivated to stay with the practice for better well being? Have you noticed a change in your physical well being as a result of your journaling practice?
Just Say Yes to Good Health with Your Journaling Practice!
Beth's BIO:
Beth Terrence is a Shaman, Holistic Health & Wellness Expert, Speaker and Writer. She has been working in the field of Holistic Healing and Transformation for over 18 years. This path evolved from her own healing journey through fibromyalgia and the impact of trauma on her life. Beth found that by taking a holistic approach to life and well-being, she was able to achieve of a state of happiness and wholeness that she never imagined was possible. Her mission is to support others in cultivating a heart-centered, balanced and joyful life through discovering the healer within.
Writing has always been one of Beth’s greatest passions. Since childhood, she has written poetry and kept a journal. Beth writes regularly on her blog, The Heart Of Awakening: Searching For A New Paradigm, an online resource for transformation and healing. She is a also an author, facilitator and program developer for Heal My Voice, an non-profit organization whose mission is to empower and support women and girls globally to heal, reclaim their voice and step into great leadership in their lives and the world. Her stories can be found in Inspired Voices: True Stories Of Visionary Women, Harmonic Voices: True Stories Of Women On The Path To Peace and Tender Voices: True Stories Of Women On A Journey Of Love.
Where To Connect With Beth:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook. com/bethterrence
HOA Facebook Page: theheartofawakening
Twitter: @BethTerrence
Linked In: in/bethterrence
Jen Morris will be the featured special guest on Wednesday, September 3, with a focus on her post, Journal Prompt: The Perfect Now.
Jen shares some profound insight into getting a new view of our lives by seeing the Perfection of Our Present and being grateful for What Is Right Now. We can use our journals to focus on the Good Stuff and gain a fresh perspective for our daily lives!
The Question we will be addressing and discussing:
Does focusing on the Present Moment help you appreciate your daily life experience more so versus writing about what is past or what could be in the future? How does writing about The Good Stuff of Now make a difference in your perspective?
Just Say Yes to the Present Moment with Your Journaling Practice!
Jen Morris's BIO:
Jen is a creative soul experimenting in various forms of journaling and other artistic pursuits to deepen her connection with her true self. She blogs about journaling, art journaling, creativity, overcoming fear, happiness, simplicity, self acceptance and being yourself. Jen is a teacher, life coach, writer, blogger and journal keeper.
Instagram: journalingdangerously
Twitter: DangerJournal
Facebook: journalingdangerously
Susan Ekins will be the featured special guest on Thursday, September 4, with a focus on her post, Making the Commitment.
Susan shares from personal experience her journaling strategy for determining a positive change in her life, specifically losing weight, by asking the questions, Why? and Why Not?, to help her get a fresh perspective on her resistance to positive change and to implement that change with no excuses!
The Question we will be addressing and discussing:
Does having a journaling strategy to gain clarity help you make better decisions for positive change? When using this strategy, such as asking Why? or Why Not?, you do find implementing that positive change easier and more effective?
Just Say Yes to Positive Change with Your Journaling Practice!
Susan's BIO:
Susan Ekins is a writer and blogger at Women Making Strides, which encourages women to take care of themselves and use their talents to better the world. She serves as her church’s librarian and is a community leader for Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Sue enjoys journaling and finds it beneficial in leading her life. Find Sue’s blog at and her Facebook page at
Blog - http://www.WomenMakingStrides.
Facebook page -
Twitter -
LinkedIn -
Pinterest -
Join us for our next #JournalChat Live Event featuring our topic, Your Journaling: Just Say Yes! with Beth Terrence, Jen Morris, and Sue Ekins as our special guests for our #JournalChat Live Facebook Group Journaling Panel on September 2, 3 and 4, 2014!
Each Question will be posted at approximately 2 CST for each day; comments and discussion are welcome on our Facebook Group at any time! (I do recommend comments during the 2-5 CST time frame for the greatest and best #JournalChat Live experience.)
Come join the conversation and enjoy the journaling comradarie! We look forward to "seeing" you there and hearing your journaling voices!
Just Say Yes to Health, the Present Moment, and to Positive Change in your life with your journaling practice as a most powerful tool for transformation and life enhancement.
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