Enjoy your #Journaling and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
Enjoy your #Journaling and don't forget to refresh yourself! #JournalChat
ow.ly/7xgbT For more #Journaling info, check out my #Journaling resource page on my website!#JournalChat
ow.ly/7xg9Q For more #Journaling info, check out my #Journaling resource page on my website!#JournalChat
ow.ly/7xg85 Sign up for Refresh Journal for#Journaling tips and links, #JournalChat Live highlights and refreshing tips!
ow.ly/7xg44 Sign up for Refresh Journal for#Journaling tips and links, #JournalChat Live highlights and refreshing tips!
#JournalChat Live will be on holiday for Thanksgiving next Thursday. Hope you all have a fabulous holiday! #Journaling
#JournalChat Live will be on holiday for Thanksgiving next Thursday. Hope you all have a fabulous holiday! #Journaling
Well, that wraps up this Edition of #JournalChatLive; join us next time on December 1st at 4 CST/2 PST; topic to be announced. #Journaling
Well, that wraps up this Edition of #JournalChatLive; join us next time on December 1st at 4 CST/2 PST; topic to be announced. #Journaling
RT @bryancohenbooks: Also, keep an eye out for my new book coming in December, 1,000 Character Writing Prompts, Part 1. Thanks!#JournalChat
RT @bryancohenbooks: Also, keep an eye out for my new book coming in December, 1,000 Character Writing Prompts, Part 1. Thanks!#JournalChat
@daisyconforti It's been great having you, Dina! So glad you joined us. :) and Glad you enjoyed it!#Journaling #JournalChat
RT @DawnHerring: RT @bryancohenbooks:1,000 Creative Writing Prompts is available now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form#JournalChat ow.ly/7xfK2
RT @bryancohenbooks:1,000 Creative Writing Prompts is available now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form #JournalChat ow.ly/7xfK2
RT @bryancohenbooks:1,000 Creative Writing Prompts is available now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form #JournalChat ow.ly/7xfK2
Also, keep an eye out for my new book coming in December, 1,000 Character Writing Prompts, Part 1. Thanks again! #JournalChat
1,000 Creative Writing Prompts is available now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form#JournalChat ow.ly/7xfK2
@DawnHerring I just want to say thank you for having me join in the conversation:)! I enjoyed it:)!#JournalChat
ow.ly/7xfBK Be sure to check out Bryan's post and his book 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts!#Journaling #JournalChat
ow.ly/7xfyU Be sure to check out Bryan's post and his book 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts!#Journaling #JournalChat
@dawnherring Thanks Dawn for having me. It's been fantastically fun #JournalChat
Bryan, thanks so much for joining us on#JournalChat Live today; it's been fabulous.#Journaling
Bryan, thanks so much for joining us on#JournalChat Live today; it's been fabulous.#Journaling
I'd love to know as well. Just tweet or message me.#Journaling can be such a fun activity!#JournalChat
I'd love to know as well. Just tweet or message me.#Journaling can be such a fun activity!#JournalChat
@dawnherring May I make a plug for my book of writing ideas? #JournalChat
Bryan invites folks to use his #Journaling idea for a new point of view; let him know how it works for you.#JournalChat
Bryan invites folks to use his #Journaling idea for a new point of view; let him know how it works for you.#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Yes, it is. We have personal power when we do that with our #Journaling. Awesome. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Yes, it is. We have personal power when we do that with our #Journaling. Awesome. #JournalChat
@dawnherring #JournalChat Thanks Dawn! If anyone ever wants to give them a try, they can always let me know how they go at my site :)...
:) @journalchat: @bryancohenbooks I think we might have, Bryan! All that good funny energy. ;D#Journaling #JournalChat ow.ly/7xf5v
Bryan, you have some super fab ideas for#Journaling entries that need some testing out! Love it! #JournalChat
Bryan, you have some super fab ideas for#Journaling entries that need some testing out! Love it! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I think we might have, Bryan! All that good funny energy. ;D #Journaling#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Oh yes! I love that idea; makes for an interesting journal entry and view of the value of our lives. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Oh yes! I love that idea; makes for an interesting journal entry and view of the value of our lives. #JournalChat
@dawnherring Especially considering that most ads try to take us down a notch. It's up to us to advertise ourselves back up #JournalChat :)
@bryancohenbooks Yes, that point of view can really perk things up, no doubt! :) #Journaling#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Yes, that point of view can really perk things up, no doubt! :) #Journaling#JournalChat
I think we're having technical issue with the Twitter feed.#JournalChat
@dawnherring I think we broke Twitter. Everything's going slowly, perhaps because of our#JournalChat :)
@dawnherring There's so much advertising around us all day, we might as well use all that influence to create our own life ad #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I think the Advertising Campaign sounds seriously validating as a point of view! #Journaling #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I think the Advertising Campaign sounds seriously validating as a point of view! #Journaling #JournalChat
@dawnherring The advertising? Haha, I know right? Well, if you're ever feeling down, a jingle never hurts #JournalChat
I think the Advertising Campaign sound like a seriously validating point of view! #Journaling#JournalChat
I think the Advertising Campaign sound like a seriously validating point of view! #Journaling#JournalChat
Now the Advertising campaign sounds like a seriously validating point of view! #Journaling#JournalChat
@journalchat Exactly. And instead of beating ourselves up about it, we write an alternative, happier, perfect version #JournalChat
#journaling is all about actually sitting down and thinking. Too many people don't think!#EarlNightingale #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks We can all use a little of that, Bryan. We can ask ourselves, how would I have done this differently? #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks We can all use a little of that, Bryan. We can ask ourselves, how would I have done this differently? #JournalChat
That's what #Journaling can do; make you more 'aware' of things you WANT to change; then do it!#JournalChat
That's what #Journaling can do; make you more 'aware' of things you WANT to change; then do it!#JournalChat
Once you've become aware of what change you would make, perhaps that's what you need to make that change! #JournalChat #Journaling
Once you've become aware of what change you would make, perhaps that's what you need to make that change! #JournalChat #Journaling
And since most of our days and thoughts don't change from day to day, maybe such a post could help you to snap out of a funk #JournalChat
I also love the idea of rewriting your day as perfect; that can really get you thinking on what you would change. #JournalChat #Journaling
I also love the idea of rewriting your day as perfect; that can really get you thinking on what you would change. #JournalChat #Journaling
Haha, he/she could pull it off :) @journalchat@daisyconforti Dina says Johnny Depp, the female version of course! #Journaling #JournalChat
Bryan has got those great Interview questions down, doesn't he? Really gets the imagination/perspective juiced! #JournalChat#Journaling
Bryan has got those great Interview questions down, doesn't he? Really gets the imagination/perspective juiced! #JournalChat#Journaling
@dawnherring Hehe, life is so funny sometimes. I'm not surprised in the slightest that #journaling is too :) #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Bryan, you are hilarious! That is so funny. Who would have thought #Journalingcould be so humorous! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Bryan, you are hilarious! That is so funny. Who would have thought #Journalingcould be so humorous! #JournalChat
@dawnherring Exactly! "What was going through your mind when you missed that bus? Did you consider going back to bed?" #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks And yet, I think our mundane things might not look so mundane if interviewed about them. ;) #Journaling #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks And yet, I think our mundane things might not look so mundane if interviewed about them. ;) #Journaling #JournalChat
"When you picked up that cornbread stuffing, did you know you were going to use it for dinner? Did it call to you?" #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I have no idea! Maybe Julie Andrews; I absolutely love her! What fun that would be! #JournalChat #Journaling
@bryancohenbooks I have no idea! Maybe Julie Andrews; I absolutely love her! What fun that would be! #JournalChat #Journaling
You read my mind! I was just going to bring #9 up. I think it would be so funny to be interviewed about typical mundane things #JournalChat
I also love the idea of a celebrity interview! #9 on Bryan's terrific list. What questions would you pose and answer?? #JournalChat
I also love the idea of a celebrity interview! #9 on Bryan's terrific list. What questions would you pose and answer?? #JournalChat
@dawnherring Thanks Dawn! Who do you think would play the movie version of you in your day? :)#JournalChat
@daisyconforti That is a good question! I guess we have to figure who we relate to the most as an actor/actress. Fun! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks That would work really well for those who write screenplays too! Such a cool#Journaling technique! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks That would work really well for those who write screenplays too! Such a cool#Journaling technique! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks :)! Im not sure who'd play me..I have to think about that one..@JournalChat Yes! More concrete:)!#JournalChat
@daisyconforti Also, who would play you and your friends. I think I would be a young Matthew Broderick :) #JournalChat
@daisyconforti Creating the movie version of your day in the form of a screenplay, what HW would keep and what they'd toss :) #JournalChat
@daisyconforti Oh, most definitely, Dina. And then we write about it in our journals. Then it becomes even more concrete. :) #JournalChat
Totally. I haven't read Ray myself, but I've heard of it as a similar concept. #JournalChat
Using your journal to write from that Bigger you person in the future is a great way to understand yrself better. #JournalChat #Journaling
Using your journal to write from that Bigger you person in the future is a great way to understand yrself better. #JournalChat #Journaling
You know, Bryan, that reminds of the Bigger You James Ray talks about in Harmonic Wealth.#JournalChat #Journaling
You know, Bryan, that reminds of the Bigger You James Ray talks about in Harmonic Wealth.#JournalChat #Journaling
I'm interested to see what people think of the Hollywood journal writing idea :) #JournalChatow.ly/7xcC5
@bryancohenbooks Oh, I love that movie, Bryan! I totally get that. #Journaling can be totally unexpected in it's effects. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Oh, I love that movie, Bryan! I totally get that. #Journaling can be totally unexpected in it's effects. #JournalChat
I agree! RT @journalchat I can imagine how your consciousness can really open up. But that's a great benefit of #Journaling. #JournalChat
@claudecf Thanks Claude! It's funny, when you sit down, you realize hundreds of little ways you have. And a few major ways! #JournalChat
@JournalChat It is part of our nature to watch and learn from everything that surrounds us-even if it teaches us how not to be #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I can imagine how your consciousness can really open up. But that's a great benefit of #Journaling. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I can imagine how your consciousness can really open up. But that's a great benefit of #Journaling. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks #journalchat this is a POV I feel like trying. Might let me have a peek at how much I've changed (or not)
It's kind of like that movie "The Matrix." You see your ideal version of you, except 5 years in the future#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I simply love that idea; with past, you see the change, if there is any; with future, use imagination! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I simply love that idea; with past, you see the change, if there is any; with future, use imagination! #JournalChat
I think I learned that concept first from blogger Erin Pavlina as part of a meditative exercise. It's pretty trippy! #JournalChat :)
I've also always been big at looking at myself from the perspective of a past or future version of myself#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Yes, I get a sense of new inspiration from the outside world and its "people"#JournalChat
Bryan, I think one of my favorites is #Journaling the point of view of your past self 5 years ago; how much we change or not. #JournalChat
Bryan, I think one of my favorites is #Journaling the point of view of your past self 5 years ago; how much we change or not. #JournalChat
@daisyconforti When I'm having writer's block, I love going out to a coffee shop to hear others talk. Helps a ton! #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Yes, that's a good point too. Changing it up is a good thing. Use it as it works for you. #JournalChat #Journaling
@daisyconforti Welcome, Dina! Yes, and you can use what they say to incorporate that new point of view! #JournalChat #Journaling
@bryancohenbooks That's a really good point, Bryan;it's a great angle to take to explore a your world/other worlds. #JournalChat #Journaling
@bryancohenbooks That's a really good point, Bryan;it's a great angle to take to explore a your world/other worlds. #JournalChat #Journaling
But seriously, I think it could be negative if you did it all the time. But if you do it every so often, should be OK #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I call it getting a fresh perspective! You never know what you'll discover. That's what makes it interesting. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I call it getting a fresh perspective! You never know what you'll discover. That's what makes it interesting. #JournalChat
Thanks! This is especially important for us journal writers who are also involved in fiction or other types of writing #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Do you think that pov would be negative or positive or a mix of both? #Journaling#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks Do you think that pov would be negative or positive or a mix of both? #Journaling#JournalChat
Listening and speaking with others always help me feel what I need to write... #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks You know, you're right about that. To see our day from someone's else's perspective: Wow. Insightful. #JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks You know, you're right about that. To see our day from someone's else's perspective: Wow. Insightful. #JournalChat
Giving yourself the #journaling gift of an "out of body experience" can really help you see your day in a new light #JournalChat
I love putting yourself in someone elses shoes. We tend to think a lot about ourselves and we don't always see how other see us #JournalChat
Bryan, the first one is interesting; #Journaling from the pov of a person you spent the most time with.#JournalChat
Bryan, the first one is interesting; #Journaling from the pov of a person you spent the most time with.#JournalChat
Has anyone who #Journals ever wanted to try a new technique that will give you a fresh perspective? #Journaling #JournalChat
Has anyone who #Journals ever wanted to try a new technique that will give you a fresh perspective? #Journaling #JournalChat
It can be tough to keep writing every day. Especially if your days are pretty similar each day. Sometimes a POV switch is key! #JournalChat
You have provided some very COOL and#Journaling Savvy ideas for our journal entries to have a new point of view! #JournalChat
You have provided some very COOL and#Journaling Savvy ideas for our journal entries to have a new point of view! #JournalChat
I would love to answer any questions anybody has about POV journaling #JournalChat #Journaling
@bryancohenbooks I'm delighted to have you join us, Bryan! Thanks for being here. :) #Journaling#JournalChat
@bryancohenbooks I'm delighted to have you join us, Bryan! Thanks for being here. :) #Journaling#JournalChat
Thanks so much for having me Dawn. This is really cool and tech-savvy. :) #JournalChat #Journaling
I recommend hootsuite, tweetdeck, ortweetchat.com to follow.. Use #JournalChat as your hashtag in your tweet to join us! #Journaling
I recommend hootsuite, tweetdeck, ortweetchat.com to follow.. Use #JournalChat as your hashtag in your tweet to join us! #Journaling
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 27 years with 50+ journals filled. I am passionate about #Journaling. #JournalChat
I am Dawn Herring, your host and avid journal keeper of 27 years with 50+ journals filled. I am passionate about #Journaling. #JournalChat
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
Welcome to this edition of #JournalChat Live for all things #Journaling.
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